10: Lyric's Plan

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I Solemnly Swear 10

 {All characters, places, objects, spells, things, etc belong to J.K Rowling, apart from those which I have made up. I take no credit for anything J.K Rowling has created.}

Chapter 10:

The next morning I woke up to a blotchy, tear-stained face and puffy red eyes. Remembering what had happened last night made me want to curl back up under my blankets and never come out. But the Gryffindor part of my brain said that that would be an act of cowardice and would give Katerina the upper hand. And no way in hell was I going to let that happen.

So instead of being miserable for the rest of the day, I got up, had a shower, and tried to decide what to wear. Lyric came up behind me as I was staring into the depths of my wardrobe.

"Wear that," she said, pointing to a loose, red crop-top that came down to just above my belly button. If I raised my arms over my head it rises a few inches. I looked skeptically at her and she grinned, her eyes sparkling.

"It's time to show Fred what he's missing out on!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hands and spinning me around. I laughed quietly but didn't argue.

"How?" I wondered aloud.

"Firstly, you are not allowed to dress yourself until you are dating him," Lyric held up one finger and I rolled my eyes.

"Secondly, you let me do your hair and makeup or at least give advice on it," she lifted another finger.

"And lastly, you have to act irresistible. Bite your lip, flick your hair, flirt with him in a shy way, smile at him all the time, blush lots - because apparently he likes that, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera."

Lyric grinned cheekily at me as she threw a pair of denim and black, high-waisted shorts at me to go with the red crop-top. I went to get a plain tank top to wear underneath but Lyric snatched it off me and threw it into a corner of the room.

"Nope. Just wear it with the shorts," she said, winking. I groaned but agreed, putting the two items on and pairing them with some maroon converse that Lyric borrowed off Violet. Lyric then applied some makeup to me and curled my hair. Then I stood back and looked at myself in the mirror.

My usually long, straight, blonde hair was a considerable amount shorter as it cascaded into wavy ringlets down my back. A couple of ringlets from the front fell over the top of my shirt. The red crop-top came down to just above my bellybutton or the top of the high-waisted shorts. A small strip of my waist was exposed between the top and my black and denim high-waisted shorts whenever I raised my arms above my head. My feet were clad in high-top, maroon converse. I also wore a little flower ring on my pinkie finger. The outfit said 'cute-and-fun'. I liked it.

My makeup was done lightly, so you could hardly tell I had anything on. Lyric had outlined my eyes with a tan-coloured eyeliner that made my blue eyes stand out in a natural-looking way. My eyelashes were long and dark after a few coats of mascara and my cheeks were a light, flushed pink that made me look as if I have been having lots of fun. The most noticeable thing about my face were my lips - Lyric had painted them a dark red colour that went with the maroon of my shoes. I had to give credit to Lyric - although I still felt shit because of that whore Katerina - I did look pretty good.

"Perfecto!" Lyric cried, taking a look at me. I smiled despite myself.

"Sure," I smiled at her.

"Don't give me any of that fake-smile shit," Lyric said sternly,

"You can smile at me for real after you get Fred."

The smile slipped off my face as I remembered the situation at hand; Katerina had Fred. That whore. Lyric grabbed my hand and dragged me down the girls dormitory stairs, into the common room. I squished into a love-seat, next to George - who gave me a pitying look that I pretended not to notice.

"Hey guys!" A voice said from behind me, I looked over to see Fred standing there, hair all rustled and in a baggy shirt over some sweats. He looked sleepy and adorable cute in a really hot way.

"Hey!" I chirped as everyone else murmured their hello's. Fred looked at me and I blinked, looking down.

"Smurfette!" He exclaimed, giving me a huge smile that made my insides melt.

"Loving the lips!"

I blushed at that comment and glared at Lyric, who smiled sweetly and made kissy faces at me.

"Thanks, I guess," I said, smiling shyly.

"Hey, why did you run out last night? When Kat... Well..." Fred scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and my stomach churned; of course he had to bring her into the conversation.

"Well... I remembered that I... Uh..." I looked at Lyric for help, she just shrugged but Violet beside her mimed opening a book.

"I had some homework to finish and the library was about to close!" I lied.

"Goody-two-shoes," Fred teased with a smirk. George locked eyes with me and gave me a look that clearly said he didn't believe my cover story - and neither did Fred.

