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Just about two days later, Hayley was given permission to leave the hospital. Her and Taylor left, returning to their shared Nashville home. The remainder of the Tennessean band (and Jon) was planning to continue their tour, already traveling to their upcoming venues.

Both Hayley and Taylor were exhausted. Taylor had gotten little sleep while they were at the hospital, just as Hayley hadn't. The only reason Taylor was still awake at all was because of the ridiculous amount of coffee and 5 Hour Energy he drank while stuck at the hospital. He had been able to catch some sleep during the daytime while Hayley, with the help of the nurses, took care of their child. Hayley slept very little, only resting for a few hours at night. But once the infant woke in the middle of each night, Hayley would wake up and usually not be able to fall back asleep.

But once they returned home, he allowed Hayley to get some sleep. While she rested, he made sure to take care of the baby.

"Hey, kiddo," he spoke softly, sitting in the rocking chair that could be found within the nursery. The baby rested in Taylor's large arms.

"You're so tiny," he whispered, his hand on the sleepy child's stomach. "You're lucky. You could have gotten all the sleep in the world these last few days. But you decided to not sleep. You're gonna be more interested in getting sleep in just a few years."

The child babbled in return.

"Your mommy and daddy love you so much. I mean...I did something bad to her. Very bad. But I promise, I'm gonna make it up to her. I don't know how I'll fix this, but I'm not gonna let you grow up with parents who aren't together. I'm at least going to try my best to prevent that. I'm gonna take care of you, little man. We both will."

He paused and looked up.

"Wow. I'm talking to my newborn son about this." Just a little weird.

"Well, I love you, buddy. I'm gonna be right here for you for as long as I'm living," he whispered and pressed a kiss to the infant's head. Taylor stood back up and placed his now sleeping son into his crib. It seemed to be the first time he really slept. Maybe he just needed to hear about Taylor's fuck-ups. Maybe that was enough to put him to sleep.

He combed his fingers through the small bit of hair the child had and checked to be sure that the baby monitor was still on.

He sighed, ran a hand through his own short curls, and exited the room.

Now all he had to do was tell Hayley the truth.

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