20: Shock

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I Solemnly Swear 20

{All characters, places, objects, spells, things, etc belong to J.K Rowling, apart from those which I have made up. I take no credit for anything J.K Rowling has created.}

Chapter 20:

"Alex, Nora; over here!" Ginny yelled in a light voice, pushing Ron across the bench as me and Alex walked into the hall. I sat down next to her and Alex sat next to me. I noticed Fred glaring from halfway down the table and I subtly slid closer to Alex, leaning on his shoulder. Torie smirked at me from the other side of the table.

"Hey, Gin," I greeted happily,

"What can I do for you today?"

"Well I was wondering if - GEORGE, COME HERE!" Ginny broke off and yelled at her brother as he entered the hall. He strolled over and grinned, messing up mine and Ginny's hair and giving Alex a friendly slap on the back. Then he went around the other side of the table and sat next to Torie. She looked pleased.

"So," I turned back to Ginny,

"You were saying?"

"Oh, yeah," Ginny laughed,

"You know that potion you were working on that you didn't tell anyone about? Well I was going through your transfiguration notes that you said I could borrow and I found your potion plans and guess what!"

"What?" I asked, partly to humour Ginny and partly because I had almost forgotten about my plans for a prank-potion with everything else that had been going on.

"I called in a solid from Dumbledore and he made one batch of the potion and gave me the completed recipe!"

"Wait - Dumbledore owed you a solid?" Alex asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I saved his phoenix from drowning once," Ginny shrugged.

"So do you have the potion?" I asked,

"Cause technically it was my idea so I should get it and the recipe."

"Of course! Here," Ginny handed me four small glass vials with an orange liquid inside and a fifth smaller one with a blue liquid. She also handed me a folded sheet of paper.

"The blue stuff is the antidote, but there's also a spell you can use - it's written on the paper with the potion method. Oh, and I also kept two vials for myself since it was my solid that got you the potion," Ginny grinned.

"Thank you so much, Ginny!" I gushed, giving her a one-armed hug, due to the fact the she was sitting right beside me. Torie suddenly looked up from a gossip session with George.

"Nora! You'll never guess what happened yesterday!"

"Won't I?" I grinned.

"Ooh, gossip! Do tell!" Alex leaned forward on his elbows and smiled like a schoolgirl.

"Well rumour has it that yesterday," Torie began,

"Fred and Kaedy broke up."


Had they really broken up? I wondered, turning a vial of my potion in my hands. It seemed as if everyone in this entire freaking castle was talking about the breakup; was it real? Or just a rumour? Who broke up with whom? I assumed that Fred had broken up with Kaedy, seeing as he looked normal and she looked pissed off.

Everyone had their own theories – including everyone who was currently on speaking-terms with me. This was the reason I was currently hiding away in Hagrid's hut, mindlessly petting Fang while Hagrid did something-or-other regarding his classes. I just couldn't stand everyone assuming that because Fred was now single, he would suddenly forgive me and I would suddenly forgive him and we would both make out and ride off into the sunset (that was Ginny's theory).

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