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The events of that night left Hayley exhausted. She slept in, waking up at 11 AM. They did come home late, and she stayed up even later because of Taylor. But the main reason for her exhaustion was because he really did wear her out.

When she walked into the kitchen, her roommate was enjoying a plain bowl of Cheerios. Hayley did not understand how she could even do that.

Hayley instead made herself a nice, not-so-nutritious bowl of cocoa puffs. Taste over health, that was most important.

They ate in silence for a moment. But that was until her roommate decided to inquire about Hayley's night with the rock star.

"So, you must've had plenty of fun last night," she spoke with a grin. Hayley immediately blushed and shook her head a little bit.

"He was good, I guess." More than good, but okay. Liar.

"And you were pretty fuckin' loud," Sydney stated with a roll of her eyes. She continued, "I'm guessing it was more than just good."

Okay, well she had her there.

"Alright, well he was really good. Like....think about the best sex you've ever had. And then like three times as good as that." She was too tired to think about that logically.

"Where is he now? Sleeping?" The brunette asked her bright-haired roommate, whose expression changed completely.

"He left last night. But it's okay, I don't mind." And another lie, right there. That was the main reason why she would rarely take part in one night stands. Because she would end up being mad if they left immediately after. It made her feel almost as though she hadn't done a good job. Even though that was certainly not the case, and she had even been told that the night was great, she couldn't help but feel insecure about it.

Her roommate knew her too well. She could tell that she did mind, but she didn't want to bother her with asking more and more questions.

While the previous night's events were quite possibly the highlight of Hayley's entire life, Taylor looked at the night as, well, just another night. It was nothing new for him to hook up with people he barely knew a thing about. He probably knew more about Hayley than he knew about many of the girls he'd slept with, and he was already beginning to forget her name. So yeah.

There were many times where he either forgot the name of the girl he hooked up with, or never even found out what their name was in the first place. He didn't care for that, because he didn't expect anything more than one night from many of them.

Since the band would be heading back on the road, the tour bus arrived at Taylor's house. He hugged his parents goodbye, collected the few belongings he had brought along, and joined the remainder of the band on the bus the band members would use. There was another bus, but that one was more for the crew members. It was certainly not as luxurious as the band's bus. (Not like theirs was even nice in the first place. It would be, if cereal boxes and worn socks and underwear didn't litter the floor.)

"Someone looks tired," Jeremy commented, once Taylor plopped down onto the couch of the bus's lounge area.

The bassist wasn't wrong. He was exhausted. The night's adventures were rather tiring, and then he had to wait what felt like an eternity for his Uber driver to arrive. And once he got home, it was almost 4 in the morning. And then his parents woke him at 9 in the morning, because his mother had made him pancakes. For once, he wasn't even in the mood to eat.

"You hooked up with someone?" Josh asked as he walked into the lounge with a bowl of Rice Crispies in his hands. Cereal, all they fucking ate.

"I did," he said with a nod. Zac must have told him. He must have told everyone that he encountered that night.

"Well tell us about her," the vocalist said with a chuckle. Taylor shrugged in response.

"Her name was Hayley...I think. She was cute, had dyed hair. Not much else to know. I don't think she'd ever heard of our band, though."

"Don't sound so bummed out over that. It's not such a bad thing when they don't know our band. Better than hooking up with a crazed fan, don't you think?" Zac had responded.

Oh, but if they only knew that Hayley was quite the Novel American fan. But it's not like she had told him that she actually was a huge fan of the group. In fact, she acted as if she had no idea who the band was. So of course, Taylor believed she wasn't a fan of the band and believed that she had never listened to them.

The guitarist wasn't really in the mood to talk about the night's adventures. At least not his adventures.

"How about you, Zachary?" The lead guitarist asked the drummer, whose cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Zac punched Taylor's shoulder gently. He hated being called Zachary. That and Zacky. But he was the youngest of the group, they all loved to tease him. Especially Josh, but that was more so because Zac was his younger sibling.

"I got close to getting with someone. But then I slipped while dancing and I spilled their drink and...long story short, I went home lonely." That actually was no surprise to anyone on the bus. Even their driver could be heard laughing.

They all sort of had their own roles, in a way. Taylor and Jeremy were both the kind of guys that would typically sleep around, with ease, at that. Zac wasn't as lucky. Whenever he was close to getting someone to hook up with him, he'd typically do something to screw it all up. He was too clumsy and awkward. Josh was different from all of them. He hated one night stands, and was the only one in the group who actually had a stable relationship while in the band.

Of course, that had changed when she had cheated on him. As terrible as that was for him, it definitely inspired him to write quite a few songs about the experience.

So there was some good, even in the bad.

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