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Kira sit in her office with her head in her arms on her desk. This was a damn nightmare she wanted to wake up from. She got caught up and cheated on the best thing to ever happen to her. Temptation is a killer, now it may cause her, her marriage. How could she be so stupid and weak?

"Kira?" She heard her name, she picked her head up face her husband. "Why Kira?" He asked looking at her with tears in his eyes. Kira didn't know what to do or say. She cried with him.

Maurice walked closer to her desk, Kira got scared, she stood up quickly.

"I'm hurt Kira. You hurt me." Maurice said as he stood in front of her.

"Mar I'm so sorry. I got caught up. I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I know I broke a marriage vow, and I don't blame you if you want a divorce." Kira said as she swallowed hard.

Maurice continue to stare at her with tears falling out his eyes. Kira stared at him back with tears in her eyes. Maurice grabbed her hand with the wedding ring on it and look at it. Kira stared down don't know what Maurice is thinking at this point. He slide it off her finger and put it in his pocket.

"Maurice." Kira gasps. Maurice took off his wedding ring and hand it to her. "No Maurice. No!" Kira shook her head. Maurice placed the ring on her desk.

Maurice grabbed her face and kissed her hard and deep.

"I'll see you at home." Maurice turned and walked away.

Kira stared at the ring on her desk and looked down, her hand felt naked without her wedding ring. She sat back down in her chair and cried with her head on her desk.

Maurice walked in his house and sighed deeply. He looked around at the house he and his wife shared so many memories in , over the past 5 years. He wish he had someone to talk too. He couldn't talk to his friends, they pretty much in a bad place too. He walked upstairs to his bed and laid across it staring at the ceiling.

He heard the alarm beep. Soon he heard the bed dip.

"Mar." He heard Kira said softly.

"Hmm." He answered back.

"I'm sorry."  

"Please, Kira please don't apologize again. You not sorry, if you was sorry, you would have stopped the first time. You let another man touch what's mine K. What's mine. I know I have my fuck ups, but I would have never betray you like that. Never. And I asked you did you have anything to say or tell me. You sat in my face and looked at me regretful. You let that nigga eat you out K, that's my peach, you gave that shit away. How can I ever make love to you again, and not think if you thinking about that nigga? This a hard pill to swallow K." Maurice rubbed his hand down his face.

"How can we get through this?" Kira asked.

"To be honest I don't even know. I guess this Karma for the shit I put you through in the past, but I didn't care to much about the kisses, but the fact that you let this nigga put his mouth on your pussy, bruh K why." Maurice asked.

"I'm so sorry." Kira said, then put her hand over her mouth when Maurice glared at her. "Oops, my bad."

"I love you K, but you not wearing your wedding ring no more. You broke a vow." Maurice said. "Oh and I'm not sleeping with you no more. I'll take a room downstairs." Maurice said.

Kira wanted to cry again. She just nodded her head. Maurice sighed and sat up on the bed. He kissed her cheek and walked out the room.

"Oh I'm shutting Black Pyramid down too." Maurice said as he came back in the room.

Kira gasped.

"What!? Why?" She looked at him.

"That fight in my business had a lot of parents calling saying their kids wont be in danger bullshit, so what's the point in continuing the bullshit." Maurice shrugged.

"Maurice it's not bullshit, you worked your ass off getting that place built." Kira said.

"Welps tell that to Maine and Tae bringing their problems to my place of business, I cant do it no more. Everything is falling apart. Damn cant catch a fucking break." Maurice shook his head.

"We can get through this." Kira said.

Maurice looked at her.

"Really Kira? Can we?" Maurice asked.

Kira remained quiet.

"Yeah I thought so. I'm about to go pick the kids up. You cooking or take outs?" Maurice asked her.

"I'll cook something." Kira said sadly.

"Aye cheer up. It's all good. We blaming this bullshit on Karma." Maurice said.

Kira looked at him.

"Can I get my ring back then?" Kira tried.

"Hell no, you still cheated, you still broke a marriage vow, you still gave my fucking peach to another nigga. Hell no!" Maurice said and walked back out the room.

"Cant blame a girl for trying." Kira said as she sigh deeply and walked out the bedroom.

Kira cook something light, she cant have her daughter going around saying her mommy cook cabbage and rice everyday. So she just cooked chicken and fries.

When Maurice came back Ky'Lin eyed her and shook her head. She looked hurt. Uhh okay. What the actual hell.

"Ky let me talk to you for a minute." Kira said to her daughter.

Ky'Lin followed her mother to the family room.

"What's with the look you gave me?" Kira asked her daughter.

"What's with you and daddy not wearing your wedding rings?" Ky'Lin asked her back.

Kira was taken back.

"Uhh you too young to understand." Kira said.

"Mom I'll be eleven soon, and I'll be starting middle school soon,  I'm not a dummy. But whatever it is that going on with you all,  I hope you get though it mommy. I love daddy, and it will really hurt me if he leave us." Ky'Lin said and walked out the family room , leaving Kira dumbfounded. Maurice heard everything and sighed deeply. Ky'Lin was very smart for her age and see a lot.

Maurice really need to get in contact with Ant to talk to his marriage counselor, because what Ky'Lin said really touch him, he cant leave his family like that, he will do everything in his power to fix whatever went wrong. Kira walked out the room and their eyes meet, Maurice dropped his eyes, and went to start fixing the kids food. Ky'Lin was already at the kitchen table with a book in her hands.


I'm going to try to touch basis with every couple problems in the next few updates, because I'm starting to feel bad, and want to delete the book. Sorry to all the girls if I offend you in anyway, I'm thinking about not finishing the book. Sorry you all.


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