15: The Yule Ball

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I Solemnly Swear 15

 {All characters, places, objects, spells, things, etc belong to J.K Rowling, apart from those which I have made up. I take no credit for anything J.K Rowling has created.}

Chapter 15:

I looked around the common room, searching for red hair, but the only Weasley's I could spot were Ginny and Ron, respectively by Neville and Harry. Lyric had disappeared and was probably chatting to Lee; Katerina was over with Jason Jacks, laughing heartily; Hermione had disappeared to find Viktor Krum; Violet was with Lyric and Torie and I were left standing by ourselves.

"I should've just found a stupid guy from my year to take," Torie muttered. I followed her gaze and saw George, taking Violet's hand and kissing her on the cheek. Violet blushed ruby red and pecked him on the lips, to which George blushed and hugged her.

"You know, maybe you just need to tell him how you feel," I said, "He probably has no idea and, to be honest, I think that you and him are better than him and Violet."

"Why? I thought everyone shipped the two adorable shy lovebirds," Torie said, slightly bitterly.

"At first I did, but now I see that they are just too different. You and George are more alike."


"Well, George is loud and outgoing, but I'm best friends with him and I know that he has a very soft side. Violet is shy on the outside, but I feel that she can be quite harsh and judging, whereas you are outgoing and carefree but also really nice."

"Thanks," Torie said, "But that still doesn't change the fact that Violet has George and I don't, but I also don't want to be a bitch to her, because she is my friend, sort of."

"Eh, give it time, George had a crush on her for ages and I can tell that the expectations will be too high. Just try get closer to him, get more trust between you, when they split, he will need someone to comfort him, if you are there for him when he needs you, he will realise his feelings and you two will be a thing."

"I guess... Thanks, Nora," Torie smiled a bit, "Anyway, here comes your prince charming."

I looked behind me and saw Fred weaving between the crowds of people, in black dress robes with his hair ruffled up in an attractively messy way. His eyes brightened when they landed on me and he smiled, a smile that made my heart race.

"You look..." He trailed off as he reached me, pulling me in for a short, sweet kiss.

"Stunningly attractive?" I guessed.

"Perfectly beautiful," Fred smiled, kissing me again.

"You clean up pretty well yourself," I winked. "Although, if you asked me, I reckon you looked better this morning without a shirt," I whispered jokingly in his ear, even though it was kind of true. Fred winked back and I laughed.

"So, shall we leave?" He asked as Lyric and Lee, George and Violet and Katerina and Jason walked past us. I looked over and saw Torie talking to a few girls from her year.

"We shall," I linked my arm through his and grabbed Lyrics elbow. Lee grabbed George's arm and Violet linked with Katerina. Fred offered an arm to Torie and we all skipped down to the entrance hall, laughing at the weird looks we all got.

We walked past the champions on the way into the Great Hall. Harry was at the back with Parvati Patil, in from of him was Cedric Diggory and the pretty girl with long black hair that I'm pretty sure Harry had a crush on. In front of them were Hermione and Krum, who both looked very happy. At the front, closest to the doors, was Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies, a good-looking, seventh-year Ravenlcaw.

The Great Hall had been beautifully decorated, the walls covered with sparkling silver frost, mistletoe and ivy strung across the high ceiling. The house tables had disappeared and had been replaced with smaller candlelit ones, each seating a dozen students. The staff table was still present, where all the teachers and champions sat.

Fred and I followed Lyric and Lee over to a table near the back of the hall. We sat there, along with Violet George, Katerina, Jason, Ginny, Neville, Torie, Katie Bell who was in Torie's dorm, Ron and Padma Patil, Ron's date whom he had to pull up an extra chair for. She didn't look happy.

Everyone ate and talked happily among themselves, although I noticed that Ron wouldn't stop starting stormily at Hermione, and that Padma Patil seemed bored and grumpy.

After we had finished desert, Dumbledore stood up, motioning for everyone else to do the same. With a wave of his wand, all the tables and chairs flew to the sides of the hall, clearing room in the middle for dancing. He then conjured a large platform complete with an instrumental band. The Weird Sisters (a Wizard band) trooped up onto the stage and began to play.

The champions danced first, I laughed as Fred pointed out that Harry was hardly dancing, rather he was being lead around the dance floor by Parvati.

"May I have this dance?" Fred bowed down in front of me, extending a hand.

"Yes you may," I giggled, taking his hand.

He clasped my hand that was in his an placed my other hand on his shoulder, before taking my waist and leading me in time to the slow music. I laughed as we kept stumbling and accidentally bumping into people. But we were having fun and that was all we cared about.

We danced for about an hour, laughing and stumbling everywhere. Fred would kiss me every time he accidentally stood on my toe and I would giggle, leaning into him. We were terrible dancers but we laughed the night away, apologising to everyone we cut off or bumped into. Eventually we stumbled off the dance floor, in hysterics after Fred bumped into McGonagall and Dumbledore and Dumbledore accidentally let McGonagall go flying into a bowl of punch.

"Would you like something to drink?" Fred asked after we had calmed down. I sat at a table and grinned.

"I'll have some punch - but not McGonagall flavoured," I laughed. Fred kissed my cheek and waltzed off to find drinks.

"This. Is. So. Fun!" Torie exclaimed, pausing between words to exaggerate her point as she flung herself into the seat beside me and started to massage her feet.

"So, I was dancing with this reeeeaally good-looking Durmstrang guy - I don't even remember his name but all of a sudden he just disappeared, like, poof!" Torie giggled and then hiccuped.

"How much butterbeer have you had?" I asked.

"Oh, just like enough to fill a swimming pool! Oh! Do you want to go swimming? Can you take me swimming? Pleeeeeaase? Pretty pretty please?" Torie begged like a child.

