Who's The Whore?

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*Noemi's POV*

I fell asleep not long after Donna left. I woke up a couple hours later.

This room is so white its blinding to wake up. I couldn't see for a couple seconds. Eventually my eyes adjusted to the room and I looked around.

Niall wasn't there. I thought he'd be there by the time I woke up, I guess something came up.

The nurse came barging in and looked surprised. "Noemi, um, I thought you'd still be asleep, um," she paused. "How are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm much better actually, thanks." I stated.

"Okay, well, I think today we can send you home." She smiled at me. "REALLY!?" I yelled in disbelief. "THAT'S AWESOME." I attempted to get off the bed.

"Noemi, careful! You can't move to fast or have any sexual activity till your stitches are settled." She winked at me. At this point I didn't care what she said, I just wanted to go and see my man.

"Okay, can I have my clothes?" I said impatiently. Before I knew it I was dressed in my normal blood stained clothes and leaving the hospital.

Donna pulled up in her car, signed my release papers and we left. Donna insisted that we go back to the orphanage so I could get a change of clothes. I was about to say no then I remembered the twins. They thought I was in a coma still, so this would be a nice surprise.

We arrived shorty back to the orphanage and I ran in. I ran up the stairs to the third floor. Bursting through the door, I scared the twins.

When they saw me that sad the biggest smiles on their faces. "NOEMI!" They both screamed attacking me with hugs. "Sophia wouldn't stop crying 'cos she thought you were dead." Ashley laughed.

"Awe, Sophia, it's okay, I'm alive and healthy." I smiled and hugged her. "Listen girls, I can't stay for long, so let me get changed, okay?" They both nodded in understanding.

I got changed into some shorts and Niall's "Free Hugs" t-shirt. I slipped on some converse and wished the girls farewell and left.

I walked to Niall's house. I let myself in 'cos this was going to be my house soon anyway.

I'm alright with being adopted. As long ad I've got the twins with me, I'm fine.

Niall was in his room when I found him talking to some girl? Um, I'm the only girl allowed into his room besides his mum.

"Um, hi Noemi." Niall said awkwardly. "This is Holly, Holly this is Noemi.. my girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you." she held out her hand, which I gently shook. "Well, I should go.." and with a wink to Niall, she left.

"Who's the whore?"

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