22: The Last First Date

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I Solemnly Swear 22

 {All characters, places, objects, spells, things, etc belong to J.K Rowling, apart from those which I have made up. I take no credit for anything J.K Rowling has created.}

Chapter 22:

Time rolled around and soon enough I was getting ready for my date with Fred. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. Fred and I had been catching up over the last couple of weeks; getting to know each other better and becoming closer as friends. That was also the same with Lyric and I.

"Nora, do you have any idea where he's taking you?"

Lyric was sorting through my closet, trying to help me pick out a cute outfit. I was curling the ends of my hair with a spell Ginny taught me.

"I have no idea! He said to dress casual, but does he mean cute casual or fancy casual or homeless casual or-"

"Shut up," Lyric interrupted me, "he obviously meant cute casual."

And then I had around five shirts, three skirts, two pairs of jeans, three pairs of shorts, a dress and two cardigans thrown at me.

"Nora, do you have any more mascara? This one's dried up!" Torie yelled from the adjoined bathroom where she was apparently going through my makeup bag.

"I have some in the second drawer of my vanity," Lyric replied loudly.

"Do you think this works?" I asked Lyric, holding up a denim skirt and a black peplum shirt.

"Um... no."

I threw the outfit to the side and went back to the pile of clothes, sorting through the pieces and trying to calm my nerves. Although I was excited for my date, and super happy; I was also nervous about being alone with Fred for hours. Even though he was my friend as much as my love interest, I still hadn't properly gotten over what happened with Jason Jacks.

Speaking of Jason Jacks; he had been expelled from Hogwarts and charged for sexual harassment. Lyric had decided he actually wasn't "all that good-looking" and normally changed the subject whenever he was brought up. I feel bad for her not seeing he was a creep all along.

"Nora, get your ass over to my makeup table right now!" Torie ordered, conjuring a desk and dumping various makeup items she had scavenged from various dorms on it. I sighed and sat down.

"Please don't fuck up my face."

"I love your faith right now."


An hour later I was descending the Gryffindor girl's dormitory stairs all majestic-like, flanked by Lyric, Torie, Ginny and Harry (the latter who was a whiny bitch and wanted to be included). I was clothed in a pastel yellow sundress and a white knit cardigan. I wore some cute baby pink ballet flats and had a matching bow in my curled hair. Lyric had chosen my outfit and Torie had done my makeup – going with a soft, natural, rosy look.

Fred was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, dressed in a button up dress shirt and some dark jeans. He looked up as I came down, and smiled a heart-breaking smile that made me want to melt. I smiled shyly back.

Wait. Since when am I shy?

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I bounded down the last few stairs and jumped into Fred's arms, taking him by surprise. I grinned and unwrapped my arms from around his neck, lacing our fingers together.

"You look gorgeous," he smiled.

"Well you look gross," I grinned cheekily, feeling much more myself than I had before.

"Well, would you like to go?"

"Of course," I waved at my friends, "bye guys!"

"See ya, Nora!"

"Make sure to remember all the juicy details!"

"Use protection!"

The last one came from Ginny and Fred whirled around, glaring at his baby sister.

"What did you just say?"

Ginny looked like she was going to repeat herself but Torie elbowed her.

"Uh... I said... Goose infection...?"

"That's what I thought," Fred muttered. I winked at Ginny and followed Fred through the portrait hole. What a gentleman, he didn't even let me go first.

"Where are we going?" I asked as soon as Fred started walking, leading me along by our joined hands.

"It's a secret."

"I like secrets."

"This is my secret."

"I don't think I like your secret."




Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah.

Best. Date. Ever.

So, it started out with a walk through random secret passages and through part of the Forbidden Forest. I asked where we were going for pretty much the whole thing. I'm all about that consistency. Anyway, I was hella confused until  we came to the far edge of the Black Lake and saw a blanket spread out on the ground with lots of food on it.

The blanket was thick and checkered black and green. There were half a dozen plates with cupcakes, sandwiches, cookies, fruit and more on them. There was a massive bottle of Butterbeer and two fancy-ass wine glasses. It was hella cute.

So anyway, we sat down and ate and talked and drunk and skimmed rocks on the lake and stuff. The only thing that happened that wasn't so good was when Fred tried to kiss me.

I had just finished my last mouthful of Butterbeer and I sat the glass on the mat beside me. Fred put his glass down to and moved to sit beside me. I wondered why he moved until I felt his hand on the small of my back, moving me closer to him. His other went around the back of my neck. I froze. The memory of Jason Jacks was still fresh in my mind; his lips forced on mine, his hands creeping around my body, his alcoholic taste on my tongue. They came flashing back as Fred leaned in closer.

"Fred," I whispered, his lips only inches away from mine, "stop."

He leaned back, a hurt look on his face, removing his hands from my neck and waist. Not being able to bear the look in his eyes, I grabbed his hand and held it between my own.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"It's okay," Fred murmured, "I'm sorry for trying to force myself on you."

"You weren't, I promise. I just - I'm not sure if I'm ready again yet... I keep thinking about him, all the time. It makes me want to vomit."

I looked at the ground. I could tell Fred was looking at my face but it was a while before me spoke.

"Look at me, Eleanor," he said. I raised my eyes to meet his, "I won't do anything you don't want me too. I love you more than I probably should and if you are unsure about anything, I won't do it. Okay? I won't kiss you or anything else unless you ask me to."

My heart started beating erratically and my breathing faltered. Did he just say he loved me? I mean, I'm pretty sure I loved him too but I hadn't told him that! What do I do? Do I say I love him back? Am I ready for that? Instead of replying, I gripped his hands tighter and kissed him on the cheek, blushing. This really did feel like a first date.

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