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Maine entered Zach hospital room and shook his head.

"Damn she haven't woke up yet?" He asked Ant.

"Nope not since I brought her in." He shook his head.

"Did you try pinching her?" Maine asked.

"Yep, been doing that all damn day." Ant said.

"Hmm let me try yelling in her ear." Maine said and walked to Zach's bed. "ZACH!" He yelled in Zach ear.

Zach jumped up and glared at him.

"Can I please sleep in peace without someone waking me up?" She said angrily.

"You been sleeping for two days straight. Wake your ass up." Maine said.

"Damn really? It feels like I just went to sleep." Zach yawned.

"Wake your ass up! You go home today and you still sleeping." Maine shook his head.

"Where is Maurice?" Zach asked.

"At Black Pyramid, shutting everything down?" Maine said.

"Aww man, I know it hurting him right now doing that." Zach said sadly.

"Yep, I told him I would call every parent and tell them it was my fault, but he said don't worry about it. It will give him time to work on his marriage." Maine said.

Zach couldn't help think about her own marriage. That's why she have yet to look Ant way. She don't know what was running through his mind, but if a divorce is what he wanted, she would give it to him. She had her kids to live for and she couldn't keep looking sad in front of them. It wasn't fair them, and it damn sure wasn't good for her.

"Aww good for him. At least he is trying to make things right. What about you and Tae?" Zach asked.

Maine couldn't help think about that night he walked upstairs to his bedroom and saw his wife naked waiting for him, with candles lit in the room. The only thing was she was sleep. Maine shook his head at the memory. He just blew out the candles that night, and hugged her close to him as he fall asleep with her.

"We're good. We going out of town next weekend." Maine said.

"Aww that's good." Zach said.

"Yeah well bye, I just came to wake you up." Maine smiled and walked out the room leaving Ant and Zach alone.

Zach turned back around so she could get more sleep before she go home. She knew her kids missed her like she missed them.

"So you not going to say anything to me?" Ant asked her.

Zach rolled back over on her back, and looked over at him.

"Hey Anthony."

Ant just shook his head.

The nurse bring in Zach discharge papers. Telling her she needs to take it easy for a couple of days.

Ant drove to Maurice house in silence. Neither him nor Zach said anything to each other.

Ant went in to get the kids while Zach stayed outside in the car. She wasn't up for seeing anybody today. She just want her kids and her bed and cartoons for the rest of the day.

"Mommy!" Zy'Anna screamed when she saw her mother in the front seat.

Zach looked back at her and smile.

"Hey mommy baby, I miss you." Zach said to Zy'Anna.

"I miss you too mommy. Please don't leave me again." Zy'Anna said.

"I promise I won't." Zach said and turn to Aj who glared at her.

"What's wrong Aj?" Zach asked him.

Aj just turned his head away from her and stared out the window, as Ant buckled Zy'Anna in her booster seat.

"Fasten your belt boy." Ant said to Aj. Aj did what he was told.

"Mommy can you make me some Mac and cheese when we get home?" Zy'Anna asked, Zach.

"Anything for you." Zach replied back.

Ant backed out of Maurice driveway, and head in the direction of his house.

Zy'Anna and Aj fall asleep. Zach stared out the window.

When they got home, Ant helped Zach out the car and got the kids in the house. They was still sleep. So that gave him time to try to talk to Zach.

Zach laid down on the couch. Ant walked in the living room and stand in front of her. Zach looked up at him, they both just stared at each other. Zach looked at her wedding ring and slide it off her finger.

"Here. I'll give you the divorce you want." She fight back tears.

Ant just stared at her before he took the ring out her hand. He still stared at her though not saying anything.

Zach got up off the chair and walked away from him, so he wouldn't see her tears. She walked upstairs to her bedroom and close the door. She got in her bed and cried her self to sleep. When Zach woke up, she felt an arm around her arm.

"I'm trying to move past this but I can't Zach. It's hard to deal with this. I miss you, but I just can't forgive you." Ant said.

"It's cool, no hard feelings." Zach said as she swallowed the lump the grew in her throat.

"I'll be moving out soon." Ant said softly.

That's when the tears started again.

"O-okay." Zach said as she tried to hold on her cry, but it was hard.

Ant sighed and turn Zach around so she could look at him.

"Don't cry ma. Just think of it as a way that we wasn't ready for this. Don't give me wrong I do love you, but marriage isn't for us. We tried and it's not." Ant said.

"How can you sit in my face and tell me something like that? You asked to marry me, I made a mistake Ant, a mistake. You want to break up our marriage because of that? I know I'm wrong, I shouldn't have been talking to another man, but at the same time it was just being friendly." Zach said.

"You shouldn't need or want another man friend. You giving him your attention. Attention you don't even give me." Ant said.

"Look we don't have to go back over it already. I get it. Gosh." Zach said and turn away from him.

Ant just laid in the bed with her listen to her cry. It broke his heart that he have to break up his family, he just couldn't see his self with someone who wasn't loyal to him.

Zach stared the at wall across her room. She cant believe she was about to get a divorce. She never saw this day coming. It was like a slap to the face though, but oh well.

Ant pulled her close to him again, he couldn't stay away from her. Zach turned around in his arms and laid her head on his chest as she cried herself to sleep again. Ant followed behind her.

My favorite couple is going through it right now. I really do hope they can get through this, but they have to be willing. I know I can control what I write, but at the same time no I can't.

Writing this chapter really did hurt my feelings, but give Ant some time y'all. Lol it's hard for him to forgive. He making progress though. Y'all see he haven't forgive his mother yet.


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