"Excuse me?" I exclaimed,

"Who came up with half the ideas for your pretty little joke shop? Uh, that would me me!"

"Kidding," Fred ruffled my hair as he squished onto the sofa between Vi, Lyric and Lee. Getting tired of being squashed by George's massive butt, I moved and sat on the arm of the love seat that was closest to the sofa.

"Hello everybody!" A loud voice exclaimed. The smile slid off my face as I recognised the annoying sound instantly.

"Hey, Kat!" Fred grinned, standing up and hugging her. I wonder if they are boyfriend and girlfriend yet. Probably. Nobody else said hello to Katerina, excepting Lee who tried to flirt with her.

"Jealousy is an ugly colour, Eleanor,"

George smirked, whispering in my ear. Lyric gave me many looks that clearly said to flirt with Fred right in front of Katerina and shove it in her face, but I was too shy so I just bit my lip and discreetly shook my head. I glared at George for his comment.

"I'm hungry, so I'm going to go get something sugary and caffeinated to eat. Join me if you want." I announced to the group.

Lyric and Violet stood instantly, coming to stand beside me while everyone else got up eventually. We started to walk down to the great hall.

"Why aren't you flirting with him yet, Nora?" Lyric asked me impatiently as we walked. Violet had seemed to get the making-Fred-jealous plan of Lyric's as soon as she saw my outfit, so she nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, he was so checking you out earlier!" Vi squealed quietly.

"I just... I'm not that confident when it comes to guys... My ex, Alex, was..." I trailed off as we rounded the corner to see a group of Durmstrang boys, Alex and Viktor among them.

"Well, he was quite forceful and mean. And I guess I just don't have that much  experience anyway," I admitted to Lyric and Violet. They both knew a bit about Alex but I hadn't told them all the details. And I wouldn't show them which Durmstrang boy he was, although they did know he was at Hogwarts for the tournament.

We made it to the Great Hall, only seconds before Fred, George, Katerina and Lee came in behind us. I smiled warmly at the boys and glared at Katerina.

"I need coffee," I murmured to Lyric as Violet went over to flirt with George.

"Over there!" Lyric pointed to a place at the Gryffindor table where a dark-haired girl was sitting by herself, holding what seemed to be the only coffee jug at Hogwarts.

I walked over and sat across the table from the girl, Lyric sat beside me. The girl was twisting a strand of very dark brown - almost black - straight hair around her finger, sipping coffee from a mug.

"Hi!" I said, the girl looked up at me with blue eyes. She had an average/pale skin tone and looked to be about medium height. She was very pretty.

"Hey!" The girl exclaimed excitedly,

"You're that girl who transferred from Beauxbatons and got pranked by the Weasley twins and turned into smurfette and then pranked them back!" The girl exclaimed, as if it was such an amazing thing.

"Yeah! I'm Eleanor Miller, but you can call me Nora!" I grinned, sticking out my hand over the table. The girl shook it and said

"I'm Torie Reed, I'm in Gryffindor too, but I'm a fifth-year!" She exclaimed.

"Cool, can I please have some coffee?" I asked politely.

"Um, no." Torie said, clutching onto the coffee pot tightly.

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed. I'm pissed off because of Kat. And when I'm pissed off I need coffee.

"This is MY coffee. Go find your own," Torie said possessively.

"Ugh! But I need some now!" I whined.

"Too bad. Unless..." A evil look came over Torie's features.

"Unless what?" I asked wearily.

"Unless you can set me up with George Weasley!"

I exchanged a look with Lyric, Violet completely liked George; but on the other hand, I needed my coffee before I went berserk.

"No can do. But we can invite you into our little circle of pranksters and you can try get him yourself," Lyric decided and I pouted at her. I need coffee now!

"Well I guess that's the next best thing... I mean I want Fred but seeing as you would kill me for that, I had to go for George. Now I can try Lee as well!" Torie giggled.

I held my mug out and she filled it with coffee. I stirred in some milk and lots of sugar and took a big sip, enjoying the heavenly taste. Then me and Lyric took Torie over to meet the rest of the group.

"Guys," I said, gaining everyone's attention.

"We have found another stray!" Lyric announced excitedly.

"Her name is Torie. Be nice to her 'cause I need my coffee. And she is pretty awesome. Lee and George: be super nice to her," I said.

Torie giggled and then went and hugged everyone happily.

"Welcome to the family!" George smiled.

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