"He did WHAT?"

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I Solemnly Swear 6

{All characters, places, objects, spells, things, etc belong to J.K Rowling, apart from those which I have made up. I take no credit for anything J.K Rowling has created.}

Chapter 6:

"Wake up!" Shake.

"Wake up!" Shake.

"Wake u-up!" Shake.


Lyric had been trying to wake me up for the past ten minutes, yelling in my ear and then giving me a shake. But she seemed to have gotten bored of that so she ended up screaming in my face and pushing me off my bed.

"OW!" I yelled as my head hit the - very hard - floor.

"Sorry," Lyric muttered sheepishly.

"You should be!" I said, rubbing my forehead.

"I think there's a lump on your head, Nora," Alicia said, peering down at my face from her bed.

"I wouldn't be surprised." I muttered. Lyric gave me an apologetic smile and I stuck my tongue out at her.

Me and Lyric got dressed into our weekend muggle clothes and went down to the common room to meet Violet. She was waiting for us in an armchair by the ever-burning fire.

"Hey!" She called as we approached. She hugged us both.

"Oh, Nora, you know that body dye you gave me? I don't think it worked! Neither of the twins have turned pink or purple since I put it there!" Violet told me.

"I noticed," I said,

"I'm pretty sure that they haven't actually been sleeping with their covers on seeing as the summer weather has stuck around a bit. But seeing as it's getting colder now they should be using their blankets. And last night was freezing so they will hopefully be coloured today."

"Ohhh this is so exciting!" Lyric squealed, jumping up and down on the spot whilst clapping her hands.

"I know," I grinned, just as a loud yell was herd coming from the boys dormitory staircase.

"Is it me or did that sound suspiciously like a Weasley twin?" I asked with a small smirk, turning to face Violet.

"I heard it too," she grinned.

"As did I," Lyric agreed.

"Shall we?" I asked in a posh tone, holding out my elbows.

"We shall!" Lyric and Violet giggled, linking their elbows with mine as we skipped into the sixth-year boys dormitory.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I called, opening the door with closed eyes.

"Everyone decent?" Violet added.

"Depends what you call decent," Lee snickered and I felt an arm slip around my waist.

"Back the fuck up." I hissed, opening my eyes.

"But why won't you just go out with me?" Lee whined, but withdrew his arm anyway.

"Because she's already set up for a dare with me; isn't that right, angelface?" The arrogant voice of Jason Jacks put in.

"N-" I started but then a pink-skinned George cut me off.

"What? I thought you were going to Hogsmeade with me!"

"But I though we were going together!" Purple-skinned Fred feigned surprise.

"Eleanor!" Lyric exclaimed,

"You little whore! How could you cheat on me like that? And with three different boys? I thought our relationship meant more to you!"

"You guys are mean!" I pouted, pretending to be upset. Everyone laughed at my expense.

"I wasn't kidding." Jason said cockily. Hehe, cock.

"Just.... Ugh!" I tried to think of a nice way to tell him to fuck off but nothing came to mind. Everyone looked at me expectantly.

"Go away, nobody likes you?" Violet suggested cheerfully. Lyric blushed and I smirked.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"What she said." Everyone stifled their laughter at the haughty look on Jason's face.

"Hmph." He sniffed, stalking out of the room. We all burst into laughter after he had gone.

"What happened to your head, Nora?" Fred suddenly asked in a concerned voice, I felt my cheeks heat up. If this is going to happen every time he speaks to me I am going to have o get some help controlling my cheeks.

"Lyric." I glared playfully at my best friend.

"Yeah, sorry about that, Nora," Lyric said.

"We were going at it pretty hard last night." She explained to the boys, setting us all off into another fit of laughter.

"So, George, not to be rude or anything about your new style, but pink really isn't your colour," I grinned at a now glaring George.

"Yeah, I was a bit doubtful at first, but then someone-" George gave a very pointed look towards me,

"-decided I wasn't making my mind up fast enough and they put some dye on my sheets! Funny story, isn't it?" He glared.

"Well actually, it was Vi who did that, but I did supply her with the dye." I said happily.

"You did what? And why didn't you say something rude about my skin?" Fred exclaimed.

"I gave her the two bottles of dye. Better than the stuff you used, by the way." I reassured the twins.

"And because purple is my favourite colur, personally I think you look much better." I flicked Fred's arm.

"I don't believe you." George said stubbornly.

"Removere," George said, flicking his wand at his own skin. Nothing happened.

"Was that supposed to do something?" I asked with a sugary sweet smile.

"Yes!" He exclaimed angrily.

"It was supposed to make my skin normal again!"

"Well it didn't do a very good job, did it?" I smirked. George looked like he would like nothing better than to punch me, while Fred tried a different approach.

