"Wonderful, amazing, fabulous, exhilarating, and absolutely perfect."

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I Solemnly Swear 11

{All characters, places, objects, spells, things, etc belong to J.K Rowling, apart from those which I have made up. I take no credit for anything J.K Rowling has created.}

Chapter 11:

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! OH MY GOD, WAKE UP!" A voice shouted in my ear while something bounced on my bed. I screamed and sat up. Lyric fell of my bed from laughing and Torie was rolling around on the floor.

"That. Was. So. Funny!" She laughed,

"You should have seen your face!" Lyric added.

"It was actually quite hilarious," Violet chimed in.

"What was so scary?" Kat asked.

"You guys are mean," I pouted.

"But who was yelling in my ear and what did you want?"

"Oh, that was me," Torie stuck her hand up in the air,

"And oh! I just remembered! WE HAVE SNOW!" She yelled excitedly.

"OH MY GOD, NO WAY!" I grinned, jumping out of bed and running over to the window.

Sure enough, when I looked outside, it was as if someone had laid a white blanket all over the Hogwarts grounds and everything beyond. The Black Lake had frosted over and a thin-looking layer of ice was sparkling on the surface. Small piles of snow lay in the treetops and glittered in the early morning light, and the ground was covered in what looked like at least a good half-foot of soft, fluffy snow.

"YAY! WE ACTUALLY HAVE SNOW!" I yelled excitedly, running around the room and trying to find warm clothes to wear.

Turns out, I actually had no warm enough clothes to wear, so I ended up in thick grey tights, and an orange long-sleeved shirt underneath a thick red hoodie with an owl stencil on the front. I put a grey beanie on my head and grabbed some thick ugg boots.

Then I ran to find Hermione.

"Pleeeeeease?" I whined, tugging on Hermione's sleeve like a two year-old.

"Why? Just wear warmer clothes!" Hermione argued.

"I don't have any! They have disappeared!" I complained. Hermione sighed.

"I guess so then..." Hermione raised her wand and cast a non-verbal spell on me that repelled the cold and would keep me warm while outside.

"I LOVE YOU HERMIONE!" I gave Hermione a big hug and told her to stay where she was while I got everyone else.

Eventually, I had gathered Fred, George, Lee, Lyric, Violet, Katerina, Torie, Harry, Ron and Ginny. We all sat in front of the fire, around where Hermione was.

"I bet you are wondering why I have gathered you all here today-" I begun.

"Not really," Lyric smiled cheekily.

"Anyway, I have a proposal for you: who wants to have a-"

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Violet cut me off, yelling out at random. I pouted.

"No!" I said.

"No?" Fred asked,

"Then what did you-"

"I meant yes! But no, no interrupting me!" I exclaimed.

"I propose that myself be one team captain," I grinned proudly,

"And who wants to be the other?"

"ME!" Fred yelled before anyone else had opened their mouths.

"Well I guess that is decided then," I muttered. Fred smirked at me.

"Prepare to loose," Fred's smirk grew even smugger.

"Well if that's how you want to play..." I said,

"I call Lyric!" I screamed before Fred could say a word.

"George," Fred replied calmly.

"Ginny," I smirked - although small, Ginny was a little ball of fierceness.

"Damn," Fred muttered.

"Uh... Lee," he said.


"Torie." Damn, I wanted Torie.

The only people left were Katerina, Harry, Ron and Hermione. I smirked.

"The boy who lived," I said.

"Katerina," Fred said. I felt a twinge of jealousy but I ignored it.

"Ron!" I yelled.

"Hermione," Fred smiled kindly at Hermione, who looked a bit upset at being picked last.

"Shame, Nora! We have Hermione and she can order us around so we win!" Fred taunted. I smirked.

"I don't think winning is on your agenda for today," I said smugly.

"Ten minutes to plan and then we can touch the snow. No snow until ten minutes is up. I call Forbidden Forest side. The halfway line will be magically there when I set up. Each team has a flag they have to try get from the other team. The flag has to be on display although it can be guarded. Three hits with a snowball and you have to go back to your side for ten seconds. If you cheat we will know. Oh, and NO. MAGIC."

Everyone listened to my rules and then me and my team all ran out to the front door of Hogwarts, to plan and then get to our side as quickly as possible.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" I asked as we huddled in the entrance hall.

"We should build a big wall of hard snow, as a sort of defence shield," Ginny suggested eagerly.

