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Things went well for the couple. Even in moments where Taylor wasn't entirely sure of whether or not the relationship was truly meant to be, he just told himself that it was him being dumb and not knowing how to deal with an actual relationship.

He was able to get a nice apartment in Nashville. Even though he didn't stay there too often due to constant touring, it was more of to just be sure that Hayley was safe and in a good environment. Sydney was over so often that it was as if they still lived together.

Long story short, the two tried out a relationship. And everything went perfect, and they lived happily ever after.

(SIKE. Yeah right.)

They did try out a relationship, that alone being something neither of them were used to. Hayley had been so busy not focusing on guys and instead focusing solely on herself, that when she had a boyfriend, it was weird. And for Taylor, it was odd for him to even have a stable relationship at all.

He was so used to drinking to the point of barely remembering a thing and hooking up with girls he wouldn't recall a single feature of the following day. So to refuse invites to post show parties was odd for him. He forced himself to be good to Hayley.

But of course, the night he happened to slip up also happened to be the night where just about everything happened.

He drank too much. They had a large show in New York City and the guys had asked him if he wanted to drink. He agreed to, hoping to just have one celebratory drink. But he ended up drinking a whole lot more, and ruining more than he could have imagined.

The girl's name was Ashley. That happened to be something she told him early on in the night, but everything else that happened that night slipped his mind the second her lips met his neck. All he could manage to focus on was the girl's colorful hair and the level of talent she had when it came to her mouth.

At this point, Hayley was luckily beyond the point of where she had to pretend to have no clue who the band was. Because what kind of girlfriend would that be? She continued adoring the band, but made sure to only obsess over Taylor. Even though she had gone through phases where she liked other members more, he now had to be her favorite. And Sydney had to remain calm around the band, considering she too was quite the fan of the group.

Taylor's drunken state began to wear off late in the night, a bit after he had slept with this girl that he couldn't even remember the name of. A wave of regret and guilt hit him once he was able to think rationally.

But, of course, he had been sure to be careful this time around. (What the fuck, Taylor.)

He unraveled his arms from around the girl and slipped out of her bed. He found all of his clothing and was able to slip it on in the pitch black darkness of the stranger's room. He felt a buzz come from his phone, which was in his back pocket. He rolled his eyes and pulled the device out.

All of the messages were from Hayley. And most of them were recent.

Hayley: I really don't feel good Taylor I'm scared

Hayley: I called my mom and I think it might be time fuc k

Taylor's eyes went wide, heart pounding a few beats faster within his chest. He tip-toed out of Ashley's apartment, and once he did so, he didn't exactly know what to do. He pressed his back against the door of the girl's apartment.

So he called Josh. It was late. He just hoped he was still awake.

"I fucked up," was all he had to say.

"What?" Josh said, speaking slowly, words just slightly slurred.

"Josh, I slept with someone."

"Oh," Josh said, indeed surprised.

"Yeah, that helps. Oh? Wow, thanks so much for that supportive 'oh.'"

If this were any other time, the guitarist surely would not have given Josh such an attitude. But so much was going on that he'd be giving anyone who crossed his path such a bitter attitude. He couldn't help himself.

"And Hayley is in labor."

There was a silence that filled the call. Josh couldn't believe it. Taylor couldn't believe it. (Nobody could, that's the point, that's what we're trying to get across here).

The night was a mess, to say the least. Taylor didn't know what to do. That night was scheduled to be a night where the four of them could relax, for once. Didn't happen. They had returned to their bus after disrupting the sleep of the rest of their crew and forcing them to come along, woke their driver, and explained the situation. He just rolled his eyes over yet another one of Taylor's mistakes and began driving the four of them back to Nashville. A lot of calls had to be made and Taylor didn't sleep for a single second. Shows would be cancelled for the following nights.

Not all nights' shows had been cancelled. Just for a few nights more. They knew that them driving the entire bus back to Nashville wasn't a genius idea. But they didn't care, they needed a break, after all. It didn't matter much.

The venues were more mad at them for calling at the late hours they did than for cancelling the shows.

They called their good friend Jon and scheduled for him to take Taylor's place for a few shows. Even though they appreciated the fact that they would receive a brief break, they knew that totally cancelling the shows would be no good. As important as Taylor was to the live performance, Jon would contribute just as much.

The hardest part of all was when Taylor had to make some sort of public announcement. First off, he had to alert them that the next few shows would be cancelled, and hopefully rescheduled for another time, though the latter happened to be rather unlikely. And he also needed to give an explanation as to why he'd be absent in the band's upcoming shows. He posted something to the band's tumblr.


Hey y'all. Taylor here. The last few months are something I've done my very best to keep private, even though suspicions have arisen every once in awhile.

As probably none of you know, I'm expecting my first child with my girlfriend. I'm very excited to welcome them into the world, and I pray that you all accept me, them, and their mother. I've spoken as little as possible about her, because I don't want to make our relationship public to the point of people giving her shit.

With that in mind, I'm afraid we'll have to take a short break from tour. For all concerts that have been unlucky enough to have their show cancelled, your money will be refunded in full. We hope to either reschedule the shows or on our next tour, possibly, to make it up to all of you.

While the three of my bandmates will be out for only a few shows, I feel it is best for me to take a much longer break. I hope all of you understand my reasoning for feeling this is the best way to go about things. But our good friend/producer Jon Howard will be filling in on lead guitar, and I'm sure you'll all adore him as much as the four of us do.

- Taylor York

He still couldn't sleep. His mind was full of too many thoughts that he couldn't stand. The notifications he received on all social media platforms didn't entirely make him feel any better. Some of the replies were positive, many were beyond rude.

But in reality, he was as lost as everyone else.

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