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It would have been a regular, boring Saturday morning if Hayley was not absolutely terrified. (And definitely for a good reason).

"What?" Sydney had called her, after Hayley sent a text to her roommate. In the message, she demanded her friend call her. It was an emergency, she didn't want to wait for her to return from the grocery store.

"There's a problem," Hayley stated nervously. Very nervously. She was literally pacing back and forth through the living room. She couldn't stay calm.

"Look, Hayles, can you wait?"

"No. No, I can't. Please, it's an emergency."

"I'm literally on our street, just wait a minute." So Hayley sighed and decided not to annoy her roommate further. No reason to lose more friends. She hung up and waited.

Mere moments later, Sydney returned, arms full of bags of groceries. She didn't feel like taking another trip all the way down to her car, so she instead strained her muscles, holding all of the groceries. Still better than walking all the way downstairs.

"What's wrong, kid?" Sydney asked her roommate. Yes, she called her kid...even though Hayley was older. But anyway.

"I'm late," was all Hayley spoke. She didn't need to say anymore for the issue to be understood.

"Well...that's okay. It doesn't mean..." The brunette started, only to be cut off by her roommate.

"What else would it be? Sydney, I'm twenty-two. I don't need this right now. I don't need this anytime soon."

"Okay, well...let's try to figure this out, okay?" She spoke, forced Hayley to sit down on the couch, and took a seat beside the bright-haired female. Hayley's face was buried in her hands, now. She knew even looking up would for sure cause the tears welling in her eyes to fall.

"Who have you been with recently?" The brunette asked. Hayley's head raised from its spot in her hands.

"Just..." Hayley started, the second word of her sentence too quiet to be understood. Her roommate quirked a brow and nudged her shoulder.

"Just who?" Sydney asked.

"Just Taylor," she repeated, raising her voice at his name. The mention of the night brought bittersweet memories back.

"Oh..." Was all the brunette could say. Yes, this was very bad.

"I don't know what to do," Hayley whined.

"Look...I know that you don't want to text him, or call him, just because you're nervous to. I get that. Well...not totally. I've never been in your place. But I understand why you're scared to do this. But I think you have to. You have to." Hayley nodded, following her friend's words. She was right. As scary as it seemed, she had to at least try to talk to him.

"Thank you," was the final thing she said, before heading to her bedroom. She climbed into bed and spent a good fifteen minutes, at least, figuring out the perfect thing to send to Taylor. The time was spent typing something out, deleting some of it, and repeat.

Hayley: Hey, Taylor. It's Hayley. I doubt you even remember me, but you and I had hooked up not too long ago. I know you probably don't wanna hear this, but you need to. Okay, well, I'm late. Even though this doesn't necessarily mean that, you know...I'm actually pregnant or anything...that's the most likely, and scariest possibility. There could be other reasons for it and all, but I don't know. Please, PLEASE get back to me if you can. Preferably call me, but only if that's convenient for you. At least text me, please.

She sent the message and sighed. The loudest of sighs.

Hayley returned to the living room where her roommate could be found. She was resting on the couch, surely not even half as stressed out as Hayley had been. Nope, she was just chilling on the couch, enjoying some television. But who could blame her? Why would she be as stressed?

She paused the show once her roommate joined her in their living room. Hayley was more important than the show...sort of. Maybe not.

"What's up?" She asked once Hayley took a seat on the (rather unfashionable, yet comfy) red couch of their living room. She sighed and handed her phone over.

"Just read what I sent. I hope he answers me. Was I too pushy? What if he doesn't answer me?" Just about every negative thought rushed into Hayley's mind. Sure, she was probably overreacting. But why would she not be? This was a big deal, to her. It would be a big deal to anyone, though. She wasn't insane to be basically freaking out over what was going on.

She read the message. And Hayley felt very, very awkward, as she just waited for the entirety of the message to be read. Moments later, Sydney just wrapped her arms around Hayley.

"It's gonna be okay," she whispered. Honestly, Hayley couldn't say that she entirely believed that. But she hoped for that. She just wanted it to be okay.

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