"And we should put the flag on top!" Violet added.

"That way everyone can see it, but it will be hard for them to get it!"

"Got the cloak, Harry?" I asked with a sly grin, he looked at me in shock.

"How do you know about my cloak?"

"Fred and George," I admitted,

"But I never said anything about enchanted clothing items in the rules." I smirked.

"Okay, I'll be back in 5." Harry raced off and we discussed further strategies while he was absent. When he returned, the ten minutes was up and we raced to our half and started to build our wall of defence.

We had just finished the bottom half of the small wall when the other team came creeping not-so-stealthily around the back of the castle. I stopped making snowballs and started to creep closer to their side. Although my creeping was no better than theirs, as I was in a bright red jumper. I'm smart.

"Eh, LET'SO GO FOR IT!" I yelled to my team, and we all left what we were doing and charged towards the other team's flag, that was tied in a tree.

Basically, no one followed the rules at all. I threw the first snowball at Fred, hitting him squarely on the side of his neck, Fred threw one back at me and ended up hitting Ginny, who threw one at Harry and then turned and magically pelted five in a row at Fred's head. Violet and Torie were aiming quite viciously at each other, and George was aiming for Kat, who was going for Hermione. Ron hit Hermione, and she went all macho and threw an amazingly aimed snowball at Ron's face. Hit him right in the middle of his forehead.

I fell over trying to chase after Lee, who had somehow managed to get snow down my shirt; he then offered to help me find it. Snow splattered up in my face as I hit the ground with a thud. George pulled me up and then went to go hit Lee. Everyone was going for everyone, and rules didn't matter. I got hit by so many people, in my hair, my stomach, thigh, boob, and back. I was numb all over and freezing cold, but I was having so much fun.

"Fred! Leave me alone!" I gasped for air, running away from Fred, who was constantly aiming for me. I stopped running and turned to face him, huffing heavily.

"Not till I get you," Fred smirked. He had a huge snowball in his hand.

Fred was about a metre in front of me, he stepped forward to get close range shot and Ginny ran past, sticking her foot out with a wink at me. Fred tripped on her foot, lost his balance, and fell over forwards, right onto me.

"Ouch," I muttered dryly. Fred gave a small laugh.

"Sorry," he said, but made no attempt to get up.

"I'm still going to get you," Fred smirked from above me.

I was suddenly aware of how close our faces were; if I were to lean forward five centimetres, we would be kissing. But I tried not to think of kissing that sexy smirk off his face, way too tempting.

"I doubt it," I replied, a smirk making its way onto my own face.

"Want to bet?" Fred asked, smirking smugly, a snowball still in his gloved hand.


I started to say a smart-arsed reply, but as soon as I started to speak, Fred cut me off by pressing his lips to mine.

I froze, shocked and completely taken by surprise as Fred's warm lips moved against my own. My brain was numb and I unconsciously kissed back, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck. It was as if an electric current was running through my body, zapping my brain back to life.

Finally, we pulled apart, completely out of breath. I couldn't say how long we had been kissing; it could have been ten seconds but it felt like forever. I looked up at Fred, my face instantly heating up as red overtook my cheeks. Fred's hair was messed up, and his face was flushed, he met my eyes and I blushed a deeper red, looking away.

"Er..." Fred said. The air was suddenly heavily laced with awkwardness as we both looked anywhere but at each other. Ginny was smirking at me from a short distance away and Lyric and Violet were quietly squealing together, but no one else seemed to have noticed.

"Uh, I'll just..." Fred pushed himself up off me and I was newly aware of my cold, wet back.

Fred stood up, brushed himself off, and offered me a hand. I shyly took it and he pulled me up, the momentum sending me right into his chest.

"Uh, sorry," I muttered awkwardly, looking away. Fred let go of my hand and stood there, arms by his side.

"Well, I'm just going to..." I motioned over to Ginny, Lyric and Violet and started to walk away.

"Nora," Fred said suddenly, I spun back around, looking at him expectantly.

"Oh, er, never mind," he trailed off and I sighed, going back over to Ginny.

"How was it?" Ginny squealed, clapping her hands with excitement.

"Wonderful, amazing, fabulous, exhilarating, and absolutely perfect." I gushed, grinning in a dazed fashion. Lyric was happy-dancing with Violet, but still hanging onto my every word.