I conjured a cup and used the refilling charm to fill it with water.

"Here," I passed the cup to Torie, "Drink up."

"Here, love," Fred passed me a glass of punch and sat beside me.

"Did you want some?" He asked Torie, who shook her head and refilled the glass of water for the third time.

"Why hello there," a female voice said, I looked up to see an average-height girl with straight dirty-blonde hair, brown eyes and freckles. She was wearing a short, tight blue dress in Ravenclaw colours (I guess that's her house) that was very low-cut. I didn't lile the way Fred was looking at her boobs. Finally, Torie was the one who spoke.

"Fuck off, Kaedy," she said, "Just cause we have classes doesn't mean you can hang out with me."

"Well that's not very nice, anyway, I didn't come to speak to you," Kaedy said in a bitchy voice. But hey, maybe she was nice.

"I came to ask this hot guy if he would like a dance." Okay, she is definitely a bitch.

"Excuse me, but he is taken." I said.

"I wasn't asking you, was I? It's not like he would want to stay with you, anyway - especially when he can ditch your ugly ass for a beautiful girl like me!"

"Don't you dare speak to my girlfriend that way," Fred growled, finally tearing his eyes away from her chest. "Nora is one thousand times more beautiful than you will ever be, now do what Torie said and fuck off before I get expelled for punching your worthless face."

"Whatever, I know I am still way more sexy than her," Kaedy shrugged.

"Sorry, but I didn't know there was a 'who can show the most cleavage' competition going on," I commented, glancing pointedly at Kaedy's very low-cut dress. Fred chuckled and Kaedy scowled.

"Fine then you bitch, but your boyfriend will be mine - just wait."

Kaedy stormed off.

"Wow, what a bitch," I grimaced.

"Don't worry, you are gorgeous, Nora, and I will never like her," Fred kissed me on the cheek.

"Would you guys like some more punch? I get thirsty after bitch-fighting."

"Yes please," Torie and I smiled as Fred walked off for another round of drinks.

Torie told me that Kaedy was in her year, but Ravenclaw and that she was the sluttiest, bitchiest, most spoilt brat she had ever met. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hermione leave the hall, looking upset. I got up to cross the hall and find her, asking Torie to tell Fred where I had gone. I was halfway across the hall when an arrogant voice stopped me.

"Hello, Angelface,"

"Don't call me that, Jason Jacks, I am not in the mood."

"Oh but, Angelface, I am always in the mood," Jason smirked.

I was so fed up with assholes that I turned to slap him, but as I did he grabbed my waist and pulled me against him, pressing his lips to mine. Jason held the tops of my arms to keep me from escaping as he moved his lips against mine. The kiss felt wrong and gross and I wanted to throw up. I struggled but he was too strong. Finally, I lifted my knee and brought it into his crotch. Jason let me go, bending over in pain.

"You bitch!" He spat. But I wasn't listening. I had looked up to lock eyes with Lyric, who looked shocked, upset and betrayed. Then I looked over and saw Fred, standing by the punch bowls with a broken glass in his hand. The betrayal in his eyes broke my heart. I started to walk over to him but he turned and stormed away. I looked for Lyric and saw her talking angrily to Violet, Lee and Katerina. Tears sprung to my eyes as I realised what everyone thought. I ran after Fred and grabbed his arm.

"What do you want?" Fred asked, not looking me in the eye, a coldness in his tone I had never heard before.

"I-I didn't - " I stuttered but Fred cut me off.

"I know what I saw, Eleanor," The way he said my name broke my heart. He used to use my full name as an endearment, now he used it as if it was the worst name he could think to call me. "Don't make excuses, we're over."

Did you hear that? That was the sound of my heart shattering into pieces. I ran from the Great Hall in tears, not stopping till I was in the Gryffindor common room.

"Nora?" The voice was so familiar it hurt. I ignored George and ran over to the girls stairs.

"Nora what happened? Are you okay?"

I stopped running and turned around, running into George's arms. He patted my back awkwardly.

"Shhh... Stop crying... Calm down and tell me what happened," George murmured, stroking my hair. He lead me over to a couch and I sat down next to him, curling into his side, finding comfort in my best friend.

"W-well I was g-going to follow Hermione b-bec-ause I think she was up-s-set and then J-jason J-acks stopped me in the m-middle of the Hall and he - he k-k-kissed me and Lyric t-told everyone and F-fred saw and h-he wouldn't let me explain and h-he broke up with me!" I burst into tears again. George murmured soothing words and rubbed my back till I was calm again.

"I feel so dirty and gross," I whispered into his side.

"Don't worry, everyone will come around. I'll tell them, don't worry, why don't you go to bed?" George reassured me.

"L-lyric..." I muttered.

"You can come stay in my dorm if you want, I'll sleep on the floor," George offered as I dried my tears.

"Yes p-please."

George took me to his dorm and gave me one of Fred's shirts to wear, along with some old shorts of his that had grown too small. I changed in the bathroom and removed all of my makeup and jewellery as if in a daze. I dumped my dress and accessories in a pile beside the door and climbed into George's bed. He pulled a pillow onto the floor but I just moved onto one side of the bed.

"It's a double bed," I said, hiccuping at the end of my sentence.

"Just sh-share with me. I don't mi-nd."

And so George climbed in beside me. He told me that all the other boys were planning on getting lucky in the R.O.R and that Fred would be too angry to notice me.

That was the first night I started getting nightmares.



So yeah, I think heaps of people thought this chapter would include Fred and Nora having sex... HAHAHA INSTEAD THEY BROKE UP!!!

Next chapter will include:



1) What drama do you think the next chapter will include?

2) What do you think will happen over the night/in the morning?

3) (If you are from my sort of time zone) when do you start school? I go back on the 4th :(


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