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"Encore, encore, encore!" the crowd of thousands chanted. The venue had sold out in a matter of hours, just as almost every show of the band's current tour did.

The four-piece band returned to the stage, beginning their hit song Cliffs, which they usually played as their encore, considering its popularity.

Josh Farro sung lead vocals and played rhythm guitar, his good friend Taylor York on lead guitar, and sang backup vocals. Zac Farro was behind it all on drums. On bass was the bearded Jeremy Davis. Off topic, but the amount of times they dared Jeremy to shave his face was rather high. Even when they offered him money to do it, he refused. It was like his child.

There was a small part toward the end of the song where the entire band would sing, including Zac and Jeremy. Zac pulled a microphone over that he would use solely for that one song, and Jeremy used Josh's. The entire audience always seemed to love that part of the performance especially, but they assumed that was because of all the fans who considered Zac or Jeremy their favorites got to see them sing. Jeremy wouldn't really sing, but sort of just yell.

Close enough.

Once the song came to an end, Taylor couldn't help but grin at the audience. He took a step closer to his own microphone, breathless. And almost speechless, because of the crowd. Oh, and he sure was sweaty, too, as usual.

"Thank you, Nashville," he started, even though he had already given an entire speech, thanking the crowd for making his dreams a reality and supporting him and the guys in their home state, in Taylor's home town. "We love you, thank you for supporting your hometown boys of Novel American. Goodnight!"

All four of the band members, once backstage. Jeremy's shirt was already off, which definitely was not unusual for him. He was the weird hillbilly of the group.

Taylor wasn't really in the mood for Jeremy's typical shenanigans, but was he ever? No.

He continued walking backstage, planning on taking a shower, changing into some nice clothes, go to a nearby bar that he'd always go to when he still lived in Nashville, and then go to his parents' house for the night. He could always go to their house first and shower there, but he wasn't entirely in the mood for talking to them more. Because he was fully aware they'd force him to stay around and have boring conversations about life with him. His parents had come to the show and were nagging him, requesting for him to return home with them. But he continued to say no, that he wanted to have fun tonight.

Before stepping into the shower, the guitarist head onto Twitter.

@itstayloryall: Short Q&A! Ask me your questions, and I'll maybe answer them. Probably not.

He knew he probably would, not like he had much else going on.

He took a quick shower. While changing, he decided it would be a good time to actually answer questions. Because too many times, he tweeted something similar to what he had just tweeted, and actually answered no questions at all.

@yelyahwilliams: @itstayloryall do you like memes? What's your favorite meme? Who's your fav bandmate? Where's your favorite place to perform? Pepsi or coke?

Even with the many, many notifications and all, he liked this question. It was all over the place. He chose the reply option.

@itstayloryall: @yelyahwilliams Yes. Pepe I guess unless it's for racist reasons. Josh b/c he doesn't snore. Nashville, babayyy. Coke all the way. Unless you mean cocaine.

He was always amused with the way some people would freak out after receiving a reply from him.

@yelyahwilliams: @itstayloryall TAYLOR WTF IM CRIYNG

@yelyahwilliams: @itstayloryall FOLLOW ME KING I LOVEYOU

@yelyahwilliams: @itstayloryall Im quoting thistweet and pinning it to my profile

He answered plenty more questions. There were never any that were really thought provoking. A lot of them were simply "fuck me" or "marry me" or something along those lines. Oh, or the very intriguing "suck my ass."

He wasn't paying attention to anything else going on, so he was surprised when he felt his head being hit. He looked up, to see that it had been Zac who had hit him with a drumstick. Not hard, but it still wasn't a blissful feeling by any means.

"You ready, dude?" the drummer asked, and Taylor nodded in response. His things would be brought back onto the bus by their crew, that was part of their job, after all. Sometimes he felt bad that he oftentimes left places a complete mess, but didn't feel so guilty after remembering he was paying them anyway. May as well earn their money, right?

Luckily, the bar they'd planned on visiting was nearby the venue. That was one of the reasons that they had chosen to go there, but also because the place brought back plenty of good memories. The time Jeremy got in a fist fight, which resulted in him breaking his nose. The person he was fighting wasn't even the reason for that, he just hit his face on a barstool. Nobody even knows how. The time Jeremy got so drunk that the three of the other members of the band feared he was going to die. There seems to be a similar theme with who caused the problems.

Ah yes, good times.

It would only be Zac and Taylor at the bar, though. The other two members of the band were too tired, so they'd instead be at their own childhood homes, probably sleeping soundly through the night.

Taylor stepped inside the bar, immediately being greeted by one of the bartenders. It was someone he had gone to highschool with, a man known as Jason Bynum.

They weren't close friends, but Jason had come to Novel American's shows in their early days. Back when they'd be playing in the Farro family's basement. Actually, one of the real good times they could recall, with the bar they were in, was their first real show. Their first show that wasn't in a small basement.

All of their parents came to the show. Not just to support the boys, but to be sure they weren't somehow getting alcohol. They weren't even smart enough to have been able to convince the bartender to give them some, not that they tried. Few people had even paid attention to the band, but it was still technically a show, so they didn't care.

Jason and Taylor hugged, and they, along with Zac, began to talk about how much the band had grown from where they once were.

Jason had to return to actually doing his job, though. He served the two musicians the drinks that they requested. It only took Zac a few drinks until he was being an idiot and dancing to the music being played. Taylor couldn't even see him, but still knew that he was probably in the middle of the dance floor, being his idiotic self. There was some crappy rock band playing, but he didn't hate on them. Because he was sure that in their early days, anyone who heard their music thought of them as being a crappy rock band.

Taylor scanned the room, searching for anyone to talk to. He spotted a girl with bright orange hair. Definitely dyed, he thought. No doubt about that. He only caught a glimpse of her face, not enough to judge her looks or anything. But he wanted to approach her, just because she seemed cool. Dyed hair was something he definitely found to be cool. Not like he would ever dye his hair, but still. The one thing he had done was years ago, and all he did was bleach the little curls that were near his neck. On a dare, he was going to bleach and then dye his entire head, but he chickened out. All he was willing to do was have a little bit bleached.

He walked towards the girl and her brunette friend.

Neither of them seemed to notice him, so he gave the girl he had noticed first a poke on the shoulder. When she turned, there was a smile on her face. Her friend's eyes went wide, as did the eyes of the girl his attention was turned to.

"Hi, I'm Taylor," he introduced himself simply. No reason to be cheesy and say something about wanting to talk to her, because that much was obvious.

"I'm, yeah, Hayley. I'm Hayley."

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