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  • Dedicated to all of my lovely readers <3

I Solemnly Swear


"Morning, Sunshine."

I jumped in surprise at the voice behind me, turning around to face a beaming ginger in pyjama pants. Did I mention he was also shirtless? I grinned, the morning sun streaming through my kitchen window heating up my cheeks.

"Morning," I replied, turning back around as Fred's arms snaked around my waist and linked over my ever expanding stomach.

Yup. I was pregnant. Again.

Fred and I had been together pretty much since 6th year - with a few fights and breakups here and there. When I found out I was pregnant for the first time, we were going through a rough patch in our relationship. I was at least six weeks pregnant in the Battle of Hogwarts, and Fred didn't even know until he almost died and I yelled at him that he couldn't die because we were going to have a baby. Yeah, that was a very shocking night for the both of us.

And then, when I was twenty one years old, my baby Luke Remus was born. At twenty three, I had Dawn Ebony. At twenty five, Fred and I got married, and nine months later, out popped another child, Rachel Eve. Let's just say that it didn't take a genius to know what we got up to on our Wedding night.

Fred had wanted six kids. I laughed and said the highest I was going was three. Then Fred bribed me and made me promise him four. Let's just say that was some very good sex. And after that, we tried and tried for another kid (it wasn't that much of a hardship, to be completely honest). We thought I couldn't have kids anymore, and Fred said that was fine and all he needed was me. But now, 12 years after Rachel, at 38 years old, I am five months pregnant with another child. This is some heavy duty shit to be dealing with in my old age.

"Want breakfast?" I asked Fred, gesturing to the bacon I was cooking in a pan. I'd been craving bacon since I was three weeks pregnant. I feel sorry for the pigs of the world, but hey, a girl's got to eat.

"Mm, sure, love," Fred murmured into my neck. I smiled and rested my head against his.

"Are the kids' trunks packed?" I asked.

"Since a week ago. They'll be all ready to leave when we wake them up."

"Good. And have you fed the owl? And you should probably wake Dawn up so she can feed her horse before we leave. Oh, and wake Luke too, he always takes forever to get ready!"

"Whatever you need, Mrs Weasley," Fred teased, untangling his arms from mine and pushing himself away from the bench. "But maybe you should rest for a while, this much stressing can't be doing the baby any good."

"I can stress if I want to stress!" I snapped, suddenly pissed off. I used my wand to serve the cooked bacon onto five plates and stormed over to the breakfast table. I hate being pregnant with all these stupid hormones and stupid mood swings and sore boobs and back pains and headaches and ugh.

"Shh," Fred hushed, following me and stroking my hair, "It's okay, love, take it easy."

Fred kissed my forehead and walked off upstairs. I sat at the table, crunching on my bacon strips and trying to calm down.

As the kids came down for breakfast, I got up and flicked my wand to wash the dishes, walking into the sun-filled lounge. I lay down on the couch and groaned.

"Ugh, I know right! Mornings, who needs them?"

"Luke?" I mumbled my hand over my eyes.

"Who else?" Came the reply. "Can you get dad to bring breakfast in here?"

"Get off your arse and get it yourself!" I laughed. I heard the other couch groan as Luke got off it. I opened my eyes and flicked the back of his leg as he walked past.

Luke was going into seventh-year this year, and I sincerely hoped he would keep out of trouble, although I doubted it. Short and stocky, red hair and a face of freckles; Luke was the spitting image of his father, though with my blue eyes. He also inherited the trouble maker personality that had seen him thrice suspended from school and threatened to be expelled. Professor Thickleberry, the newest Hogwarts Headmaster, did not take as much bullshit as Dumbledore had in our days.

I sighed and got off the couch, checking the time and deciding we should leave. Our house was only a short drive from Kings Cross Station - driving was easier than Flooing or using Side-Along Apparition with the kids - but there was always so much traffic.

"Kids! I'll wait in the car for five minutes and then I'm leaving!" I yelled, walking out of the door with car keys in my hands.

I sat in the car for five minutes, and then slammed my fist on the horn five times. Eventually, all the kids, including my husband came running out of the house with carry-ons in their arms. The carry-ons were shoved into the boot of the car with the trunks and everyone else sat in their seats. Fred took the driver's seat off me, claiming that I was 'too pregnant to drive'.

We did eventually arrive at King's Cross, and make it through the barrier onto platform Nine and Three-Quarters. It was a very misty day, and the buzzing crowds were shrouded in fog. I managed to kiss Luke on the head and remind him to behave before he ran off with his friends and was cloaked in fog.

Rachel was also instantly claimed by her large group of friends as they disappeared into the mist. My youngest daughter - now entering her second year - was almost an exact mixture of Fred and myself. She was an average height and had my long blonde hair; however she had Fred's warm brown eyes and freckled complexion. Rachel didn't appear to have developed the troublemaker gene, but she did have the extrovert one, and - as far as I knew - she was very popular and well-loved at school.

