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"What's this?" Bree asked De'Maine.

"I don't know you tell me, it was left on the front porch at the house." De'Maine looking at the card. "Drake?" He looked at her.

"Drake?" Maurice, Maine, and Ant said at the same time.

"Yeah Drake my boyfriend." Bree said as she took the stuff from De'Maine. "Thank you."

De'Maine nodded his head.

"Ky'Lin take the kids to the play room." Kira said to Ky'Lin who nodded her head.

"Is she talking about Drake who went with Nicki?" Maine whispered to Maurice who shrugged his shoulders and looked at Ant.

"What y'all eating over here?" De'Maine asked as he sat next to Maine.

"Nothing." Maine said.

"Shut your bitch ass up." De'Maine said to Maine.

"Man y'all going to stop stealing my shit." Maurice said.

Ant have yet to look up from his food.

"I like this watch Bree." Rea said as she admired the watch Drake brought Bree.

"Thank you. I like it too." Bree said and putting the watch on.

"Damn champagne though. This shit look expensive." Zach said. "Kira where your glasses at?" Zach said and walked in the kitchen, where the guys been.

"Sup ugly." Maine greeted Zach.

"Hey shrimp." Zach waved and got the glasses for the girls.

She didn't look Ant way and he didn't look her way.

"Them flowers going to die though." Rea said and Maine burst out laughing.

"I don't understand why people buy real flowers if they cant take care of them." Maine said.

Maurice looked at Ant again, as he ate his food still on mute.

"Me either bruh." Rea laughed with Maine.

"Better be cheap and buy them fake ass roses." Maine said.

Zach opened the bottle and pour champagne for the ladies.

"When you see Drake tell em I said thank you. I need this and a little bit more." Zach said as she drink hers in one swallow. She then started drinking everybody else owns too. Everybody look at her as she just pour her glass after glass.

Maurice and Maine looked at Ant again as he grabbed him a slice of pizza, watching Zach. Maurice shook his head, while Maine wanted to punch Ant in his face.

"Uhh Zach is you good?" Kira asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah girl I am great." Zach said as she turned the bottle up and started drinking from the bottle.

Now all eyes was on Ant as he ate his food watching Zach.

"Kira do you have anything else to drink this wasn't enough." Zach said as she put the bottle down.

Kira shook her no, as Tae went in her purse and pulled out a mini liquor bottle. She passed it to Zach.

"Really Tae?" Kira mumbled. Tae shrugged.

Zach drink that in one swallow too.

"I'm hungry, let's eat." Rea said as everything got quiet.

"Yeah I'm hungry too." Kira got up from her seat and said.

Zach went to sit down on the chair.

"She going to be sleep in a minute." De'Maine and Maine said at the same time as they looked at Zach.

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