Calling Fiona

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Scourge pov

I put the phone to my ear, amazing the hospital never updated it's phones to cordless. Maybe they were afraid people like me would tuck them in their jackets and be off with them, just to say we got away with it. Hell I would do it, not gonna lie! 

My heart sank; this has been the fourth ring and no answer yet... I should have known better. What else do you expect when you don't call a girl forever and a day? I sighed moving the phone away ready to hang up, not only was my bandaged stab wound hurting but my heart was too. I know it sounds real corny coming from a guy like me, but there's tightness in my chest and sharp pain cutting my breath short. I never meant to lose her. 

"Hello?" Her voice came from the phone just as I was about to drop it down on the machine. Tall about a stomach flip, I smacked the phone to my ear again almost screaming at her. 


"Who is this!? What do you want!?" She hissed. What? Oh the hospital must have come up as 'unknown' on her caller ID. That makes me 90% luckier that she picked up. 

"It's ME, Scourge!" I cried. 

"Scourge!?! How are you? What number are you calling from?"  She asked all in one sentence.

"The hospital, you told me to call you when I was in the hospital didn't you?" 

"I didn't actually think you'd do it." She said softly, "I mean why start calling me now when you never did after you moved." 

"HEY neither did you! You know the phone DOES work both ways. If you wanted to hear from me, why didn't you call me or something!?" 

She stood quite for a moment, "I wanted to know if you wanted to hear from me... After you didn't call I thought you was glad you left, you found someone else and didn't even want to be bothered with me anymore..." 

How in the world was I going to forget about an awesome chick like her!? 

"Fiona, there's no way on Mobius I could EVER replace a smoken' bad girl like you. You're everything I could dream of having and more. There isn't a day I went wondering the same thing, where my blood didn't boil over thinking about all the guys hitting on you trying to take my place. Not another woman could take the place by my side as perfect as you could baby." 

"Aw Scourge!" She cooed softly, "you’re such a sweet heart!" 

I know right, where did I even come up with all of that? It sounded like something from a sappy collection of love poems you would dust off in the library. 

"So the faults on both of us. None of us called each other and now I'm sitting in the hospital getting crappy food but awesome pain medicine." 

"Aw, I'm so sorry babe." She answered back, "I didn't want to hurt you too bad." 

"Na I'm fine, still alive aren't I? Anyway I wanted to ask you something." 

"Sure go ahead." 

"When you guys retreated, did they stop off at my school to beat up a teacher's car?" 

"Um yes they I suppose that's what they were doing. I didn't stay to take part." 

"Yeah well they just messed with the weapon of mass distraction's girlfriend." 

"That black guy?"

"Hah, yeah that one. Ol' stripes got a hard one for the math teacher and they just fucked up her car and laid hands on her. So that fight thing we had in that parking lot..." 

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