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We stood before the council members who had just heard our story. I knew they wouldn't kill him because if they did they would make enemies of me, my sisters, and Luke.   Finally an elderly council member named Selma approached us.

She led us out and said "Come on dearies your free to go.  Do you need a guest room Eli? Matthew?"

I looked at Matt and he answered "No thank you I'm going home. Eli, if you want you can spend the night in my guest room."

I nodded and hid my smile while we walked towards Matt's car.  As we walked I glanced backwards and saw Selma grinning at me.  When she noticed I was looking she gave me a thumbs up before turning back to the council's meeting room.

After about a four hour drive we pulled into Matt's drive way.  He showed me around the house and told me that he had work in the morning but would come back for lunch.

"What do you do?" I asked trying to learn more about him.

"Well when I'm not at Phoenix University I work as a bellhop at a hotel" He told me his cheeks a faint pink.

"That's great" I said smiling.

"Thanks" he told me leaning against the door frame.  "I'll leave now so you can get settled in."

AS he left the room I watched him and decided that I needed to talk to some one about my human mate.  I looked at the time and realized Luke's mate Sabrina would be the least busy.

I took out my mobile phone and dialed her number.

"Hello" She answered in a cheerful voice.

"Hi It's Eli" I told her.

Immediately her voice became concerned and she asked "Are you okay? You never call unless something is wrong."

"I'm fine" I reassured her. "But I met my mate today."

"Really" She said before I cut her off.

"He's human"

"Well shit." She answered.  "Tell me everything"

I did and we talked more about what to do.  The only advice she had for me was not too rush anything.

"Will you tell the others I have to go to bed now" I said into the phone as I pulled the covers on my bed back.

"Sure thing" Sabrina told me.

"Thanks" I told her.  "Bye"

"Good night"

With that I hung the phone and turned to set it on the night stand by the bed.   I turned and caught a glimpse of something in the window.  I narrowed my eyes and looked harder.  Then I realized what is was and stumbled backwards dropping the phone.

That's when all hell broke lose.

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