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Anyone else who had an experience with their dream celebrity like Hayley had would either be bragging about it happening or doing their best to find someone else to be their favorite, the latter was because of the mild heartbreak kind of feeling that Hayley experienced. Probably because Hayley's dreams were not just for those events to take place, but for him to stay the night. For him to be as interested in her as she was interested in him.

But those were just wild expectations of hers, she now knew.

But she was not bragging nor was she upset over it. Sure, it didn't play out like she had thought of since the day she began loving Taylor York. Where she pictured the two of them being total lovebirds, all that typical nonsense that people just dream of doing with their celebrity crush. Instead of doing either of those, she was instead watching an interview that the band was taking part in. It had been about a week since their first (and last) encounter.

They band would be performing on a morning show for a summer concert series that the show had been in charge of for a number of years. Before they head out on stage, and between songs, during their brief performance, they were to be interviewed. Really just to draw more viewers in.

All four band members took the seats that they were told to sit in. A crowd of many was behind them, cheering the second the band was visible to them. Taylor wore a hat on his head, and he adjusted it a little bit after sitting down. Even as attention was turned more towards other members of the group, Hayley could only really pay attention to the lead guitarist.

"So, you four have achieved major success with the song Cliffs. Tell us a little bit more about that," the male interviewer said to the band. He read it straight off a card that he had in his lap, which meant he probably didn't know the first thing about the band. But that was typical.

Josh went on about the process of writing the song. "It's about facing your fears, all that. Wasn't this the first one we wrote on the album?" He looked to his bandmates. They all nodded at first, until Zac shook his head some.

"No, wait, no. I think Cliffs was the first one we actually finished. The first song you wrote, though, was Color Rush. I think you wrote the chorus, but we didn't do anything with it. But Taylor wrote a random melody a while later, and you thought it worked with the song."

Taylor stayed quiet. He didn't enjoy speaking to the press. And whenever they did speak to him, he always did his best to incorporate Jeremy and Zac into the conversation. Because oftentimes, only Josh and Taylor would be the ones spoken to. That was because Josh was the lead singer, and Taylor somehow became loved by the tabloids. He didn't know how it came to be, but he just accepted it.

As per usual, they decided to ask questions that were very personal. The questions went through their management days before, to be sure they were okay to be asked. But just as much as they didn't want the questions asked to be too crazy, they also wanted to do whatever they had to do in order to get people talking about the band.

"So, you know we have to ask, what are all of your current relationship statuses?" The female interviewer asked the four men. Yes, totally had to ask.

"We're all single," Jeremy had replied, zero emotion in his voice. And they were all fully prepared for the following question. Fans cheered behind them in response to that question. Definitely not the first time they've taken part in a bad interview where the person asking questions didn't know a thing about them. Taylor had been called Tyler before. Jeremy called Jerry, or even once was called Josh. Josh had been called Jeremy. Good times.

"So what is it you look for in a girl?" Was the next question asked. Of. Course.

Taylor spoke on behalf of all four of them. "Who cares, you know? If someone is a good person, then what does it matter? If I'm treated like I matter, if I'm treated like a priority, then I'll like you. I don't care about any of the other details." The three others nodded.

"Also," he added, "if I were to, for whatever reason, find a guy that I happen to really be interested in, then who knows. I don't know why the question we're always asked is what we look for in girls. Why not just what we look for in people?"

And he definitely felt everyone staring at him. He could see, out of the corner of his eye, the look of disgust on Josh's face. But he didn't care...until he realized that he'd be reading of this, in a shitty magazine. He could see the headline now. 'Taylor York of Novel American; Gay?' Hayley stared at the screen, blinking a few times, and rewinded the show. Yup, she heard right.

But it was pretty funny to the guitarist when he finished speaking and looked at the two people asking the band questions. Both of them stared at him, and then looked away. Sort of just looked everywhere. Very awkward moment for them. Expected to hear something along the lines of "nice personality" but instead heard a much more honest answer.

"Well, that's all we have for them, for now. But stay tuned. After the commercial break, they'll be performing live for you all!" The female interviewer spoke, looking into the camera. A male voice could be heard, sort of far away from them. He exclaimed "cut," and everyone moved out of their seats. He sighed.

"God, I hate interviewers, man. Especially in times like that, where they don't know a single thing about us," Zac spoke, once they were far enough from them. Not like it really mattered. Even if the two of them were to hear of the band's disliking for them, how surprised would they be? Probably not very.

And Hayley enjoyed the performance that soon followed the interview. She hummed along, and absolutely admired the way Taylor looked. The amount of passion all four of the musicians put into the music they created was absolutely unreal to Hayley. She just hoped that they would always enjoy the music they made, at least as much as she enjoyed it.

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