"Hey, Nora, have I ever told you how much I love you?" He said as I tried my hardest to keep my blushing under control. I don't think I managed very well though because George looked at me thoughtfully and Lyric smirked at me in a secretive way.

"I don't think you've ever mentioned it, no." I replied airily.

"Well I love you so much that I think you should tell me what the amazing spell that you brilliantly came up with that removes the colour is." He rambled.

"No, I don't think I will, but thanks for offering." I said casually. Then I walked out of the room and got Violet's polaroid camera from her dorm. I went back to Fred an George's dorm and took lots of pictures of them while they were pink and purple. Then I non-verbally did he spell to make them normal again, because I am too nice.

"You better love me." I muttered, walking out of the room and down to the great Hall for a late breakfast.

When I got back to the common room, Lyric and Violet were talking to Angelina and Alicia.

"Why didn't anyone come to eat breakfast with me?" I whined when I had sat down.

"We ate ages ago!" Lyric said. Everyone else nodded.

"Okay then," I said.

"What prank should we pull today?"

"Well the Weasley twins were already turned pink and purple so I've done my part." Violet smiled, swinging her legs back and forth over the edge of the table she was perched on.

"Well you did your part in that too, Nora, and I've got one set that should be going off in a few minutes. So today we should just relax! And soak up the last rays of sunshine that we can get." Lyric suggested.

"What did you do? And good plan." I said.

"You'll see." Lyric said cryptically.

"Okay," I said.

"Well I'm going to go brush my teeth and wash my face."

"Me too," Violet agreed.

"You do that." Lyric smiled.

"I will." Me and Violet replied in unison.

I went up to my dormitory and into the bathroom. I went to my little station thingy (a basin, mirror, and cupboards) and got out my toothbrush and toothpaste. I put a small dollop of toothpaste onto my purple toothbrush and ran it under some cold water. Then I put it in my mouth and started to scrub my teeth. I made sure my teeth were cleaned thoroughly before spitting into the basin and rinsing my mouth with cold water. I gave myself a toothy grin in the mirror and applied some basic makeup - just because I felt like it. Then - for the second time today - I heard two loud male yells and I raced down the girls' dormitory staircase and up the boys' dormitory staircase into the sixth-year boys' dorm.

"What happened?" I asked, standing just inside the door, between Violet and Lyric who were laughing their heads off at something. I looked at the Weasley twins who were yelling so many things that I couldn't understand what they were saying. But by the expressions on their faces and the way they were fanning their mouths and running around drinking anything and everything they could find, I gathered that it was something to do with their mouths and pain.

"We put-" Lyric was hysterically laughing, tears of laughter streaming from her eyes.

"Wasabi-" Violet choked out, laughing just as much as Lyric.

"On their toothbrushes!" Lyric screamed through her hysteric laughs, laughing even harder now. I started to laugh and soon us three girls were just a pile of useless, hysterical mess in the middle of the floor. Fred and George were still running around like headless chickens and drinking water and milk and butterbeer and anything else they could find to try soothe their mouths.

"Will you guys please help-" Fred started angrily.

"Our throats are ON FIRE!" George finished, glaring at Lyric and fanning his mouth.

"Okay, sorry, sorry!" I laughed, high-fiving Lyric.

"Best prank ever!"

Us girls got up of the floor and brushed off our clothes and wiped our eyes. I cast a spell at my eyes and my mascara all returned to my eyelashes, instead of halfway down my cheeks. I patted my hair and got out my wand. I flicked it at the Weasley twins and they immediately stopped whatever they were doing and ran to hug me.

"I LOVE YOU, NORA!" They both screamed in unison. I smirked at Lyric as the twins turned to face her, evil identical smirks on their faces.

"TICKLE HER!" Fred yelled, pointing a dramatic finger at Lyric. Her eyes widened and her mouth popped open.

"That is way unfair!" She screamed, attempting to run  from the room, but Violet grabbed her arm and pushed her over to Fred and George, who pushed her onto a bed (in a completely innocent way) and started to tickle her sides. I ran over and jumped up on the bed, joining in with the tickle war. Violet grinned and pulled out a polaroid camera, starting to snap pictures of us. I didn't take much notice of her. After a good half hour of tickling Lyric, we all just lay back on the bed in a huge group.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" I asked.

"Let's go outside and take advantage of the last bit of sunshine we'll probably get for months." George suggested. Lyric stood up and bounced over to the door.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for?" She asked.

"Let's go!"

Lyric ran ahead and Violet decided she was too lazy to walk, so she jumped on George's back and they ran off too.

