13: Hogsmeade

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I Solemnly Swear 13

 {All characters, places, objects, spells, things, etc belong to J.K Rowling, apart from those which I have made up. I take no credit for anything J.K Rowling has created.}

Chapter 13:

"Get up! It's time for Hogsmeade!" Lyric yelled, jumping on my bed. I swear I never ever have a normal, polite awakening from her.

"I'm getting there," I groaned into a pillow.

"Vi, Torie and Kat are waiting," Lyric said pointedly.

"Ugh, tell them I'll be five minutes."

I rolled unceremoniously out of bed, jumped into the shower, brushed my teeth and hair (leaving my hair down in a shimmery blonde curtain), put minimal makeup on, and yelled at Lyric to find me some clothes.

I came out of the bathroom to find that Lyric had laid an outfit on my bed and was now down in the common room with the other girls. I pulled on the red jeans, white tee, and black batman hoodie that Lyric had chosen for me. I paired it with some plain black high-top converse, stuck my wand in the big hoodie pocket and shoved a few galleons in too.

When I came downstairs, Lyric, Violet, Kat and Torie were sitting in the armchairs closest to the fire. No doubt Lyric had 'persuaded' whoever was previously on them to move. I slid into the chair between Torie and Lyric.

"I'm here!" I announced happily. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Finally," Violet muttered,

"We've been waiting here for what seems like hours!"

"It's not my fault I love sleep."

"You could get up earlier, though," Kat reasoned.

"Yeah but..."

"Then you wouldn't get rudely awoken by Lyric!" Torie laughed.

"But I need my beauty sleep!" I protested.

"No you don't," said a voice from behind me.

"Fred!" I grinned.

I turned around in my chair and he pressed a soft kiss onto my lips before coming around and squashing next to me on the armchair. He was wearing dark jeans and a large red and gold jumper that looked as if it had been knitted by Mrs Weasley. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he played absently with a stand of my hair.

"Ready for Hogsmeade?" He questioned, everyone replied yes happily.

"I need to go to Honeydukes," Lyric said,

"I still haven't bought all my Christmas presents!"

"Neither, but we're going to Zonko's for that," George said, himself and Lee joining our group by the fire. Torie and Violet both sat up straighter as he did.

"Are we all ready?" Lee questioned.

"Yes! Let's go already!" Lyric said excitedly.

We made our way slowly to Hogsmeade, tramping through the snow that was thickening quite quickly. Fred's hand was laced in mine, keeping it warm while my other hand stayed safely inside my pocket. George was walking between Violet and Torie, and I hoped that he would choose one of them soon, before the other could get too attached. Lee and Lyric were bouncing along at the very front of the group, both of them full of energy and excitement. Katerina was talking to Ginny and Hermione, who had come to join us for the dress shopping.

"Eleanor," Fred said suddenly, pulling me off the path slightly, Kat was the only one to notice, she looked back and winked but kept walking with the rest.

"Yes?" I questioned, looking up into Fred's warm brown eyes. He was the only person who ever called me by my full name.

"Uh... Well I was just wondering... I mean, I assumed but... I was wanting to know if..." Fred mumbled awkwardly, I smiled at the cuteness.

"Yes?" I prompted.

"Would you, ah, want to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"Of course, you idiot!" I laughed happily, standing on tiptoes to press my lips against his. Fred responded by letting go of my hand and wrapping his hands around my waist. I placed my arms around his neck and leaned in closer to him, smiling into the kiss. I felt Fred smile too, and then he pulled back, leaning his forehead against mine, his hands cupping my face.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Sorry for what?" I breathed, I felt flushed and breathless, and knew there was a massive grin on my face.

"For not asking you sooner," He said. I leaned forward and pecked him on the lips.

"You're forgiven," I smiled.

We ran and caught up with the rest of our group, who hadn't seemed to notice our absence. Everyone arrived at Hogsmeade and we all stood shivering in the cold while we decided what we were going to do.

"Us girls need to get dresses and you guys need to get dress robes so why don't we split up, shop for two hours or so, and then meet back up at the three broomsticks?" Torie suggested.

"Great idea! But we won't take two whole hours!" Fred protested.

"We can get each other's christmas presents while we're at it," Katerina said.

"See you guys there in two hours then! We'll save you a table," George grinned. Fred hugged me goodbye and Lyric and I lead the way to the only Hogsmeade dress shop.


Inside the small shop, Lyric, Torie, Kat, Hermione, Ginny and I looked at the rows of dresses, completely overwhelmed.

"Where's Vi?" Kat asked suddenly.

"George wanted to ask her something, she said she'll catch up soon," Ginny said. I glanced at Torie and saw that she looked very upset, feeling bad for her, I changed the subject.

"What colour dress do you think I should go for?"

"Blue," Hermione said.

"Silver," said Ginny.

"Gold," said Torie

"Orange!" Lyric yelled.

"Well I guess I can look for those colours! I think you should definitely go for blue, Hermione; and you gold, Ginny!"

"Torie, you should go for a pale pink or creamy white," Lyric said, studying Torie's profile.

"Then you will look like snow white!"

"Thanks! You should go for a purpley-blue, like your hair!" Torie said.

"Is this my colour?" Kat asked, pulling a black dress from a rack.

"Definitely! Try it on!" I grinned, grabbing a few different dresses in my size and heading into a changing stall to try them on.

<George's P.O.V>

"Hey, uh, Violet? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked nervously, scratching the back of my neck.

"Sure!" Violet smiled but I could tell she was slightly nervous, too. She fidgeted anxiously, tugging on the ends of her purple hair as she looked at me expectantly. I lead her away from the group and under the shelter of an overhanging shop roof.

"So..." I began awkwardly. Great, George, muck it up before you even begin.

"Well, the Yule Ball is on in a week and a bit..." I trailed off. Violet was wearing an unreadable expression.

"And I was wondering if..." I trailed off again. Come on, George, just Gryffindor the fuck up already!

"If...?" Violet said.

"I was wondering if you would go with me. As my date." I said before I could chicken out.

"Well... I'll have to check about that one... I have a very busy schedule around Christmas, but I may be able to fit you in," Violet said. I think she was kidding but I couldn't be sure.

"So is that a yes?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course, silly!" She exclaimed, and pecked me on the cheek. When she pulled back her face was glowing red.

"I got you this," I pulled a flower from inside my coat, a large purple flower - not a violet - but purple all the same.

"Thank you," Vi smiled. Taking the flower, she waved goodbye and ran after the other girls. I grinned to myself as I went to join the boys.


I updated! Again!! I'm on a roll!! (Except for Untraceable :L)

Was this enough cuteness for you?

I liked writing this chapter ;)


Now I have to look for dresses for them to wear :P

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