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Taylor spent the following three hours wanting to sleep, not sleeping, and trying to figure out how in the hell to tell his girlfriend how badly he had fucked up.

He tried calling Josh. No answer. Called Zac. No answer. Called Jeremy, even though he knew that he'd get the worst of advice from him. But still, he really just called him to try to reach Zac or Josh.

But then he remembered, hey, they're doing soundcheck. Duh.

So he was left to figure out on his own how to handle telling her of the news.

And as you've probably noted so far, Taylor wasn't too good at making his own choices.

And I mean really fucking bad. Or else he wouldn't be in this mess.

But luckily, this was something he already discussed with his bandmates. And along with that, there wasn't much to do other than straight up tell her, apologize, and hope to be forgiven.

The last vital decision to make was when he would tell her. The entire day, he made sure to totally suck up to her. Make her breakfast, compliment her, take care of the baby. Unless it really was Hayley that the baby needed, of course.

"He's so precious," Hayley commented, her chin resting on her boyfriend's shoulder. Taylor had just, after quite a while of trying, put the baby to bed.

"He really is. Hey, let's leave the room so we don't wake him up. We both know how long it took us to get him to sleep," he whispered in response. The two of them exited the room, soon sitting on the couch of their living room.

Some television show was on, but Taylor couldn't pay attention. He stared at the ground, not even having the strength to look back up. He knew that he needed to tell her. Not telling her would make matters even worse, because word was bound to reach her sooner or later.

"Hayley, can I talk to you?" He spoke softly, his leg beginning to bounce up and down, a terrible nervous habit of his.

It was clear to her that something was wrong. Those words, or any variation of them, were a sign of that. She frowned, as she turned her head in the direction of him. She gulped, before slowly nodding her head.

He sat up slightly, letting out a heavy breath before going on.

"I...the-the night we were in New York. Me and the guys, that is. Okay, well, we drank a lot. We had a sold out show and we wanted to celebrate accordingly. I hadn't drank in a while, because I knew I would do something wrong if I did."

"Just get to the point, Taylor," Hayley said in a tone of demand. She had a feeling that she knew what he was getting at, but she wanted him to say it. It would mean more if he were to truly tell her.

"I slept with someone."

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