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Kira stood nervously as Brian looked at his daughter.

"No need to be nervous, this is your second time getting married, why you nervous?" Brian smirked.

"You don't understand, a lot of people are out there. We didn't had that many people last time."

Kira wedding Dress in Media

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Kira wedding Dress in Media

"Well look at it this way, these people are here to witness the love you and your husband share with one another." Brian said as he hold out his arm so Kira can loop her arm in his.

The wedding song came on. It was time for Kira to walk down the beach to her husband.

Wedding setting in Media

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Wedding setting in Media

Maurice stood nervously in front of everybody. He sleep that little bit of liquor off now he's feeling  nervous and Maine not making it better, laughing at him. Maurice asked Maine to be his best men, a while back and he accepted it. He would of ask Ant, but Ant get mad to easy, especially when they was going over everything.

Maurice tux in Media

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Maurice tux in Media

Christina walked down the beach throwing flowers for Kira to walk on. Christina was smiling and waving as she came down. Maurice smiled at his little girl as she went to stand next to Zach.  Soon Kira came down the beach with her father on her arms. Maurice stood still, she looked so beautiful walking toward him. When she grabbed his hands in hers, Maurice had to remember to breathe.

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