After the Race

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Sonic’s POV

“Sonic! That was wonderful!” Miss Rose congratulated me on the race, “I had no idea you was so fast!”

I blushed and looked away trying to hide it. I was walking her to her car while carrying her books and papers and bunch of folders that she was going to take home to grade. Only when we finally got to her car there was a bunch of other people there. I didn’t recognize them so they weren’t from this school. The group of others was doing major damage to poor Miss Rose’s car, making dents in the side and slashed her tires with a knife.

“Hey!” I yelled at them, not thinking twice about what I could be getting myself into. They looked up at me leaving the car alone and began to walk towards us. “You uh, you go away!” I gulped looking at the knifes and muscled arms ready to strike. Maybe not the best of my intimidating sayings but I was working under pressure here, I was wanting to run more than to stay and fight.

“Hello police?! Yes we’re in front of All Star High School!” Miss Rose had already pulled out her cell phone and had called the police. Was she even the least upset about her car? She sounded so calm.

“The only things the cops will find when they get down here is both of you’re dead bodies in the back of that car.” One of the guys sneered.

“That’s it I’m not being a part of this, I’m out of here…” A female fox separated herself from the group and quickly took off down the street. With her gone the rest of the guys advanced and they kicked the books and papers from my hand, all of her work was scattered everywhere. Their hands gripped my shoulders and blocked my sight, they must have Miss Rose too, I headed her struggle and try to fight back.

“What a pretty flower we have here.” I heard him sneer, “I wouldn’t mind taking her back to my place and slowly pick her peddles off one, by one.”

“You’re disgusting!” Miss Rose hissed, “I’d rather die right here and now than go anywhere with you!”

“Oh… well then if that’s how you want it.” I heard a blade click open and Miss Rose struggle again. In the distance was an ambulance, or police sirens… maybe both?

“No!!” I yelled starting to kick and squirm frilling my quills up trying to poke anyone that was holding me down. Miss Rose let out a scream and I panicked even more. Miss Rose, would be dead and I couldn’t do anything to protect her… I got my foot loose and I began to kick with all my might at anything or anyone.

Suddenly a zap of electricity (or so it sounded) hit one of the attackers right in the back paralyzing them for a minute and had them on the ground. Everyone went still for a moment and looked around to see what happened. Was the police here? 

“I thought I made this fight clear to you in the parking lot.” Shadow’s voice was heard to my left, “it’s over. Drop them and leave.”

I was first to be dropped and I got to my feet quickly putting up my fist now ready to fight if I had to, only Shadow had come closer and stepped in front of me and bolt of chaos energy in his left hand. I looked up at him seeing the back of his head his quills raised slightly, he was… protecting me? I surly would have thought he’d careless about what happened to me.

“Sh-Shadow?” Miss Rose whimpered still having a knife placed at her throat.

There seemed to be a red aura of anger and rage glowing from Shadow’s body, without any hesitation he jumped into action and threw his chaos spear at the knife making it fly out of his hand and in no less than two second’s flat our attacker was on the ground his hands twisted behind his back and begging to be let go. The police serine soon came as well as the car racing down the street. The police jumped out their weapons drawn and yelled for no one to move. Only Shadow seemed to still be in a rage and was busy tearing up those guys like a savage dog with rabies.

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