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Following their Nashville concert, the band didn't have many shows left of the portion of The Walkways Tour that was in the US. A few in Texas. And then a few in California, which the band members all appreciated, since they were able to sleep in their own beds for a night. The tour's final night would be in Portland.

Most nights, they'd party if they could. Or they'd do really any dumb stuff that they could, something that they enjoyed in the moment but would regret the following morning. For example, when they somehow got their hands on fireworks while in Delaware, and practically ran from the cops. They had all split up, so it was all fun and games until they couldn't find Jeremy the next morning.

They found him in a dumpster next to their tour bus, but they took that more of as just Jeremy being Jeremy than anything else. The worst thing of all was that he absolutely reeked, and they couldn't shower until their next venue. So they forced him to touch as little as possible.

But anyway. Instead of being dumb, or partying, or anything similar, they immediately went back to the bus after showering. They were all eager to return to their California homes. The drive was a long one, so they all decided to head to bed. Falling asleep earlier than midnight was a rarity for all of the members of the band. But all four of them managed to do it, for once.

The following morning, Taylor was the second to last one to wake up. Jeremy was still fast asleep, like a little baby. He always slept later than everyone else did. Of course, Zac and Josh were eating cereal. That was all they ate, man.

Zac was on his phone, just viewing whatever nonsense was going on on Twitter. Josh watched Dora The Explorer, secretly enjoying it.

Taylor stole the remote from the vocalist, which caused Josh to frown.

"Give it back," he whined, but Taylor simply rolled his eyes over his friend's request. He certainly wasn't in the mood to watch a children's show.

He scrolled through the television options, until finding that Friends was on. He turned that on. Yup, definitely much better than the show that was on moments before.

"Uh, dude?" Zac spoke, both of boys who had been awake turned to look at him.

"Taylor. Have you seen this?" The drummer asked his best friend as he showed him the screen of his phone. On it, there was a tweet that had been sent out by one of those shitty gossip websites. Connected was a photo of Taylor and Hayley walking very close to each other. Holding hands, both of them being rather touchy with one another.

Seeing things like this was never fun for Taylor. People have told him that all publicity is good publicity, but he couldn't disagree more. When magazines and gossip sites made him out to seem like a player, well, it didn't help his reputation any. Even if he was one, there was no need to expose him.

"Let me see that," Taylor practically demanded, stealing the phone from Zac. He clicked on the link attached to the tweet.

Beneath a small collage of photos taken of Taylor and Hayley was the actual writing of some crappy tabloid writer who desperately needed to keep their job, therefore made up some nonsense.

Taylor York Of Novel American Seen With A New Girl

He rolled his eyes as he read the headline. These things always made him cringe.

Taylor York seen with an unknown girl, while in Nashville, Tennessee.

We've received word from someone very close to the band that the two are certainly a couple. Unfortunately, we had difficulty prying a name out of our insider.

But I think we can all agree that these two lovebirds are adorable!

Okay, he knew all of this all too well. They always claimed something along the lines of knowing someone close to the person they were starting the rumors about. But in reality, it was just terrible journalism. They couldn't fool him. Especially because he wasn't dating Hayley.

Taylor handed Zac's phone back to him, and ran a hand through his own curly locks.

He definitely was not happy about more and more tabloids being written about him. Earlier in the band's days, when they weren't receiving radio play or gaining much attention, there was the occasional rumor about him. But that was just on Twitter through some fans or through some other social media. It never actually received any attention from the people who now wrote about the band members.

Whatever, he hoped Hayley hadn't seen the site.

But unfortunately for him, she certainly did see it. She almost screamed when Sydney woke her up in the middle of the night to show her the article. She actually thought she was dreaming. But nope, it was very, very real.

"I'm retweeting this," Hayley had said, about to do so. But before she was able to, Sydney swiped her phone away. Hayley glared at her roommate, who was really just doing what was in everyone's best interest.

"What was that for?" She asked.

"Don't you want him to not know that you're a big fan? Retweeting this is only going to be bad for both of you." She did have a point. But Hayley was just in awe that she was mentioned in an article online. And in that article, she was discussed in the same sentence as Taylor fucking York.

"You think he'd actually see?" She asked with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, didn't you get his number? You still have a chance of being with him, if you think about it." Again, she had a point.

"Yeah, like that would ever happen. He made it clear as day that he didn't want me reaching out to him. Whatever, I understand that the one night I shared with him was something he'll probably never think about again. I was probably one of so many others."

"Shut up," Sydney spoke with a small laugh.

"Imagine if he saw this."

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