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Twelve hours later Rea gave birth to twins boys. RayShawn and Sj. It was a hard delivery but she did it. She was glad she didn't have to get a C-Section. Shawn was there coaching her through the whole thing, Even when she slapped the piss out of him for laughing at her. Now she was rubbing his face as he glared at her. As they both hold their boys.

RayShawn and Sj in Media

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RayShawn and Sj in Media

"Babe I'm sorry I hit you in your face. You been laughing at me though." Rea said as she kissed his cheek.

"I know how you can get me to forgive you?" Shawn smiled.

Rea raised an eyebrow.


"Marry me." Shawn smile at her.

"Huh?" Rea looked at him, dumbfounded.

"You heard me, be my wife." Shawn said.

"Uhhh you sure?" Rea was still in shock that he asking her to marry him.

"Baby I am so sure. These last three years with you has been the best three years of my life. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you. You complete me, I'm glad I met you, even though what I did was wrong, I'm happy I did it now, because I have the love of my life and my two boys. All I need now is my little girl. Which we going to start working on as soon as these 6 weeks is over with." Shawn said.

Rea had tears in her eyes, but she didn't let them fall.

"So will you marry me Rea? Be wife? My other half of my heart?" Shawn asked her.

Rea nodded her head yes.

"I don't have a ring right now. After your 6 weeks check up, we going to Vegas for the weekend to get married. I don't need nothing fancy to let anyone know how much I love and care for you. I just need you standing at the alter with me." Shawn said.

Rea started crying then.

"You so sweet. You have a way with words." She said as she kissed his lips.

"I know I do." Shawn said as he got the bed with Sj in his arms.


Kira is in her office going office going over some paper work before she go to the hospital to Rea and her boys when there was a knock on her office door.

"Come in." She yelled out.

Bryson walked in and automatically Kira smooth her hair down, and licked her lips. Damn it she should have reapplied her lip stick.

Snap out of it Kira. Think about your husband. She thought in her head as Bryson sat down in front of her smiling.

Bryson in Media

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Bryson in Media

"Let's go out to lunch." Bryson said to her.

"I cant today, I have to meet my family at the hospital after this paper work." Kira said looking at him.

"I'll help you with it. Let's move it to your table." He said as he stood up and helped her gather her papers up.

Kira stood up and when she looked Bryson was all in her personal space. She backed up just a little only for Bryson to pulled her to him. Why did she want this man to kiss her?

"Bryson." She whispered as his lips touch her.

Kira pulled back from him quickly and grabbed her things and walked out the office fast.

Bryson smiled to his self. He will have her sooner then he think. His cell phone vibrate in his pocket. He read the message and frown.

He quickly dial the number.

"Rayne what the fuck....I know how to do my job....I'll have everything you need by the end of this month...I already put the  cameras up...I just want my money by the end of this shit...Bye." He shoved his phone back in his pocket and looked over at the camera and smiled.


"Bae I like my hair." Ant kissed Zach after she finished his hair.

"I know you would have. I hope you ready for this weekend." She smiled at him.

Ant walked closer to Zach and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm glad Dr. James help us. I don't know what I'll do if I lose you." Ant said.

"I wouldn't know what I'll do either." Zach said.

They shared a kiss. All to soon a crash noise happen and they turned around quickly. Aj knocked over a vase in the living room.

"Oops, it slipped." He said as he ran upstairs fast.

"Damn bad ass boy." Zach said as Ant went to beat Aj behind.

Her cellphone vibrate. It was the Darren guy again. He always texting her, he was aggy and she hated she actually talk to him and meet up with him for lunch. She deleted the text and went to start cooking for her husband.

Her cell phone vibrated again.

Dajay: Why  you not talking to me? I thought you liked me. Don't ignore me please.

Uhh okay, was he that lonely?. Zach change Darren name in her phone to a girl name, so her husband wont get suspicious.

Zach: Look getting your number was mistake stop texting my phone. I'm happily married.

Dajay: If you was happily married you wouldn't have got my number.

Zach: I'm deleting your number now.

Dajay: I still would have your number.

Zach: That's why they have something call Block.

Zach shook her head and turn around and jumped. Ant was behind her.

"Hey baby, when you going to start cooking. A little nigga hungry." Ant rubbed his stomach.

"In a minute. Let me take the chicken out." Zach said.

Her phone vibrate in her hand. She opened the text and saw a picture with her and Darren at lunch talking and smiling.

Dajay: If you don't want this sent to your husband job, you will continue to talk and see me.

Zach: Fuck you.

What Zach wanted to know was how he knew where her husband work at. Is Daren following them now? She need to tell her husband what's going on before it's to late. She don't want to damage their good place right now either. So she will just remain quiet.

There was a knock at her door, Ant went to opened it.

"Baby one of your Black Pyramid kids parents here." Ant yelled out.

Zach walked to the door and froze.



Rea and Shawn Engaged!

Oh shit! Zach what the hell you done got your self into? Zach has a stalker yall!

Kira and that kiss between Bryson! Bryson working with Rayne! Damn

What are these girls going to do now?


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