Chapter 5

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(I'm back and ready to write!)

We were all sitting on the couch, catching up when someone walked through the door. Hunter, and Ashlyn? Why is she here? I though they "broke up" when he flew back to Arizona. I turned to Caroline "Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah I guess" she sighs.

I ignore Hunter and Ashlyn and turn back to the group. Let me tell you who is here, it's me, Caroline, Kasey, Weston, Mark(who hasn't talked to me since I got here), Simon, Jacob, Blake, Brandon, Hunter and Ashlyn.

Thats all of us, my family for 2 weeks. It's not perfect, but I love them. "We have about 1 hour before soundcheck. Who wants to play a game of truth or dare?" Simon smirks. "Let's do this" Blake says.

"Who's going first?" Mark asks. "I will" I say. "Weston. Truth or dare?" I smirk. He looks at me. I have the perfect dare for him. "Truth" he smiles. That wipes the devious smirk off of my face. I suck at truths. "If you had to switch bodies with one person in this room, who would it be?" I ask.

He thinks for a minute then looks at Blake. "I would be Blake" he says. Blake looks at him and starts to laugh. "Okayy. Now Weston you ask someone" I tell him. "Okay. Hmm, Mark. Truth or dare?" He asks.

"Dare" he smirks. Weston gets a devious look on his face. "I dare you to let anyone in the room tweet off of your account" he smirks. "Fine. But I get to pick who does it" Mark says. He looks around the room thinking of who to pick when his eyes land on me.

"Lexi. You do it" he says. I smirk. "Okay". He hands me his phone and I click to start writing. This is what I put "I'm so happy to have you guys in my life, but I think I'm going to stop broadcasting for good. It's just a lot you know? I'm so sorry, I love you guys so much though. I hope you understand❤️" and tweet.

"Here you go" I say handing Mark back his phone. He looks at me, "Read it" I tell him. He looks at his phone, surprised. "Lexi?! Why did you do that?" He asks sternly. Everyone else goes on their phone and reads the tweet, minted later they all burst out into laughter. I laugh too.

"Sorry, I had to it was hilarious though, you have to admit!" I say between laughter. "Mmk, my turn" he says. After about 20 minutes we ended the game because it was time for soundcheck.

"Alright guys, soundcheck time" a person opens the door and says. We all stand up and walk out of the room to the stage for soundcheck.

*after soundcheck*

"Guys look" I say peeking through the backstage curtain looking at all of our lovely supporters. "I'm so lucky" Weston says from behind me. "Why?" I ask turning to face him. "Because, I have all of those supporters out there and I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the whole wide world" he smiles cheesily,

"Thanks Weston, I love you" I say. "I love you too" he smiles. Just then he leans in to kiss me when we are rudely interrupted. "Guys the show is about to star-- woah was I interrupting something?" Simon smirks.

"Yes, yes you were. Very bad timing" Weston says. "Sorry, but we have to go, the show is starting" Simon tells us. "Okay we're coming" I say. "Well let's go!" I smile and take his hand and we walk over to where the rest of the guys were.

"Are y'all ready?" Hunter smiles. "Let's go!" We all yell in union. Then we all run into stage! I look out into the crowd and see all the screaming fans! It's amazing! "EVERYBODY READY?" Blake yells, really hype. The crowd screams really loud. "I CANT HERE YOU!" He yells again. The crowd screams louder.

"That's better" he smirks. "Okay so today we have a lot of things happening! Games! Singing! Dancing and more! Who wants to play a game first?" Weston asks. The crowd yells "TRUTH OR DARE!!". "So I guess we are playing truth or dare" he smirks.

We all get into our positions and partner up. I get Weston. He hands me the mic. "So the way this works is that we all partner up, like we just did, and each group picks one person and asks the other truth or dare. That's when we ask you guys for them." I say into the mic.

"Who's going first?" I ask. "We will! #bunter for life" Hunter and Blake smirk. I walk over and hand the mic to them. "Alright guys lets go. Blake truth or dare?" Hunter asks. "Hmmmm. Dare" he smirks. Wow they smirk a lot. "You heard him! Give us a dare!" Hunter yelled. Then a whole bunch of hands shot up.

"You! You in the pink shirt!" He smiles pointing at a girl in a pink shirt with blonde hair. "I DARE YOU TO DO THE WORM!!" (if you know what I mean, ilysm😂) She squeals. "You heard her! Play the music!!" Hunter yells and a song plays. Then Blake gets on the ground and does the worm. The girls go wild, I let out a little chant myself.

*after show now to pictures*

The show ended and let me tell you, it was lit. We were all so hype and I had a BLAST! I can't wait for the rest of tour. It's gonna be hype! We are all walking to our stations for pictures. I get to mine and a girl walks up to me smiling like crazy. She has blonde hair and a pink shirt, that's the girl that gave the dare for Blake to do the worm. I smile.

She runs up to me and I embrace her into a hug! "Oh my gosh, I love you so much!" She says as I let go of the hug. "Awh! I love you too!" I smile. "I'm 43 days clean thanks to you!" She smiles showing me her wrists. I see scars, they are healing but they are visible. "I'm so happy for you! Stay strong. Promise me you will stop?" I ask. "Promise" she smiles. "Let's take a selfie!" I smile.

She holds out her phone and we take a bunch of selfies. I take her phone. "I'm going to put my number in, text me if you need anything! Loves you lots!" I smile. I also follow her on her social media. "Thanks so much!" She smiles and walks to the next person.

I love this so much, I'm literally the luckiest person ever...

(A/N : IM BACK BABESS! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I loves you all sm, bye cutiess💜)

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