Chapter 3

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I ran into my room, thoughts going crazy inside my head.

'I have a brother. What? When did this happen? What's going on?'

My mind was so full of questions, questions that needed to be answered. I felt like crying, but I also felt like I needed to know more. After a while of thinking, my Eomma opened the door.

"Hyemi. I know it's a lot to take in, and I understand that you don't believe me and everything. He's going to be coming over today... please listen. There's a reason for this. Mianhae Hyemi. I really am. I wanted to tell you earlier, but I thought you wouldn't be ready."


I shouted at my mum as tears formed in my eyes. I was angry how she never told me and kept this secret for so long.


My mum ignored me shouting at her, and pulled me in for a hug. I calmed down as she sat me on my bed, her sat me beside me.

"I'm so sorry. I have an explanation for this... we will explain everything. I promise."

She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. I sighed. I can't believe I have a brother. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

"How about you go and get that, Hyemi?"

I nodded. I walked downstairs and played with my hair, making sure it looked ok in front of my brother. Maybe I didn't believe my mum, but I was going to try my best to listen.

I opened the door, my nerves shaking like mad. In front of me stood a boy probably of an age of 22. He had brown hair that flowed to one side, and beautiful hazel brown eyes. His smile looked like the sun... I don't know how that's even possible, but it was true. I invited him inside with a small smile. I shut the door behind me as we both sat down on the couch. My mum scurried in and quietly sat on the couch opposite us. The awkward silence pierced through my soul... I hated it. Finally, the boy spoke up.

"Um... you must be Hyemi, right? Well I-I'm Hoseok. B-but you can call me Hopey... well that's what you used to-"

He paused.

'Was he going to say that's what you used to call me?'

I gave him a puzzled look as he urged my mum to say something. My mum broke the weirdness by speaking.

"So Hyemi, would you like Hoseok to explain what's going on here? But you've got to listen... please"

I nodded shyly, and looked up at him. He found a comfortable position to sit in and looked up at me with his smiling eyes.

"W-well Hyemi, your mum has probably told you how I-I'm your brother. You don't believe her, b-because you don't remember."

My eyes widened as he said that

'Don't remember? What?'

" You see, when you were 15, you went unconscious, a-and you lost your memory, including your memory of me."

His pleading eyes looked into mine, as I sat there speechless. He has a point on why I can't remember him or anything, but I don't believe him. I looked back at him. I decided to speak up.

"But how comes I can remember, when I was 10, at the ice cream parlour?"

I didn't want to sound rude, but I wanted to know.

"You only remember some things from when you were younger.... please try and remember me."

I tried to think, I somehow recognised his face, but I didn't know him.

"I-I can't. I'm sorry Hoseok."

He looked like he was going to cry, and I felt really bad.

"But I can try..."

I gave a light smile, and his face enlightened. I felt warm and happy whenever he smiled. Even though I probably wouldn't remember, I wanted to be able to at least try.

"I'm sorry I left you, Hyemi. You see, I went to live with dad for a while, whilst you lived with mum. Then when I finished high school, and you were 14, I moved to America. I stayed with Gran and went to college there. It was the most worst decision of my life, because as soon as I settled down, I found out you went unconscious, and you lost your memory. When I came back, I couldn't find you... I tried Hyemi, but I couldn't. I'm so sorry. Now I've found you I'm going to make you remember."

He said that some what confidentially. He gave me a huge smile, and I smiled back, finding what he said so sweet.

"Um, Hyemi, I'm sorry I've got to interupt, but I've got to go to the airport now. How about you spend the day with Hoseok instead of going to you dad's today? He could maybe introduce you to his friends... and maybe at any point, if you feel comfortable, you could maybe move in with him. He has a nice house, and I'm sure you'll like it. That's if you want to. I know that you dont feel very comfortable living with your father, but just keep that idea in mind."

My mum stood up and went to get her bags. She said goodbye as she walked out the door, leaving me and Hoseok just sat there awkwardly. Just to point out, I am an awkward person, so I do create a lot of awkward moments.

"So, Hyemi, want to go and grab an ice cream? And maybe, if your, you know, ready, you can meet your old friends from high school... maybe that'll jog your memory."

I smiled and nodded at his request.

"I'd like that very much. Um, can we at least wait until tomorrow until I meet them?"

He stood up and put a thumbs up towards me. We both grabbed our coats and headed out the door.

'This is going to be interesting...'

(A/N~ Hope you've enjoyed this chapter.... hope it wasn't too boring or too much talking. Suprising, huh? Bet you can't wait to find out who her long lost friends are... (: )

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