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A minute after the two girls entered the car, Taylor joined them. He shut the door behind himself and got comfortable in his seat.

Sydney told the driver the destination, their address. The man nodded and they began the journey back home.

Most of the car ride was boring. It was filled with Hayley resisting the urge to combust every time Taylor would run his hand along her leg, the sound of crappy pop music playing as the soundtrack to their ride to Hayley's apartment.

The pop music came to an end when the radio host began talking about a song that was all too familiar to the three passengers.

"Now this one's by a rock band that grew up in this area. They played nearby, tonight. Here's Novel American and their hit song, Cliffs."

Immediately, the sound of the song filled the car. Taylor couldn't help himself, he hummed along to the song. That was just something he was used to, singing backup for the lead vocalist. He tapped his foot along with the drum beat.

It was taking a lot for Hayley to not sing along, to not act like a big fan, which is exactly what she was.

She turned her head to her roommate, and just mouthed "don't." It was understood between the two. She didn't want singing along to result in Taylor deciding he didn't want her.

"You, uh, like this song?" Hayley asked the curly-haired boy. He grinned, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Well, this is my band. Yeah, I'm the guitarist," he spoke, assuming that he was informing Hayley of information that she had never before known. But in reality, she had definitely already known this.

"Oh, really? You guys are pretty good," she said with a nod. Pretty good? More like you guys are my favorite band ever and I'm so thankful that you're in the band because I'm in love with you. But she kept that thought to herself.

The song came to an end, and the pop music once again filled the silence within the vehicle. Taylor felt some strong, personal opinions towards many of the artists whose songs played. But just like Hayley kept her love for Taylor to herself, he kept his bitter opinions to himself.

They soon arrived in the apartment complex in which Sydney and Hayley lived in. Hayley pulled her wallet out from her pocket, prepared to pay the cab driver. But Taylor gestured for her to put that away.

He removed his own wallet from his back pocket, took out a little more than the amount of money that covered the cost of the ride, and handed it to the driver.

"Keep the change," he spoke so charmingly that the taxi driver would probably have fucked him if given the chance. Taylor then turned his attention back to Hayley. He grabbed her hand, and the two followed Hayley's roommate to their apartment.

Hayley was in a world of her own, though. With his hand in hers, and being that way because of his actions, she was fully prepared for her legs to just give out any second.

Luckily, she was able to remain composed until they reached the girls' apartment. All three of them entered.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, and then we can have some fun. Where's the bathroom?" Well, that was all Hayley needed. Her lips parted, but she couldn't at all find the words that she needed to speak. If she spoke what was on her mind, she'd be most likely screaming and crying (but both being in a good way).

Fortunately, her friend helped her out.

"Just down the hall," she spoke, pointing in the direction where he'd be able to find the bathroom. Once he had gone down the hall and had closed the door, Hayley let out exactly what was on her mind.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. This is a dream come true. Is this a dream? This is beyond any of my wildest dreams, actually." She was practically pacing the living room, in total shock that this was happening.

"If I were you, I'd be already crying," her roommate joked. Actually, it wasn't really a joke. Hayley would have been crying, but it didn't feel real.

Their conversation was cut short by a returning Taylor York. He was on his phone, in the middle of texting.

"Sorry, I just forgot to let Zac — my bandmate — know that I was leaving," he said, before pressing send and pushing his phone into his pocket.

He returned to Hayley, taking her smaller hands into his own.

"Lead the way," he whispered. Hayley gulped, nodded, and led him to her bedroom that was directly across the hall from her roommate's bedroom. The man pulled the door shut behind him and the girl.

Already, Hayley was completely helpless.

"Get on the bed, baby," the brunet spoke softly. The girl instantly obeyed and took a seat on the edge of her bed.

Taylor leaned down, his lips meeting Hayley's. His hands came down to the end of her top. He began to pull the fabric up, their lips parting for only an instant. He removed her shirt completely, dropped it to the side, and went back to what he was doing. Taylor did most of the work, while Hayley mostly sat there motionless for the most part.

The guitarist moved away, a slight smirk on his face.

"Lay down," he whispered. His tone was full of demand, but the volume of his voice made it almost gentle. How could she possibly resist anything she was told by him? Hayley immediately lay down, and Taylor climbed above her. He pressed a kiss to her lips, and then moved his hands to the waistband of her bottoms.

He tugged the clothing down, leaving the girl in just her bra and her panties. Quite a beautiful sight in Taylor's eyes.

He raised himself onto his knees, body still hovering above the petite female. His shirt soon joined the clothing he had removed from Hayley's body.

A shirtless Taylor was a rare sight. So this was a sight that was incredibly new to Hayley.

Their lips met again. And Hayley swore, she was in Heaven.

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