"She's just a pushy whore"

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I Solemnly Swear 9

 {All characters, places, objects, spells, things, etc belong to J.K Rowling, apart from those which I have made up. I take no credit for anything J.K Rowling has created.}

Chapter 9:

The next day, I was a bit worried it would be awkward between me and Fred but we both just acted like nothing had happened. For the whole week I had too much homework and not enough time to prank people, although I did plan a prank for Jason Jacks which I was going to do this weekend.

I woke on Saturday morning by myself - which was weird as I'm usually woken by Lyric - and quietly got out of bed. It was really early and none of the other girls were awake.

I dressed quietly in a pastel blue knit top with some light grey tights, blue converse and a pink beanie. I used a spell that Violet had taught me to curl the ends of my long blonde hair and I also used another spell to make the air around me warm, as it was getting closer to winter and the mornings and evenings were always chilly.

I crept out of the dorm and down the stairs, surveying the empty common room and deciding I would rather go for a walk than sit there by myself.

Letting myself out of the common room, I wandered aimlessly through the halls until I came to the owlery.

"Aladdin," I called quietly, searching for my pitch black owl. A loud hoot came from behind me and Aladdin soared down from a high perch.

"Hey boy," I cooed, stroking his beak; he nuzzled into my hand.

I sat down on a bench - after cleaning the owl poo off, of course - and started to write a letter to my adoptive parents. After a while, I ended up with this:

Dear mum and dad,

How are you? Is France still warm? It's just starting to get chilly here in England, but I don't mind, it's sort of nice.

I have settled into Hogwarts perfectly and I am loving it much more than I ever liked Beauxbatons. Although, as you may have heard, the Tri-Wizard Tournament has been reinstated this year, so a few students from Beauxbatons are here.

I have made heaps of new friends here. My best friend is Lyric, she is really funny and cool. My other girl friends include Violet, Hermione and Ginny. I also have quite a few acquaintances that I don't hang around as much. I also have some guy friends; Hogwarts actually has more than thirty guys! Fred and George Weasley, Lee Jordan, Harry Potter (yes - the boy who lived), and Ron Weasley.

I am having heaps of fun here and I even get good grades! (despite my natural tendency for trouble-making) A few teachers actually like me!

I hope you are well and you write back soon.

Lots and lots of love,



I folded the slip of parchment with my letter on an slipped in into an envelope that I then sealed.

"Here, Aladdin," I said, holding out the envelope, which he grasped with his feet/claw things. Then he flew out the window and soared off into the clear morning sky.

Walking back to the Gryffindor common room, I went a longer way, so that I passed by the lake and Hagrid's hut. From the silhouettes inside Hagrid's windows, I guessed that him and madam Maxime were... Talking. The powder blue, house-sized carriage was not far from Hagrid's hut. The Durmstrang ship was resting peacefully on the lake, everyone inside still seeming to be asleep.

There was a tall, broad-shouldered figure down at the edge of the lake, seemingly staring out over the water. I decided to go see who it was, seeing as I had nothing else to do.

"Hey," I said, gong and sitting next to the person. He turned his head and I was surprised to see that it was Viktor Krum; famous Quidditch player, Durmstrang champion, and Alex Krum's older brother.

"Hello, Nora," Viktor said gruffly, giving me a small half-smile.

"Oh hey!" I grinned, giving him a small half-hug. He gave a short laugh.

"'Ow have you been?" He asked in his accent, I haven't seen him since Alex broke up with me, two years ago; we used to be quite close.

"Good," I smiled.


"Stressed," Viktor replied shortly.

"I can understand that," I laughed.

"You know Hermy-own?" He asked suddenly.


"Her-my-own," Viktor said slowly, trying to form the name properly with his heavy Bulgarian accent.

"Hermione?" I asked, suddenly understanding.

"Yes. Very pretty girl." Viktor said.

"She is," I giggled,

"So does someone have a wittle cwush?" I asked in a baby voice, pinching his cheeks. He slapped my hands away, his face going red.

"No!" He defended, not making eye contact with me.

"I'm kidding! You two would be cute, anyway," I smiled.

Viktor just grunted but gave me a small smile. I hugged him goodbye and then went to go have breakfast and hopefully find my friends.

I ate pancakes for breakfast with Hermione and Ginny - because I could not find Lyric, Violet, Fred, George, Lee or even Katerina anywhere! Then I chatted with them for a bit.

"Well I'm going to go bug Snape now, bye!" I waved to Hermione and Ginny as I left the great hall, heading towards the potions lab because I couldn't be bothered looking for my friends.

"Sup, Snape," I said, walking into my potions class and sitting on a desk in the front of the class.

"Why are you here, Miss Miller?" Snape glared at me from behind a pile of papers - probably the pile of three-foot-long essays he set our potions class.

"Just came to chill with my homie," I said in an american accent.

"Go away." Snape said plainly.

"Thats rude," I huffed.

"You could at least say please," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Snape said sharply, glaring at me.

"I said do you want to see my dick?" I replied plainly.

"You - what?" Snape exclaimed, taken by surprise.

"My dick. Its this long jiggly thing that-"

"I am aware of what a - ... - is," Snape said, pausing before he said 'dick' and not saying anything at all. I giggled at his awkwardness.

"Awkward turtle," I said, doing the sign with my hands.

"Get out of my class," Snape sighed.

"No. You're not teaching so this isn't a class, it's just a room," I said.

"Get out of my room."

"Do you own this school?"

"No," Snape replied.