Dawn was the child that stuck around the longest. She was going into her fifth year and had only a small group of close friends. Dawn was the recessive gene - the shy and awkward child. She loved books and muggle alternative rock and was just happy being quietly herself. I don't know how she got her looks but she didn't look anything like Fred or I at all. She was small and petite, with soft honey coloured skin and strawberry blonde hair. The reddish tint in her hair was the only thing that linked her to the Weasleys, and only slightly.

But still, when the whistle blew for the students to board the train, she left with a hug and a kiss goodbye, promising to write Fred and me throughout the year. I felt my eyes begin to well up as I realised once more how quickly my children were growing up.

"Don't cry, love," Fred murmured, pressing a kiss to the side of my forehead as he lead me back to the car, "They'll come home at the start of Christmas break and they will still be happy to see us and we will them."

I smiled at my husband and reached up to give him a peck on the lips. An arm wrapped itself around my waist and pulled me to his side. I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked side by side to the car. We drove back to our house briefly, stopping to leave the car and grab the blueberry pie I had pre made last night before apparating to the Burrow.

Almost as soon as we arrived, I was swept into the arms of my mother-in-law, Mrs Weasley. The pie was taken to the kitchen and I was offered a seat and foot rest. Conversation started with the almost traditional "How are you, dear? It's been so long!"

The Burrow was filled with family and friends, and the back yard bursting with the children not yet old enough to attend Hogwarts. I chatted with Harry, Ginny and Ron for a bit, catching up on their lives before Torie and George arrived with their bundle of kids that instantly stole all the spotlight. Torie was ushered over to the pregnant side of the living room with me.

Yeah, Torie and George had happily married, after their brief period of hating each other for still unknown reasons. They now had a small army of children, all nine of whom were either in Hogwarts or under the age of eight.

I'm not sure what's in their water but I'm glad it's not in mine.

"Have you seen Lyric?"

"Hi Torie! I'm great, how have you been? Oh, that's good! It's nice to see you too!" I said sarcastically in reply.

"Oh sorry, it's sort of nice to see you and stuff but have you seen Lyric?"

"Not recently, why?"

Lyric and I had mended our friendship and remained close to this day. After leaving Hogwarts, she married a muggle and now had a cute little boy who was just the right age to repeat words I said in front of him. Whoops. We had lost contact with old friends, like Kat and Vi, and made some new friends after Hogwarts, but Torie, Lyric and I were still tight.

"She's preggers like us!" Torie exclaimed happily.

"What? That bitch didn't tell me! How come you know first?"

"I needed to pee the other day when I was in Liverpool so I stopped at her place," Torie shrugged.

"We're like the three pregnanteers!"

"Don't make jokes about this; I just want this monster to come out!" Torie exclaimed, poking her bloated stomach.

"Hello my gorgeous wife," Fred slid onto the arm of my chair, slinging an arm around my shoulders. Torie mimed gagging behind him.

"What do you want?"

"What?" Fred faked offence, "I can't come and say hello to the most beautiful human being on the planet?"

"Not when you have that guilty look in your eyes," I mumbled.

"Well Harry brought his broomstick and Ron has his old one here still and there are a couple of okay ones in the shed and me and the guys were going to go play some quidditch over in the fields," Fred explained.


"AndI'mgoingtomisslunchbeacauseofit?" Fred said all in one breath, the statement posed more as a question.

"So you want me to save you lunch."

"Us, lunch, that is," George corrected, coming over and giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek in greeting and then sitting at Torie's feet. I raised an eyebrow.

"Fine. But you owe me."

"I love you, honey," Fred grinned, kissing me sweetly on the lips.

"Love you too," I smiled back. Torie fake gagged in the background. I got my chance to mimic her a minute later when she and George were exchanging sappy and salivary goodbyes.

And as the boys left together, looking identical as always; and Torie and myself sat around eating and gossiping, I wondered, has anything really changed?

Authors Note:
So this is like the time of the 19 years later thing at the end of the deathly hallows. If I got any of the ages wrong or anything, please be nice about it, this took a lot of maths to work out!

Wow. I really can't believe I'm finished with this!!! This wasn't exactly the best chapter ever but I think it's cute and wraps things up nicely :)

God, it was so long ago that I started this story with way different plans and plot ideas than how it has turned out!! I would like to thank each and every one of you for reading this and continuing to read it even through my shitty updating and probably bad writing :P

For any future stories, I may write George and Torie's story which will be called Up To No Good (I have a few plans for if I decide to write it) or I'm going to create a sort of spin-off, not really connectected to this but about Dawn's life and set in the second generation era.

Thank you guys so much for reading this and voting and commenting and thank you to everyone who created a character in this and just thank you so much I love you all!! <3

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