Chapter 15

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Waking up in the morning can be hard for some people, but to me it's the best thing in life. Mornings remind me of the Disney movies where the princess gets the happy ending at the end of the day. That's why I wake up early, maybe starting my day off early can lead to a happy ending to another day.

But as I said, for others is extremely tough. "Get up guys, we leave for Pennsylvania today!" I yell, yanking the covers off of each of the girls, signaling them to wake up. "Ughh but it's-" Ashlyn pauses, "5:30 am" she groans. If I haven't told you yet, Ashlyn and I are good now, yes I was mad for a long time about what she had done to my bestfriend but I've learned not to hold a grudge for something for so long.

1; You never know what day will be your last. 2; Live life to its fullest.

I walk over to the light switch and flip it on. "Turn it offfff" Kasey says. "Nope, you all need to get up. Our flight leaves at 10 and we need to be at the airport at 9:30. The drive to the airport is about 20 minutes" I say.

They complain for a bit but soon get up after I threaten to shove a bucket of ice at each of them. I was packed already and dressed in my airplane outfit. It was some sweatpants and one of Weston's sweatshirts, paired with my uggs.
Ha, I know right, basic white girl. Just give me a Starbucks and I'll be complete. Haha no.

I threw my hair into a messy bun--more like rats nest--because it was just an airplane full of people I might never see again. After everyone is up and dressed and packed, making sure we cleaned up the hotel--leaving it as we found it--we all walk over to the boys rooms.

When we reach their rooms we see that everyone is already packed, dressed AND they cleaned up the rooms. Very impressed.

Simon decided to stay in NY with Kelly since they haven't seen eachother but will be meeting is in Pennsylvania tomorrow. Jacob is also staying because did I mention he got a call from MAGCON to go on tour with them? Well he did and the first stop is NY. That only leaves Me, Caroline, Kasey, Ashlyn, Weston, Blake, Hunter, Mark and Brandon.

*skip to plane ride*

We finally arrived to the airport, gone through security and baggage check. Now we are heading to the boarding station. I hand my ticket to the lady and smile. "Have a nice flight" she replies, smiling. I nod my head as I board the plane.

Seat 36b

I looked for my seat for what felt like forever, but I finally found it and sat down. Luckily Mark was the seat beside me. Sadly it wasn't Weston but I was glad to talk to Mark as well.

I didn't realize we took off because I plugged my headphones into my ears. The clouds are so fluffy and pink. Well not bright pink but more of a refreshing shade of pink. Either way I loved it.

"How's the weather out there?" I jumped up, startled because someone actually asked a question loud enough for me to hear over my headphones. Which is impossible because I tune out the world and turn my volume up when listening to music.

I take my headphones out and look at Mark. "Mark, you startled me" I playfully punched his arm. "Ouch" he fake pouted and held the spot where I punched him. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you" he says, laughing now.

"It's okay, but since you asked, the weather is amazing. Not a cloud in t-" the airplane suddenly shifts and shakes. I turn my attention back outside of the window. It's dark. Extremely dark. The clouds that were once pink are down a dark grey shade and it looks like it's going to rain.

But how? I was just looking outside a minute ago, the clouds were pink and perfect. I guess that explains how much things can change in a minute.

"I changed my mind. The weather was perfect. It's now dark and gloomy." I pouted. Mark laughs, "It's gonna be o--" the airplane shakes again. That's when the intercom lady speaks;

"Everyone remain calm, we are just experiencing some turbulence from the bad weather. The pilots are professional and I'm sure they have everything under control so just remain in your seats and stay calm." she says, holding back all of the nervousness of not knowing what's going to happen next.

Again, the plane shakes. It's now raining really bad. I start to tense up and get more worried by the second. What if they don't have it under control? What if the plane goes down? What if we don't survive? What if . . .

The world is full of 'what if's'. It's not the anxiety of knowing if something could happen. It's the adrenaline from knowing something is happening as we speak. Which is right now.

Then the plane shakes once more, that's when I lose it. Along with many other passengers on board. I swear, I can't have one normal trip somewhere without something bad happening. So much for that "happy ending" I was going for.

"M-mark what if-" no I'm done with what if's. "I mean, what happens if they don't have it under control? Will they land it somewhere else? Like a lay over?" I ask him, shaking, nervous for his answer.

He notices that I'm shaking and pulls me into his chest, I lay my head on his shoulder. "I'm not sure yet Lex. But I know that they probably have it under control. Just don't worry." He says.

Probably. They probably have it under control, which means they don't. They can't, can they?

The plane shakes again, but different this time. There is a thud. A loud one, not thunder but something else. I look out of the window and see something that I never wish to see.

Half of the plane wing was gone. We were tilting. People were screaming but I was blocking them out. The ground was suddenly getting closer and closer. Mark pulls me to him, holding me close telling me everything's gonna be okay. I put on the oxygen mask, along with everyone else.

It's me, the airplane wall, and the ground. The ground. Marks grip gets tighter and tighter around me. I ignore it, I'm in total shock . . . Then suddenly, the screaming stops and the world around me is no more.

A/N : so how'd you like it? I'd love to see your thoughts about it! I was determined to update today and I did! This is one of my favorite chapters, not because of the airplane things but because I'm trying a new writing technic and I think it's working! I hope it is, what do you guys think? Xx💜

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