"Stand still!" I ordered Fred, blushing a little. I jumped on his back and wrapped my legs around his waist. He held onto my thighs and ran to catch up with the others.

I was quite enjoying myself on Fred's back, with my arms wrapped around his neck while my hair flew out behind me because of the slight breeze and the speed we were going at. I was actually quite surprised that Fred could lift me with as much ease as he did, let alone run all through Hogwarts and out onto the grounds with me on his back! But as we (well, Fred) were running across the grounds to catch up with Lyric - who was already under a tree beside the lake - a monarch butterfly flew in front of us, straight into Fred's chest.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I yelled, jumping off his back and running a few steps back to where the butterfly lay, now dead, on the grass. I crouched down beside it.

"You killed it!" I cried, looking up at Fred with an upset look on my face.

"You killed an innocent butterfly!"

"No I didn't!" Fred protested.

"It committed suicide!"

"No, you killed it!" I yelled.

"No I didn't!" He yelled back, as if this were a game. Which it wasn't. He killed a poor little butterfly for crying out loud! How could someone joke about that?

"Yes you did!" I argued.

"No!" He replied.

"I didn't wake up today thinking 'today I'm going to turn purple, get wasabi on my toothbrush, have a tickle war with y best friends and brother, and then go kill a butterfly'!Therefore, I did not kill it - it committed suicide."

"But it died by flying into your chest. So you killed it."

"Yeah, it died by flying into my rock-hard abs." Fred smirked.

"You killed it!" I insisted.

"It committed suicide by jumping in front of me while I was running and getting killed by my sexy body." Fred grinned.

"Don't be so full of yourself. You just killed a butterfly!"

"Oh come on - you know you want to admit that I'm sexy." Fred winked jokingly. Well he is pretty good looking...

"I'm not talking to you." I glared, walking off haughtily over to the tree where Lyric, Vi and George were lying down in the sun. Fred caught up just as I sat down between Lyric and George and huffed loudly.

"What happened between you two lovers?" George joked.

"We're not lovers. And I'm not talking to him." I said.

"Why not?" Violet asked conversationally.

"Because he is a dick."

"What did he do?" Lyric grinned, as if hoping it was bad enough that she could hex him or something.

"He killed a butterfly." Geoge, Vi and Lyric all gasped.

"He did WHAT?" Violet asked, shocked.

"He killed a poor, innocent, beautiful butterfly."

"He didn't." Lyric said in disbelief.

"He did. And he won't even admit it."

"Mate, that is low, even for you." George said to Fred. I smirked.

"I didn't kill it! It committed suicide!"

"Bullshit," Violet said.

"Butterflies would never commit suicide because they are so happy and awesome."

Then everyone just ignored Fred.

"Fine. I accidentally killed it. Happy now?" Fred huffed after a few long minutes of silence.

"Yeap!" Lyric grinned.

"Whatever." Said Violet.

"Yes." George muttered.

"No." I said.

"What? Why not?" Fred looked at me, confused and upset.

"Because you took to long to admit it."

"Please talk to me!" Fred begged. He pushed George aside and sat down next to me.

"Please?" I just ignored him. He pouted and looked at me with a cute little hopeful expression. Damn this boy and his good looks!

"What will you do for me?" I asked.

"I will... Carry all your books until the start of the Christmas holidays!" Fred seemed proud of his ability to think of an excuse to get me to talk to him. The other three were talking among themselves.

"Okay!" I smiled.

"YAY!" Fred yelled, causing the other three to look up, startled. Then in a very spontaneous moment, Fred kissed me on the cheek.

I could literally feel my face burning and was very glad when he wrapped me in a big hug, the smell of cinnamon engulfing my senses. When he pulled away I just hoped that my cheeks were at least halfway normal again. I looked up at Fred, who was grinning widely and looking out at something in the lake, then at George who gave me a look that clearly said 'you-so-like-him'. Lyric and Violet gave me creepily similar smirks and I gathered that they would interrogate me later. Oh the joys.


Okay, I wrote most of this while watching iron man. And I love iron man. So feel privileged that I gave up my iron man watching time to write you guys a chapter ;)

It took me ages to write this - because I'm lazy and I write like two paragraphs a day before getting bored. So I'm sorry if this sucked.

Also, I apologise if any of this is too random to understand, I wrote some at like 4am and I can't be bothered reading back over to see if I made sense.

QUESTIONS!! (Random:P)

1) What is/are your favourite movie/movies?

2)[if you watch youtube] who is your favourite youtuber/youtubers?

3) What's the best holiday memory you have?

Um... I would like 15 votes, 10 comments please before I update the nest chapter :)

(I never usually do this but I think I'm going to start because I would like more votes and comments and also it will probably make me write faster :P so yeahh...)

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