19: George + Torie (but not yet;)

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I Solemnly Swear 19

{All characters, places, objects, spells, things, etc belong to J.K Rowling, apart from those which I have made up. I take no credit for anything J.K Rowling has created.}

Chapter 19:

<George's P.O.V>

Torie and I were coming out of the Gryffindor Quidditch changing rooms, laughing and talking about the friendly match when we realised that everyone had abandoned us. The snowy grounds were completely empty of people.

"Those bitches!" Torie exclaimed indignantly.

"Eh, their loss. Why don't we go do something fun?" I suggested with a mischievous grin. Torie smiled playfully back at me.

"Fun like what?"

That comment almost sounded suggestive... I brushed it off and told her my plans. Then we both raced to the statue of the one-eyed witch on the third floor.

"I got here - first!" Torie panted, bending over to catch her breath. I laughed easily.

"Okay, you win. Now watch this," I tapped the statue of the one-eyed witch with the tip of my wand and murmured a spell. The statue slid aside and revealed a small black hole in the ground, with stairs leading down to a long passageway. I knew this because Fred and I found a map in our first year that showed us all the tricks of the castle. We gave it to Harry last year, though. Torie's eyes widened.

"That. Is. So. Cool!" She exclaimed loudly, running down the stairs and stopping at the bottom.

"Coming?" She called up, the grin on her face visible, even through the filtered light.

"Just a sec!" I tapped the statue with my wand again on the way down so that it closed behind us. I kept walking through the pitch black darkness until I stood at the bottom of the stairs.


Light flared up around us from the tip of Torie's wand. I glanced up and realised how close we actually were. Torie hadn't moved from the bottom of the stairs and I was right in front of her, close enough to count every single one of her dark eyelashes. She was uncharacteristically quiet, staring at me with a strange look in her pretty dark eyes. I suddenly felt uncomfortable and cleared my throat, stepping backwards. I could have sworn I saw disappointment flash across her features before she turned around an held her wand above her head. But I decided it must have been a trick of the light.

"Let's go!" Torie yelled in a voice as happy as ever.

"Wait, where does this go?"

I laughed, pushing that previous incident to the back of my mind.

"I thought we could spend the day in Hogsmeade."


<Fred's P.O.V>

Where is George? I wonder as I roam the Hogwarts grounds - having already searched the castle. I needed to talk to him about my new idea for getting Nora back and even though we haven't been as close recently, I feel like I need George to approve this one.

Walking around the side of the castle, I hear a familiar laugh, a bright and happy sound that always made me smile. Now I grit my teeth as I glance toward the edge of the lake and see Nora and that bastard Alex sitting there. Alex is leaning back on his hands and Nora is leaning against his shoulder and playing with the hem of her very short shorts. I want to break something.

Instead I stalk back around the side I came from and almost bump into someone I was really trying to avoid.

"Freddie!" Kaedy squeals in her high-pitched voice. She's wearing a mini skirt that was probably designed for an eight-year-old and a very tight shirt that showed a strip of her stomach and pretty much all of her boobs. Somewhere in the back of my head I had the thought that Nora and Kaedy were pretty much dressing like twins these days. But whereas Nora always looked a million dollars; Kaedy just looked cheap. And easy. I would know.

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