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Dr. James in Media

"Hopefully this can be our last session." Ant said to Zach.

Who nodded her head.

They was waiting on Dr. James in her office. They sessions only last an hour. Sometimes they walked out feeling sad, angry, or happy. I wonder how they will leave today.

"Sorry I'm running a little late." Dr. James walked in her office.

"You good. We on your time." Ant said.

Dr. James settle in her chair and looked over their report.

"Okay last month we talked about the kids. How are they now?" Dr. James

"There good. Aj is oh my gosh, he's so bad." Zach said.

Dr. James nodded her head, as she write down her notes.

"Zy'Anna is a little calm by she have her moments too." Ant said.

Dr. James turn on her tape recorder.

"Okay now the real talk. How are you guys since last time?" Dr. James asked them.

"I think we good. We still argue a lot though. He got mad at me, because I didn't cook last night, when he knew we was going to a concert. Even though I was going to cook I forgot." Zach said.

Ant looked at her.

"You been forgetting a lot of shit lately. Dr. James she forgot to feed the kids yesterday morning. How the hell you forget to feed your own kids?" Ant look at Dr. James.

"Uhh well I don't know, I don't have kids." Dr. James gave Ant a "sorry" look.

"Well shit is retarded. That should be the first thing she did when she get up in the morning. Her ass to busy in her damn phone." Ant snapped.

"I know you not talking. Your ass always on the damn video games. You act like your ass do shit right all the time. You don't. He locked Aj out the house because he wouldn't stop crying." Zach said.

"You left Zy'Anna at daycare until the teacher called your ass." Ant snapped back.

"So Zy'Anna and Aj don't go to the same daycare?" Dr. James asked them.

"No Aj in headstart." Zach said.

"Oh okay do you guys want this marriage to work? You both have your whole life ahead." Dr. James said.

"I thought you suppose to be encouraging us to stay together. It seem like you trying to separate us." Ant glared at her.

"If you not meant to be, no need to try to make it work. You going to just hate each other. From what I see you half way there." Dr. James said.

"No I can never hate her. I love her too much for that. It's just I don't like the things she do." Ant said.

"I don't like the things he do either. But I'm not about to break up my family." Zach said. "I work to hard to build something with this man, I be damn if I lose our marriage, but if we cant change the next step is a divorce."

Ant looked at her, surprised that she said that.

"Mr. Alsina do you feel that way too?" Dr. James asked.

"I guess." He said.

"I cant keep taking you guys money if you going to keep saying the same thing. You talking at each other not to. If you are willing to fight for your marriage listen to what each other say. Take time you your self. Catch a movie together, take walks. Do whatever it take. Listen and talk out you guys problems. That's the problem you both want to right all the time, and in the case what you need me for?" Dr. James told them.

Zach remember Maine saying some of the same things Dr. James is saying right now. He told them to listen and talk to each other., Hear what the other person is saying. They both was stubborn and want things their way all the time. If it didn't go their way that's how arguments start.

"I guess our brother was right. You wasn't the first person to tell us these things." Zach said.

"Excuse me?" Dr. James said.

"Our brother was telling us the same thing. Listen and talk to each other. And if we want to make the relationship work we should act like it." Ant said.

"Well your brother sounds like a wise man. You should listen to him." Dr. James said.

Zach and Ant nodded.

"Okay this is what I want you guys to do for me. Over the next month take at least a day out of the week and have that day just for you two. Not the kids, and defiantly not for work." Dr. James said.

"Uhh my brother have us on a very tight schedule at work." Zach said.

"If you want your relationship to work you will make time." Dr. James smiled. "What do you guys like about each other?"

Ant smiled.

"I like the fact that we can box around the house sometimes naked." He laughed.

Zach shook her head and smiled.

"I likes when he cooks his stank gumbo, and sometimes feed it to me."

"I like it when we have family night with our kids and play fight, even though our son starts throwing stuff." Ant said and they all laughed.

"I like it when he holds me at night and tells me he got me. " Zach said.

"I like when she gives me massages." Ant said.

Dr. James smiled and stopped her recording.

"Good job see you guys can like some things about each other. We not about to get into what you hate about each other, I got a feeling that will run in the time I have for my other clients. Remember a marriage don't make it self, the people make the marriage work." They all finished together.

"Thank you Dr. James you always a big help. See you next month." Zach said as her and Ant shake Dr. James hand.

"That was good. Lets go eat. Im hungry." Ant said and grabbed Zach hand as they walked out the building happy.


Oh boy lets see how this month plays out

Dr. James is played by Gifted_Weird_1993Gi


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