Dirty Blonde.

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*Noemi's POV*

I went home for a bit, after 'round two'. I just needed to get away and think. I had three days to decide whether I wanted to be adopted by Niall's Mum or not.

I was walking passed Melanie, the local crack whore I sell to.

"Noemi!" She yelled at me.

"What?" I asked annoyed by her accent.

"When am I going to get the stuff?"

"When you pay me." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Well, I don't have the money right now, but I was hoping we'd come to an agreement." She came closer to me, walking her fingers up my arm.

"What are you doing?!"

"I thought this is what you wanted." You can tell by the look on her face that she was confused.

"No. This is what you want. Not me." I grabbed her wrist and pried her hand off of me.

I started walking from her when she grabbed my wrist. "Don't say you don't want this," she gestured to her body. "You've had your eye of me."

"Maybe in your perfect world." I smiled trying to release her grip.

"You're just jealous of me." She stated matter-of-factly.

"If I was, there wouldn't be much to be jealous of. And since I'm not nor will I ever be, you're to ignorant to understand that people aren't jealous of you. We just don't give a fuck." I walked off without another word.

Walking past the orphanage, the last place I wanted to be, I went toward 32 St. Where Ronny and his crew normally hang out.

Ronny was an old friend of mine. He was there to help me kick some arse.

I walked down the street and saw him. "Ronny!" I yelled getting his attention. His head swerved toward me and his smile fell to a frown.

"What do you want?" He asked me disgusted.

"I don't want to go to the orphanage, do I walked and I saw you. Thought I'd say 'Hi'."

"You owe me some money."

"And I'll get it soon."

"I want it now!" He said raising his voice.

"I don't have it."

"Then you know what happens." Before I could say anything back two of Ronny's men grabbed me from behind and held me down.

I felt a kick to my stomach and knew I'd be dead by the end of this. I felt more rapid kicks and punches being thrown all over me body.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness. About to close my eyes I heard a faint yell of my name. I was to weak to pay attention.

The violent behaviour stopped and I was left in the floor puzzled.

With every last bit of strength I had I lifted my head to see where they'd went.

I saw someone else being pummelled by Ronny. That's when I saw a dirty blonde hair.


SORRY. This is just a filler. A crappy filler, the next chapter I will make better. I promise. (:

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