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Taylor scrolled through the texts he had sent Hayley throughout the previous days.

Please I miss you.

Nate seems to be crying a lot more lately. You're better at calming him down than I am. I don't think he likes me that much.

I love you.

I'm sorry.

I can't even sleep in our bed. It feels too empty and lonely without you.

I had a dream that you left me for good. I woke up and started crying. I miss you more than I thought was possible and it's only been a few days. I wouldn't be able to live if I didn't have you.

No responses to any of them. He, of course, contemplated visiting Sydney's home and surprising Hayley that way. But Taylor chose to not do that, thinking maybe that would push her further away.

He sighed and placed his phone down on the bed, screen facing downward.

He felt a vibration, and checked his phone in record time.

He was hoping to see a response from his girlfriend, or whatever she was to him at the point. The two did not discuss what they were at that point. Hayley left without a word being spoken since she stormed out.

Worst of all, the musician wasn't even mad at her. He was mad at himself. He had no reason to be mad at Hayley, because it was understandable that she wanted nothing to do with him.

But once he checked his phone, he discovered it wasn't Hayley. Not even close.

Zachary: How are things goin dude?

Taylor: Things are going ok. No they're not. Hayley still hasn't returned any of my texts or any of my calls. Thanks for checking up on me

Zachary: Ur my friend. I'm always gonna be here for u.

No homo, though.

Almost another day was spent with just him and his son being in the apartment.

But, of course, Hayley wasn't enjoying the time away from her family. She ignored all of Taylor's messages. If he needed her badly enough, he'd reach out to Sydney.

But every time Hayley complained about how much she missed her family, she'd receive the same, logical response from the friend that she had been staying with.

"Why don't you just go back?"

It was difficult for her to explain her reasoning for not running right back to him. But it was because she wanted him to learn his lesson, understand that doing something as awful as cheating would never be acceptable. Drunk or not.

After days of being absolutely miserable, Hayley finally decided to return home. She knew that there was still a chance she'd return to the apartment she called her home before moving in with Taylor. But what she would do all depended on how Taylor would react. If he did not show remorse, she'd go back to Sydney's place. If he gave the impression that he truly did miss her, that he truly was sorry, then she would happily stay there.

When she returned to the apartment, she stood in front of the door for a moment, contemplating whether or not to open it and enter.

What she couldn't see was how much of a mess Taylor was on his own. He knew plenty about taking care of children, but not exactly enough to do it completely on his own. This wasn't good.

"You have to drink it," Taylor said as he did his very best to feed his son the milk that filled the full bottle. But he would continue to refuse each time Taylor tried to get him to do so.

The musician truly was a mess. Bags under his eyes thanks to the lack of sleep he'd gotten. His hair greasy and full of knots due to not showering at all.

He was so busy with the infant that he didn't hear the quiet noise of the front door opening and shutting. Only when he heard the creaking of the door that led them into the nursery did he pay any attention to his surroundings.

"Hayley..." he spoke softly. She was a bit confused over why he seemed so shocked. Because who else would have randomly entered their apartment on their own?

He immediately set Nathan down in his crib, placed the bottle of milk down on one of the pieces of furniture within the room, and stepped closer to her.

"I missed you," he reminded her, as if she hadn't been sent several messages that said almost that exactly. He continued walking to her, opening his arms and soon embracing Hayley. She didn't return the hug.

"Babe...we need to talk about everything," she said as Taylor unwrapped his arms from around her.

"What we are, most of all. We need to talk about a lot, actually. Let's go to the living room and talk, okay? But first, let me feed this little guy," she spoke, lifting their son out of his crib.

She was easily able to get him to drink, but that was because the beverage came directly from the source. Taylor had struggled to get their son to drink while Hayley was gone. Even when he managed to get the infant to do so, it was quite a struggle. Hayley quickly got him to fall asleep, something that also absolutely amazed the musician. She was so good with their son, it was insane to Taylor.

Once they left the nursery, Hayley said, "Let's just start off with what you did. Do you promise me you're sorry?"

Taylor nodded.

"Do you promise you won't do it again?"

And another nod.

"What was she like?"

"Hayley, I --"

"No. Just tell me."

He gulped. This was surely going to be an awkward conversation

"Uh, okay. I don't remember her name. I just remember she had colorful hair. That's really all that I remember from that night."

Lies. He definitely remembered some more of the night's events, but he didn't exactly want to bring all of that up.

"You're full of shit. Tell me the truth. Tell me what you did with her. And I know you well enough to know when you're lying."

"Fuck, fine. She went down on me. I didn't perform any variation of foreplay on her. Then we fucked. I wore a condom, so I didn't finish inside of her."

"Did you bring condoms on tour with you?" Hayley asked, her jaw clenched when she was not speaking.

"No, I didn't. She had them."

"But she made you cum? She made you feel good enough? What, was she prettier than me? Was she better in bed than me?" She questioned, tears forming in her green eyes.

"I was drunk. She was none of those things, she wasn't half the woman you are."

It took a whole lot of begging and apologizing for those three words to leave Hayley. The three words that Taylor had so badly wanted to hear.

I forgive you.

He almost cried (the happiest of tears) over those words.

"So, uh, what are we, now?" Taylor eventually asked.

"I still want to be yours, baby. You're everything to me. Well, not just you, but our family means everything to me. But, Tay...I don't know if I'll let that slide if you do it again. I don't care how much you drink, you need to be held accountable for your own actions. Please just promise me that it really meant nothing, that it won't happen again. Look me in the eyes and promise me that."

Taylor did as told, his eyes meeting hers.

"I promise you, baby. That night meant nothing to me, you mean everything to me. I'll never, in a billion years, hurt you like that again," he promised, a smile on Hayley's face as she listened to her boyfriend's promise.

"Now just come here and kiss me," Hayley spoke. Taylor immediately obliged.

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