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3 weeks later
I decided I needed to confront Jared. My parents were skeptical about my meeting up with him, but I assured them, I would be ok. "I just need to get off my chest what he has done to me."
"Just be careful," my mom said.
As I sat waiting in the cafe for him, Jared came out of his office, and walked towards me. "Do you want to talk out here, or in my office?" He asked.
"Out here," I said, not trusting him.
"Where's that guy that was with you?"
"He went home." I said, on the verge of tears again.
"Do you love him?" He asked.
I nodded not trusting my voice.
"Look, I'm sorry for what I've done to you, I know it doesn't make up for everything, but I truly am sorry."
"That's the thing you say it and then 5 seconds later you're accusing me or Roman, of things that we had no control over. Do you really think I'd ever have done anything to our baby? Who the fuck do you think you are to accuse me of that?"
"I was angry when I saw you with him. I ...."
"I don't care what you want from me, it's not going to happen. We are not going to happen. There never was an us, because it was always about what you wanted me to do, you never gave a damn about what I wanted to do with my life. You never cared about my dreams. Hell you didn't even care about our child, because you walked away." I felt a stinging sensation spread across my face, as a woman stepped up to me. "How dare you talk to him like that you whore."
"Back off right now," I said to her, "this has nothing to do with you."
"It has everything to do with me, because I'm his girlfriend, Rebecca. And besides, he does care about his children, because I'm pregnant."
I snorted, "If he gave a damn about you then whys he trying to get back with me. God your so stupid. You can have him, I don't want him. I actually have a man who truly loves me for me and supports me through everything."
I knew in that moment I had to go find Roman, but as I turned to walk away, Jared grabbed my arm, "Let go of me."
As soon as I got home, I called Galina, knowing she'd know where roman was.
Galina: hello
Me: hey, I was wondering if you've seen Roman
Galina: yeah he's here, why what's up?
Me: I'm coming down there, I'll be on the next flight out, I need to see him
Galina: I don't think that's a good idea
Me: what do you mean?
Galina: I just don't think he will like it that you are coming here after what all has happened between you and Jared
Me: it was just that fight the other day
Galina: you don't know do you?
Me: know what?
Galina: it's all over the news about you and Jareds confrontation earlier
Me: wth I'm coming, I really need to talk to him, please I need him
Galina: ok, but I warned you
Me: I know
Galina: let me know when your flight gets in and I'll pick you up
Me: ok thanks

My flight landed in Pensacola, Galina picked me up and as we drove, she said, "I'm so sorry for all of this. He must've set you up."
"I feel so stupid right now. I've missed Roman."
"I know you have. He's missed you. But I'm going to tell you, he's angry with you for going there."
I nodded, blinking back tears. "How's JoJo?" I asked.
"She's excited that you're coming," Galina replied.
We pulled into the driveway, and JoJo came running out, squealing, "Melissa, you finally came to see me again." Leaping into my arms.
"Hi sweetie, gosh you've gotten so big and more beautiful since the last time I saw you." Looking up I saw Roman standing in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest. He turned and went back inside. My shoulders sagged, as I let out a sigh. "Daddy's mad at you, huh?"
"Yeah," I said.
"I can help you get him to not be mad at you anymore."
"Oh and how's that."
"Give him this," she said. Looking at it, my eyes widened, shit I thought, I forgot I had the ultrasound picture in my coat pocket, it must've fallen out when she leapt into my arms. Galina walked up to us, "What's that JoJo?"
She handed it to Galina, who's mouth dropped open, she smiled, "I say just hand him this first."
JoJo grabbed my hand and drug me inside. Roman was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands, "Why are you here? Don't you have someone else to be with?"
Galina took JoJo out of the room. I walked over and sat next to Roman, "No, I just want to be with you," I said handing him the ultrasound photo. I could see his jaw clench, and as reality set in, I could see a hint of a smile. "I wanted to tell you in person, I had no idea that whole thing was on the news and shit. I'm so sorry, I wanted to come after you the day you left, but I couldn't move."
"You're pregnant?" Was all he said, as his hand moved to my stomach.
"Yeah, we are."
He pulled me onto his lap, "Babygirl, I love you, and never forget that. But I'm still mad as all hell that you went to talk to him."
"At least you punched him for me, he looked scared when he even mentioned you."
"He better be," Roman said, touching my wrist, his brow furrowing, "whys your hand bruised?"
"As I went to leave he grabbed my arm, I didn't even realize it was bruised."
"I'm going to kill him for this."
"No you're not, I can't have you in prison while I'm pregnant babe."
"Can I at least hit him?"
I kissed him, giggling into his mouth.
"So while your here, let's go see my parents."
"Did your mom slap you upside the head yet?"
"No,but as soon as she sees you, she will."

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