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Maurice gain consciousness as the  car pulled up to a building. Ant and Maine  face was turning pale as they was dragged out the car. Maurice head was still hurting as he dragged out the car also, totally out of it. Shawn was still unconscious from the beating he was giving. The men took them in the building, in front of glass door where De'Maine was tied up with men surrounding him with guns.

Maine saw his brother and his heart stopped. He started going crazy as he hit a man in the face and throw him up against the wall. Maine slipped and fall and the man stepped in his stomach where the bullet wound was at. Maine hollered out. Other men hold Maurice and Ant down keep from them getting in the fight.

Mitch walked in the room where De'Maine was at. And smiled at Maine, Maurice and Ant. While Shawn was still unconscious.

"Wake him up." Mitch said into the microphone he was using. A man walked out the room and return with some water. He threw it on Shawn. Shawn woke up with a start, and groaned.

De'Maine looked at his brother on the floor blood gushing out his body like water.

"Do something, don't let him bleed out like that!" De'Maine yelled.

Mitch just smiled and nodded his head. The man remove his foot from off Maine as Mitch nodded his head at another man.

De'Maine was shot in the arm. De'Maine hollered out.

The boys had no choice, but to watch as guns was pointed at them in every direction. Soon the door was open again. Zach, Rea, Tae, and Kira was brought in tied up. They was in a separate rooms as the guys.

"I see everybody is here." Mitch said into the mic.

De'Maine was bleeding from the bullet wound.

"Four every family member in this room, De'Maine get shot. Starting with his next favorite person in the world beside his daughter. Rea." Mitch said smiling.

Rea cried as she locked eyes with De'Maine.

"I love you De'Maine!" Rea screamed. Tears filled De'Maine eyes.

Mitch nodded his head and a gun shot was hit in De'Maine stomach. His body jerked as Rea screamed out.

"Stop! Stop!" She screamed over and over. She was focus to watch her brother got shot by a man holding her face.

"Next shot goes to Tremaine." Mitch said as two men had to pick Maine up and carried him to the window. Maine jerk away and was punch in the jaw. Being weak and hurting was really taking a toll over him.

"Call in Maine where do you want your shot at?" Mitch asked.

"Fuck you!" Maine yelled out.

"What was that you said the stomach again? Give him on in the stomach again guy." Mitch said the guy shot De'Maine in the stomach again.

Rea screamed she break free off her rope and punch the man in his face. She attacked him with everything in her soon she was shot in the side. Her body jerked as she fall to the floor.

Shawn yelled out as he tried to break free from the other men that hold him.

"Let's speed up this process shall we?" Mitch looked around the room as De'Maine looked at his brother in the eyes. Maine had tears flowing from his eyes.

"Zach! Where is Zach?" Mitch looked around the glass as a men bring Zach to the window. "There is Zach! Zach I'm sorry, we built a bound from the beginning. I'm sorry you have to watch your dear brother get killed right in front of your face. I love you Zach. I take a liking to you the most. I wanted to be with you Zach. De'Maine killed my family, so it's only fair you guys watch  him die too. I'm nothing with out my family. But Zach I could have change the world with you by my side. Kill em." Mitch said.

Gun shots was ring out all around as they hit De'Maine body. Zach screamed out as blood pour out De'Maine body.

Everything was silent for a good ten minutes.

"Now it's my turn." Mitch said with a smile.

The guys looked confused at each other so did the girls.

"Kill me." Mitch said and gun shots ring out around again as Mitch body hit the floor with blood flooding the floor.


Two Months later

Ant woke up in a hospital bed with Zy'Anna laying on his chest. Aj was laying on a chair in the hospital room and Zach was talking to Bree.

"So you married now? How does it feel?" Zach asked Bree as she smiled.

"It feels wonderful especially with me expecting my second child." Bree rubbed her stomach.

"Things not the same anymore. Rea not talking to anyone. Her and Shawn not even living together." Zach said.

"I know that's the same part of everything. I talk to Tae and Maine haven't woke up yet." Bree said.

"That's sad. I don't know what happen after I was knocked over the head. I woke up in my bed, with my kids, but no Ant." Zach said.

"Have anyone talk to Kira or Maurice?" Bree asked.

Zach shook her head no.

The last two months had been hell on everyone. Especially Rea, she haven't been the same since losing her brother. She kept herself locked up in her house in her room. Not talking to anyone. She told Shawn she wanted him to leave and take the twin boys with him too, until she got herself together.

After Mitch got murder in front of the group after De'Maine the building was shut door pitch black. De'Maine and Mitch body was remove as the group was taking into safety and got their kids back. Maine and Ant slipped into a coma. Maurice and Shawn had to be hospitalized as Rea refused to talk to a doctor about her wound. They just patch her up and sent her home.

Drake found Bree on the ground unconscious and called 911. Bree was rushed to the hospital, that's when she found out she was pregnant.


It was never my plan to keep De'Maine in the book. He was just passing through. He wasn't a main character in the book, there for I saw it fit he had to go. It could have been one of the girls, that was later placed in the book, because I had ideas for that too. As for Mitch the reason he killed himself is, because why would he stick around when De'Maine was already dead? Since he was De'Maine look alike, plus he had no family. He had to go too.

R.I.P De'Maine you will truly be missed! R.I.P Mitch!


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