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Ant went to check on his kids, before he rushed out the house, he locked the door, and rushed to his car. He looked down at what he had on.

"Fuck it." He said and cranked up his car, and speed down the road to his old house.

When he got there, he reached for his gun, then he thought against it.

"Nah beat that nigga with my fucking hands." He got out the car, and walked to the door. He didn't miss this house at all. He knocked on the door.

"What the fuck am I doing?" Ant asked his self, as he kicked down the door. He will be hurting later, but fuck it.

Zach jumped up, and looked around, she heard someone walking around the house. Calvin went out to something for her head. She was very weak and could barely move. That's how bad Calvin been beating her for the past week.

"Zach!" She heard.

She couldn't talk from all the screaming she been doing, her throat hurt, and her body aches. She was tired.

"Zach!" She heard again. That sound like Ant. She wished she could answer him back, but she couldn't.

Ant finally found the room she was in, and took one look at her body, and gasped. Her body was beat up, with cuts, bruises, and dark spots. Her face was the only thing unharmed. Well she do have a black eyes, and busted lip.

Plus being naked didn't make things better. Ant got her unloosen.

"Okay Zach this is what I'm going to need you to do. I need to play like you sleep, and I'm going to be waiting in the corner, when he see you untied he going to say something. Just ignore him, I got this." He said as he looked at her. Examined her body.

"Ant." Zach whispered.

Ant looked in her face.

"Don't talk baby. Don't talk. Shh." Ant said as he fight back tears.

"I'm tired Ant." Zach said as a tear slipped out her eyes.

"Z don't talk like that. Please. Hold on. I got you." Ant said as rage build up in him, as the room door open.

"What the fuck is this?" Calvin asked, as he raised his gun to Ant.

Ant closed his eyes, and count to ten. He don't know what possessed him to do what he did, but he did it anyway. He stood up and walked closer to Calvin.

"My wife is coming home with me tonight. You going to have to kill me, before I let you do anything else to my wife." Ant growled out.

Calvin chuckled.

"Your wife? She wasn't your wife when you storm out the house every night, she wasn't your wife, when you backhanded her ass, and she damn sure wasn't your wife when you told her to go be with that nigga, and throw your ring at her. I been watching you two, for quite so--" Ant didn't let him finish as he punch him in his face, the gun went off. Ant tackled Calvin to the floor, and the gun dropped out his hand.

"You punk muthafucka!" Ant yelled as he kicked Calvin in stomach. He continued to kick Calvin in the stomach, Calvin grabbed his foot and yanked him. Ant fell to ground, and quickly rolled over, and punch Calvin in his face again. Calvin punch him back. He then punch Ant again busting is nose. Calvin quick on his foot tried kicking Ant in his side, but Ant rolled over and stood up. Now they both was up. Fighting each other. Going lick for lick.

Zach wished she could helped her husband, but she was to weak to do anything. She would have to put the pain aside, and help him.

Ant punch Calvin in the chin. As his nose continued to bleed. He then punch Calvin in his temple as hard as he could. Knocking Calvin out.

Zach hold the gun in her hands, standing up. She looked like she was about to fall, but Ant catch her.

"Let's call the ambulance and police." Ant said to her. As he wrapped a sheet around her body.

"I want my kids." Zach said weakly.

"Oh shit the kids! Let me call your brother real quick. I'll be back." Ant rushed out the room, and out to his car to get his phone.

Calvin rolled over, and stood up. Zach eyes widen. As she grabbed the gun slowly.

"Don't take another step." Zach said to him.

Calvin smiled and took a step, Zach fired the gun. It hit Calvin in the leg. She fired the gun again, hitting him in the other leg.

Ant rushed back in the house, and saw Calvin on the floor, and Zach holding the gun.

"Maurice going to get the kids now, and take them to his house. The polices and ambulance is on the way too." Ant said.

Zach nodded weakly, and closed her eyes.

Soon the police arrive, Ant gave his statement, and Calvin was locked up until Maurice and Maine go down there and talk to the police. Seeing if they can put Calvin in the field, before they beat his ass to death. With being a FBI in their line of work. They get away with a lot, well in their eyes. And with De'Maine working with them too, yeah Calvin is good and dead.


Zach was in the ambulance sleep, Ant stared at her wedding ring, she haven't took off since their fight. He was really having mix emotions about everything now. Apart of him wanted to still leave, and another part wanted to stay. Truth be told he miss his wife. Missed all the fun times they had together as a family. He was miserable these past few days. He just don't like to feel played in a way. He haven't messed or even think about being with another woman. He wanted to know what was Zach thinking when she did that. Obviously she wasn't thinking if she did that to him. He couldn't help think about his parents. Losing his dad to a heart attack crushed him, and his mother showing up to funeral crying hard like she was really heartbroken that he was gone really messed with Ant head. He really showed his ass at that funeral. He shook his head and looked at his wife again.

When they got to the hospital and got Zach in a room, they gave Ant a blanket and pillow to sleep on in the chair.

As for Zach condition it's bad, considering she have broken ribs, a concussion, plus bruises all over her body, she will have to stay the hospital a day or two.

She haven't woke up since the paramedics gave her something to for the pain. Ant wanted to pinch her to make sure she was still alive. He got off the chair and went to her. He feel her forehead. It is slight warm. He looked at her arm and rubbed it. He pinch it hard.

Zach eyes opened fast, scaring the hell out of Ant. She glared at him, and fall back to sleep.

"Well she alive. I'm taking my ass to sleep." Ant said as he got on the chair, got comfy, and fall asleep.

Sorry for the late update, my bae was sick today, and I had to be on mother duties extra hard tonight. She still has a fever, but she sleep now, so I type this up for you guys.


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