Chapter 19

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•Marks POV•
Lexi's mom just went in to see Lexi. She's been in there for about 10 minutes. Everyone else has seen her except for me.

Weston hasn't come back since he seen her. Nobody knows where he went but everyone is to busy I guess. So I decide to go find him.

I tell everyone where I'm going then head to the elevators. I know for a fact that he wouldn't leave the hospital so I think I have an idea of where he is.

I click the button thy says 'roof' and it takes me to the roof. When I reach the roof the wind hits me with a cool breeze. I walk around for a bit then I see him sitting over the edge.

I walk over and sit beside him. "Are you okay?" I ask. He just nods his head but I can see his face where he has been crying. Tears still peeping underneath his eyelids.

"Lexi wouldn't want you to be sad for her" I try to comfort him. "How would you know?" He asks. I shake my head, "I don't know but I know you need to be strong just like the rest of us. Lexi lived a good life. You probably made it better for her, getting your supporters to watch her and support her. Getting her on tour. . ." I sigh.

"It's not about the fame. I haven't gone live on Younow in days. The supporters don't know the real reason why we canceled the rest of the tour. They don't know Lexi is about to. . . you know" his voice cracks from crying so much.

I feel tears coming but I hold them back. "She is going to be okay" I lie. She's not okay. "No she's not" he caught on. "Don't try and make me feel better, Mark. I know she's not okay. Is anyone okay really?" He says, tears rolling down his cheeks.

I don't have an answer to that really. The last few weeks have been a living nightmare. I haven't even gotten over the fact that we were in a plane crash. . .

I can't imaging what Weston must be feeling right now, he's losing the love of his life. I love Lexi as well but as a friend.

I don't know what we are going to do without her.

Then my phone buzzes. It's from Hunter.

Hunter: I think it's time Mark. Come and say your goodbyes...

Me: I'm coming

I put my phone away and stand up. "C'mon Wes, we need to go" I sigh. He nods his head and stands up.

We walk over to the elevator and go down to her room.

•Caroline's POV•
"It's time" the doctor tells us. I should have known she wouldn't be okay.. I seen it coming but yet I let myself believe she was going to be okay and come home today.

Wow, did I lie to myself or what?

Mark found Weston and they said their goodbyes once more then we all came into the room.

I walked over and got onto the hospital bed beside of Lex. Weston was holding one hand and Lexi's mom was holding the other. This is really it. . .

The last time I saw my bestfriend I saw her on an island, on a plane crash and I didn't even get to say a real goodbye.

Lexi's mom is bawling her eyes out, just as me. Just as everyone.

"Are you sure?" The doctor asks standing at the machine hooked up to Lexi, helping her breath.

Her mom nods her head and the doctor nods his head and flips a switch.

beeeeep. . . beeeeeeep. . . beeeeeeeeep

It's over. Her heart stops and she's not breathing. The machine makes a noise then stops.

That's when reality hits me in the face. My bestfriend is gone. She's gone. . .

She was only 13 and she's gone. . .

I am losing it now. I start crying really hard and loud and I hug Lexi really tight. "PLEASE WAKE UP. PLEASE LEX. YOU CANT GO. YOU CANT LEAVE. PLEASE. You can't go.. Please.."

Blake pulls me off of her and pulls me close to him. I bury my head into his chest and cry my heart out.

"I'm sorry for your lose" the doctor says before leaving the room.

•Weston's POV•
She's gone. . . It's all my fault. If I never had hit her with that stupid door when we met then she wouldn't have gotten big on Younow and she wouldn't have went on that stupid plane for the tour and crashed, then she would still be here.

It's my fault. I'm an idiot. I loved her but I'm the one who killed her. It's my fault. UGH WHY AM I SO STUPID?!

I am siting infront of my girlfriends lifeless body, crying my eyes out because of something I did.

"C'mon Weston. It's time to go now" Mark says. I nod my head and stand up. I lean over Lex and plant one last kiss on her cold, lifeless lips. Then I follow Mark out of the room with everyone else.

I can't believe it. . . My life, my world, my everything is gone. It's over, what am I supposed to do with life now?

A/N : This was the saddest chapter I've written in this series. Sadly there is only one more chapter in this series and then it's over :( I will write a special message at the end though, and I will have more books coming soon so be on the look out! I love you all so much, stay beautiful💜

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