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"Rea let me hold one of the babies." Zach said as they all was at Rea house for the day.

"They sleep right now. What been going on ladies?" Rea asked Kira, Zach, and Tae.

They all sighed and shook their head.

"Bad." Zach said.

"Terrible." Kira sad sadly.

"I miss my husband." Tae said.

Rea looked at them.

"Well fill me in. I miss so much." Rea said.

Bree walked in.

"Hey y'all." She greeted the ladies. They greeted her back.

"Well I'll go first." Kira said, and shook her head.

Their kids was all at school and daycare for the day. Well except for Rea kids.

"I cheated on Maurice." Kira said.

The girls gasped.

"When?" Zach asked.

"Where?" Tae asked.

"How?" Rea asked.

They all looked at her and shook their head.

"It was this new doctor name Bryson Tiller, and he looked at me with intense eyes, like he wanted me all the time. He kissed me, I was shocked so walked away. Then more kisses came, then he ate me out. We almost went all the way, but I caught myself." Kira said as tears filled her eyes.

Nobody said anything.

"Damn temptation is a killer. I was texting and talking to someone on the phone. I even met the psycho for lunch." Zach said.

"Trying to play my cousin on the low I see." Bree said.

Zach glared at Bree.

"Ain't nobody trying to play Ant. And if I was this is my marriage not yours. You tend to your own relationship." Zach snapped.

"Well I can't tell, you meeting other niggas for lunch and shit. That low as hell." Bree snapped back.

"Like I said this is my marriage. Plus I wasn't even talking to you. Rea asked us a question, me, Kira, and Tae. Not your high mighty ass." Zach said to Bree.

"Anyways as I was saying. Yeah that happen, I told Ant, he backhanded my ass, and throw his wedding ring at me."
Zach said shaking her head.

"Wow, all this happening to us, right after another. Tae how your distance thing working out?" Kira asked Tae.

"It back fired on my ass. Now I'm lonely as hell, Treyci scared of Maine, because she was in class that day. It's a mess y'all." Tae said.

"Maurice took my ring, and gave me back his ring." Kira shrugged.

"Damn, don't look like no family trip with be taking place this year." Rea said.

"Nope." Kira said.

"I hope you guys marriage work out though. Especially Kira and Maurice marriage. Y'all the power couple." Rea said

Kira smiled sadly.

"I was set up by Rayne." Kira said.

"Who?" Zach asked.

"Rayne. Maurice ex. Her and Bryson set up a video camera in my office at work." Kira said.

"Oh that bitch don't learn." Zach said.

"Hell no." Tae said.

"I got a feeling she will be back." Kira said.

"I wish that bitch would come back around here, and I'm around. I'll beat the hell out that bitch." Zach said.

"Right." Rea said.

"I have a stalker. Well I haven't seen him since he attack me at Black Pyramid." Zach said.

Bree rolled her eyes.

"Oh wow, damn. Looks like we going to war before this year over with." Rea said.

"Hell yeah, I'm ready." Zach said.

"Me too, but first I need to work on saving my marriage. Even Ky'Lin picked up on us not wearing our wedding rings." Kira shook her head.

"Wow oh wow, now that's bad." Tae said.

"She listens and pays attention very well." Kira said.

"That she do."  Zach said.

The front door open again, and Shawn enter with one box of pizza and wings.

"Hello ladies, if I knew y'all was here too, I would of bring more. I'm sorry." Shawn gave them apologetic look. He went to kiss Rea and walked in the kitchen.

Rea blushed as Kira, Tae, and Zach looked sad.

"Y'all need to cheer up. You all made the bed, now you all have to lay it. Instead  of y'all talking about y'all problems y'all should be home trying to fix it. Bye, good bye, go home and fix y'all problems. Call me when y'all fix it. I'm about to go lay up with my fiancée." Rea smiled.

Zach laughed.

"Look at this bitch trying to rub it in our face." Zach shook her head.

"Rea you wrong for that, but I'm not even mad you right." Kira said.

"I know. But seriously though make it right. With you Zach I don't know how that going to work out, you have a nut on your hands, but try." Rea smiled and walked them to the door.

Bree stayed behind.

"You tripping, you should have never said that." Rea said to Bree.

"She trying to play my cousin, that's not cool." Bree said.

"Neither was it cool for him to put his hands on her, but that's none of my business." Rea said and check her baby monitor.

"Have you talk to De'Maine lately?" Bree asked Rea.

"No, I think he went back to the Bahamas." Rea shrugged. She really didn't know if her brother went or not. Truth be told she haven't talk to her brother lately.

"Damn I tried calling his phone, but he not taking my calls. De'Mya asking for her daddy."

"Awww. When I talk to him, I'll let you know. Or I'll tell him to call you." Rea said.

"Okay I'm about to go pick Mya up from daycare." Bree said and Rea walked her to the door.

Rea sighed and shook her head. She pray Kira, Zach, and Tae marriage work out.

She walked upstairs to her bed room and saw Shawn sleep. She smiled and crawled on top of him.

"Don't tease me." He said opening his eyes.

Rea laughed and kissed him.

might do one more update later on today, since I have ideas for this book.


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