"Well you're welcome," Ginny said sarcastically,

"For helping you out and everything - although I do expect your first daughter to be named after me."

"Hey! We're not even dating and you think we're going to have kids?" I exclaimed, glancing at Fred who was conversing quietly with George. I mean, not that I would mind having kids with him...

"You guys just had a massive snog-fest in the snow! You're obviously going to get together soon!" Lyric said loudly, her voice carrying over towards Torie, Kat, Lee, Harry, Ron and Hermione, who hadn't noticed; as well as towards Fred and George who were still quietly talking. I shushed Lyric.

"Anyway, why aren't you two talking or snogging or something? If I had just made out with my best friend slash crush, I would be doing a lot more than awkwardly avoiding them!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Ew." I muttered.

"I didn't mean it like that but seriously! Talk to him!"

"What am I supposed to say? 'Uh, hi, I really like you and want to be more than best friends'?"

"Yes!" Ginny, Violet and Lyric all yelled at me exasperatedly.

"Yes what?" Hermione, Kat and Torie walked over. I noticed Lee, Ron and Harry walking over to Fred and George.

"Uh..." Ginny looked at me.

"Yes to me asking Fred out," I sighed.

"Isn't that supposed to be they guy's job?" Asked Hermione.

"I guess," I replied.

"Well I think that Fred or George should ask me out." Torie stated.

"Pardon?" Violet asked.

"I said I agree."

"Yeah, well I think that you should just kiss him again and then like go out and make babies and stuff," Lyric suggested.

"Yeah, five little girls called Ginny, Violet, Katerina, Hermione, Torie and two little boys called Lyric and George A big Weasley-sized family!" Ginny exclaimed.

"I think you mean five girls called Lyric one, Lyric two, Lyric three, Lyric four, and Lyric five. And possibly a little boy called Ginny."

"No. She what Ginny really meant was girl twins called Torie and Toriette, a little boy called George, and then maybe some girls called Hermione, Violet, Ginny, Lyric and Katerina."

"Already naming our kids, are you?" An amused voice said. I turned to look at Fred, my face on fire.

"What? Psht, no..." I trailed off.

"Sure," George muttered disbelievingly, a smug smirk on his face. I blushed as I noticed identical, amused smirks on Fred's, Lee's, Harry's and Ron's faces. I sent a pleading glance to Lyric to get me out of this situation, but she pretended not to see.

"Nora, I need to talk to you," Fred said suddenly, the amused smirk replace with a nervous-but-cute smile.


"Okay," I replied with a tiny smile. Fred lead me over to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, about twenty feet away from our group of friends, who were watching us with curiosity. Fred took my hand and pulled me underneath a tree that hid our top halves from everyone else.

"So..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"Nora, I'm just going to say this before I chicken out. You're really cute, and funny, and sweet and pretty and nice and I really like you..." Fred trailed off but his words made me feel lightheaded and dreamy. I felt butterflies fluttering furiously in my stomach.

"Please say something!" Fred begged. Whoops, I had been staring into space for god knows how long.

"Well, you're funny and sweet and good-looking and sometimes you are a bit of a shit and so it's hard not to like you back." I grinned shyly at Fred, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"So, uh... Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Fred nervously bit his lip and scratched the back of his neck. He looks so adorable when he does that.

"Nora?" Fred sounded desperate and slightly embarrassed.

"What? Oh, sorry, what was the question?" I asked, slightly dazed.

"Will you please be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" I blushed, grinning happily.

Fred leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine once more. I leaned into his body as our lips moved in perfect synchronisation. My hands moved into his hair and at the back of his neck. One of Fred's hands was in my hair and the other was around my waist. We pulled apart and Fred pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my body. And as we stood there, bodies pressed together and engulfed in each other's scents, I felt as if I could be happy forever.


Yes, I know the ending was cheesy.

So I have finally updated!! I hope you liked this chapter, I spent ages on it!

And OMG OVER 4,000 READS!! :D ILY!


1) Who do you ship most in this story - apart from Fred and Nora? (E.g: you could have Lyric and George, Fred and Torie, Violet and Lee, whatever :P )

2) Are you happy that Fred and Nora are together? Did I take to long to get them together? Did they get together too soon?

3) What is your favourite class? (Mine is Maths; and use to be English until my teacher got swapped :D)

Can we try 20 votes and 15 comments? :):)


Please vote and comment and fan :)

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