Chapter 12

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*Caroline's POV*
It's been 1 hour since that accident happened. We haven't heard anything about how Lexi is doing. I'm really worried, my bestfriend could be on her death bed and I didn't even get to say goodbye....

*Lexi's POV*
A light flashes and I'm now standing in an operating room. I look at the doctors that are surrounding a body doing surgery on her. I walk closer so I can get a peek of who it was. When I reach the table I see... Meyself? I'm connected to fluids. There is needles in my arms. The doctors are operating on me, but why?

What happened? I'm right here. Why am I there? I stumble back from the table. "Hello?" I yell. Nobody answers. I look at the thing that tells my heartbeat. It's going really fast. "Her heart is shutting down. Shock her fast" a doctor says. Another doctor grabs the defibrillator. She rubs the shock things together and hovers them above my body.

"CLEAR" she yells before sending an electric shock through my body. I shudder at the sight. I close my eyes and when I open them I'm in a different place. I look around and see that it's a waiting room inside of the hospital.

"Hey Buttercup" someone said from behind. The only person who calls me buttercup is my dad... I turn around. "Dad?" I say. He smiles and nods his head. I run up to him and embrace him into a hug. "I've missed you so much dad. I never got the chance to say goodbye..." I sigh. "I've missed you too, buttercup, but this isn't why I'm here today" he says and pulls back from the hug.

I look at him confused. "Then why are you here?" I ask. "I'm here to help you make a choice" he says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Let's take a walk" he says, I nod my head and we start walking. "As you know, you are on an operating table right now. Soon you will be put into a coma. It's your choice weather to want to wake up or not." He tells me.

I have to choose weather I want to stay with my friends and family or leave them... "But dad, I can't make that choice" I sigh. "But honey, you have to." He says. I close my eyes but when I open them this time I am in front of my friends and family.

Everyone is here.. my mom showed up, Lucas came and so did Jason, I haven't seen any of them in ages. I look over and see Weston comforting Caroline who was balling her eyes out.

"These people are your family" my dad starts, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Even if some of them are just your friends they are much more, they love you Lex." He says. Then a doctor walks towards them. Weston stands up.

"I'm sorry... She made it out of surgery but she is in a coma and we don't know if she will wake up..." The doctor sighs. Caroline cries even more now. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE WONT WAKE UP?! SHE HAS TO I CANT LIVE WITHOUT HER" Weston yells, tears falling from his eyes.

That's when my heart breaks into a million pieces. I broke my one true loves heart just because I don't know if I want to stay or not.. "I'm sorry sir. You can go in and see her if you would like.. To say your final goodbyes" the doctor tells them. Weston walks into the room first.

"I'm sorry buttercup I have to go now, I hope you make the right choice. Follow your heart" my dad says. I give him the biggest hug. "I love you dad, I miss you so much" I sigh. "I love you too, but I will always be right here" he says pointing to my heart. Then I close my eyes and open then again and he is gone..

Now I am in a room beside a bed. Weston is sitting in a chair beside the bed and then I look and my lifeless body is there, barely breathing. He takes me hand, tears falling from his eyes.

Then he takes out a piece of paper from his pocket, it's a letter. I walk over to him so I can see the note. It reads;

Dear Lexi, my one true love,

These are the words that I wish I could have told you before all of this happened. Last year I was a complete jerk to you, but it wasn't on purpose. At the beginning of the new school year I was bestfriends with this beautiful, amazing girl named Lexi. I loved this girl, she made me smile when I was down, happy when I was sad... She was my whole world. Then everything changed when Amanda got into the picture. She made me stop talking to you otherwise she would hurt you and your family, I couldn't watch you get hurt Lex, I hope you understand.. Now you might never wake up, and it's Amanda's fault. She is the one who shot you.. I regret ever hanging out with her. I could have protected you but now I can't.. I regret not being there for you when you needed me most. You are the most amazing person in the whole world. You are so smart, funny, beautiful, kind, shall I go on? I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you, you are my world. Please wake up baby girl, I need you...

He read the letter out loud, his face was tear stained by the end. Amanda that little... Nevermind... He then folded the letter up and placed it into my hand. He stood up and kissed my forehead and said, "I hope you wake up, but if not its okay. I love and miss you baby girl" then kissed my cheek and started to walk out of the room.

At that point I knew I needed to wake up. I had to. I can't leave everything behind. I close my eyes, holding them shut really tightly..

*Weston's POV*
I soon as I had my hand on the door knob the thing connected to Lexi's heart started beating really fast. I run up to her. "DOCTOR, I NEED A DOCTOR!" I yell and soon enough a doctor came barging through the door.

He runs up to Lexi and looks at the beeper thing. "What happened?"he asked me. "I was about to leave and her heart monitor started beeping really fast" I tell him. "He looks at the monitor. "This is good! She might wake up" he smiles.

My face lights up with excitement. "Really?" I say. He smiles, "It's a one shot chance and I've never seen it before but yes, it's possible" he says. That's when I hear something groan. "Lexi? If you hear me make a sound" I say.

She groans again. "SHES AWAKE" I yell. Then her eyes flicker. They flicker again, that's when they open...

*Lexi's POV*
My eyes flicker open and I see someone standing over me. I did it, I'm awake. Now, is this what I really wanted?


A/N : I updated yay! It was sucky though :( I hope you liked it! Loves you all sm, bye cutiess💜

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