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It was the longest five minutes of their lives. After about two minutes of complete silence, Taylor decided that actually conversing would probably make time go by a little bit faster.

"So...what kind of music do you like?" He asked. Music was really all he knew how to talk about. Hayley hesitated. No mentioning Novel American or bands that happen to be close to them. That would surely raise suspicion. Or she was just overthinking it.

"I like No Doubt. Blink-182. What about you?"

"Yeah, those are some good bands. I love Blink. They're always awesome. I like a lot of bands that I'm sort of friends with the members of. Walk The Moon, You Me At Six. Some other bands that I like are Modern Baseball, The Front Bottoms, too many more to actually list. My favorite, though, has to be MewithoutYou. No contest. What do you do for a living?" He asked once he realized that he was maybe talking about himself a little bit too much. But all of the bands Taylor had mentioned, Hayley already knew he enjoyed.

"Oh, I work at this little music shop down the road. I'm one of the managers there. We sell instruments and physical copies of albums and we've had bands there for people to meet. It's pretty cool." She nodded her head and chewed on her nail nervously.

There was another silence shared between the two, one that neither of them enjoyed. But there wasn't much more to talk about. To break the terrible silence, the timer that Taylor had set up on his phone went off. His heartbeat immediately began to quicken. He was nervous beyond words. It was time to see what was in his future.

"I'm gonna go check," Hayley spoke softly, and nodded her head. Taylor nodded as well, and exhaled a very heavy breath once Hayley had left the room. He couldn't believe any of this was happening.

After a few seconds, Hayley returned. Taylor stood. One look at Hayley's face and he was fairly sure that he knew what the result of the test was.

She couldn't look at him. She wasn't frowning, but certainly was not smiling either. She felt completely numb, if she had to explain how it is she felt.

"Well...I'm pregnant," she stated and let out a phony chuckle. Taylor took a seat on the couch, in fear of passing out if he were to remain standing for a moment more. Eyes wide, he stared straight ahead of himself.

"You don't have to stick around, it's okay. I can tell this isn't what you wanted," the girl said quietly as she sat right beside him. He pulled himself out of the odd trance he was stuck in and looked over to Hayley. He shook his head a little bit.

"No. I know that I'm not the greatest of guys. In fact, I tend to be a bit of a dick. But I'm not about to let you raise this..." he gulped, and let out a heavy breath, "child on your own. I mean...our child." Wow, that felt weird for him to say.

"Taylor, you're busy and you're about to go back on the road. You're going to have enough going on, I'm only going to be causing even more stress."

"No. Listen to me: I'm going to be here for you, alright? I don't care. I'll do whatever it is I have to do, because from here on out, you mean a fucking lot to me, Hayley."

Suddenly, Hayley had trouble holding her genuine feelings back. She held some back, including the fact that she had admired Taylor for years. But still, she let some of her inner thoughts out.

"You know, I really, really like you and I know that I probably don't mean as much to you as you mean to me, and this is going to sound ridiculous, but I want to be with you, okay? I don't usually hook up with guys for just a random one night stand. But you already are important to me, and I want to be with you."

She rushed her words, all of it seeming to come out in this big jumbled mess that caused Taylor's eyes to go slightly wide and him to just stare at her.

"Wow," he whispered, more to himself than anyone else. The last stable relationship he'd been part of was before the band had made it big. Once they made it big, he realized that being with just one person wasn't really his thing. But he was more into sleeping around and being what Josh enjoyed calling "a man-whore." His favorite title.

"We can...try that," he said with a shrug. The guitarist knew full well that he was no good when it came to being with just one person. Being faithful wasn't exactly, well, it wasn't exactly his thing.

"But, I don't know. Can we try to figure all this out later on? Some other time? I mean, I'm going to be heading to Europe for weeks. And that's going to mean me being far away for a long time. I don't want either of us stressing about that super long distance issue. You can text me, or something. DM me on Twitter or something. Here, what's your Twitter? I'll follow you."

Hayley gulped. Oh no.

"Hold on," she requested, and rushed onto the app. First thing she did was quickly unfollow Taylor. Or else he'd see the words follows you written besides her username.

"Here, let me type it in," she requested before taking his phone from him. She typed in her username, and pressed the white follow button.

"Huh. Creative name. Looks familiar for some reason," he said, before shrugging. Luckily for Hayley, Taylor certainly wasn't the brightest nor did he want to spend any time actually thinking.

"I'll follow you back. Are you gonna go back to your parents' place?"

"I'll stay here for a little while longer, it's not like anything fun is going on there. My flight isn't for a few days. I have more to do here in Nashville, anyway."

Taylor couldn't believe it. He was actually comfortable with someone.

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