"Then this ain't your room. Dumbledore's room, Dumbledore's rules. And he said I can stay in here."

"No he didn't," Snape said flatly.

"Uh, yes he did!" I lied.

"Do not lie to me, Miss Miller," Snape hissed. So I hissed back and walked out without even saying goodbye.

It was somehow the afternoon when I finally got back to the Gryffindor common room. I immediately noticed Lyric and Violet sitting in chairs by the fire.

"Nora! Where have you been?" Lyric yelled, jumping up and hugging me.

"Here, there, everywhere," I said truthfully. I had basically been around the whole of Hogwarts.

"You weren't there when we woke up and we haven't seen you all day!" Violet said.

"Yeah, I decided to go for a walk but ended up meeting people and staying away from here."

"Why? Don't you like the Gryffindor common room?" Lyric asked.

"No, no, I love the common room, I just never came her for some reason." I answered.

"Where are the twins, Lee and Katerina?" I asked, noticing their absence for the first time. Lyric and Violet exchanged a dark glance.

"In the twin's room," they said in unison.

"Even Katerina?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, apparently they're working on Weasley's Wizard Wheezes but we're not involved so we can't go in," Lyric muttered bitterly. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was a joke shop that Fred and George were starting with Lee. I had been helping them come up with some ideas for new products, like the beard potion I was working on a while ago.

"Which one said that?" I asked, ready to kick some Weasley ass.

"Katerina," Violet spat venomously. For some reason, I don't think I'm the only one who doesn't like Katerina now.

"She isn't involved!" I exclaimed,

"Is she?" I finished unsurely.

"I don't know, Fred, George and Lee just said they were going to discuss the confidential details of their shop and that they didn't want anyone else there and Katerina just stood up and went with them and said that us two weren't involved so we couldn't come. I don't know if she was telling the truth but Fred and George didn't do anything..."

"She can't be involved! She's only been our friend for, like, two weeks!" I protested.

"Well she did date Fred a few years back, maybe he still has the hots for her," Lyric suggested. I glared at her and she shrugged in reply.

"Just saying."

"Well I still think he likes Nora and I just think that Katerina is a controlling bitch," Violet voiced her opinion.

"But she was so nice when we first met and for the first few days after that but now she really is a bitch!" I said.

"Yeah, I don't really like her that much anymore," Lyric confessed.

"Yeah," Violet and I agreed.

"Well I don't think that they would let her in if you guys weren't allowed. She's just a pushy whore." I reasoned.

"A pushy whore who managed to get into their secret discussion."

"Well if I was here it would be us three instead of her," I told my friends.

"I'm going to gatecrash their 'secret meeting', want to join?"

"Definitely," Vi agreed.

"Coming!" Lyric sing-songed.

I lead the way up the stairs and paused outside the sixth-year boys dorm. I debated whether to knock on the door or not and decided to tap lightly with my knuckles, just once. There were quiet whispers coming from inside but they stopped when I knocked. The door opened a few seconds later and George and Lee's faces popped out.

"Hey, Nora!" George said enthusiastically.

"Hi," I said shortly.

"Can we come in?" I asked.

"Um... I'm not sure if that would be a very good idea right now..." George trailed off, nervously glancing behind him into the room.

"Why not?" Lyric demanded.

"Katerina's in there," I pointed out.

"Exactly," George muttered darkly.

"You can let us in or we can hex you and then come in," Lyric said firmly, putting her hands on her hips with a very defiant expression on her usually playful features.

"Okay, you can come in," George surrendered, holding his hands in the air; the bedroom door swinging back on its hinges.

"And Nora, I tried to stop her but..."

I don't know if George trailed off or if I just didn't hear what he said. My brain had shut down and my body felt numb - because when the door had swung open, I noticed my favourite Weasley intertwined with my less-than-favourite friend.

Fred and Katerina were furiously snogging on Fred's bed. As the door banged against the wall, they sprang apart and Fred made eye contact with me for a split second before I tore my gaze away, eyes brimming with tears. I turned out of the room and ran up to my dormitory, collapsing on my bed, my body heaving with sobs.

I was feeling so much disappointment; disappointment that Fred was kissing Katerina, disappointment that he didn't like me, disappointment that I had started to believe that there might be even a slither of a chance that he might like me back. I was feeling so disappointed and sad and hurt and heartbroken that all I could do was cry; just completely come undone, fall apart, and cry.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long and sorry about the last bit!! (@KatKarma and sorry about making Katerina such a bitch, she will turn out better soon:) )

Yeah... This took me ages to write...

I got a not achieved in Drama today :( (this is a big deal for me because I usually get merits and excellences)  it was because it is a compulsory subject for my year and I was put in a group with the kids who didn't actually like drama and so they didn't even try. And because it was a group thing we all got not achieved. I hope I get the lady drama teacher next year :(


So, I haven't been updating a lot lately and that is because I'm really really busy. I have had so much homework and I have just started going back horse riding and I am going to start going to the gym soon and I just have no time to write :( I also haven't had much inspiration. I like to try update once a week but I really haven't been having enough time to even do that. I will try write whenever I can but (believe it or not) I actually have a life and it has just gotten a whole lot more hectic. So yeah, I don't know what that point of this was but basically I'm really busy and I won't be updating very often.


1) What did you think of this chapter?

2) Favourite disney movie?

3) Your favourite quote? (Mine is "I miss the time when everything was magic and science didn't exist" -Anonymous)


I Solemnly Swear (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now