Chapter 4

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Me and Hoseok walked along the streets, in search of an ice cream place. I never really went out often, so I never knew anything about my hometown. After a while of searching, and finding nothing, me and Hoseok stopped off at a park. We weren't going to carry on searching for something which couldn't be found.

I sat down at the nearest bench. The afternoon breeze gave me a relaxing feeling. I closed my eyes. In my life, it's been hard to be able to forget about the world.

"Nothing has really changed about you, Hyemi."

I opened my eyes to see Hoseok sat beside me. He gave me a smile before looking down at his feet shyly. I totally forgot that I was with him.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

He chuckled, and then turned to face me.

"When you were younger, you enjoyed to be alone and to just forget about the world and everything around you. I never listened to you or paid attention to you, when you needed it the most." He stared off into the distance, with a depressed look on his face. I wanted to cut the sadness by starting a new conversation.

"So, Hopey..."

He turned to face me with his hazel brown eyes, and waited for me to speak.

"Tell me...what was I like?"

"Well... you loved to talk, a lot. I'd say you were very helpful and kind, that's why you ended up with many friends... most of them were mine. Oh yeah, just to update you, I told my friends that I found you and they can't wait to see you, especially your life long friend, we could never separate the both of you... it was crazy."

I chuckled. If Hoseok is telling the truth about me being his sister, who forgot everything, I hope this person would help me remember.

"So how's life for you now, Hyemi?" His voice was very calm and comforting, which made me relaxed.

"Well, um, I go to college now, and I enjoy it. It's a dance college, but theory is involved in it also. I like dancing... a lot. I feel like I can let out my emotions through it, and also I just generally like it. Also, I love food... especially pizza. I'm also 20 years old, and, yeah, that's my life."

He nodded.

"Well, we should be getting you to your dad's now... shouldn't we? Maybe, if you want, we could meet tomorrow. I actually live in Seoul, so I could come and pick you up, or something. Maybe, if your ready, you could meet my friends..."

I smiled and nodded.

"I would like that very much. Yeah, I think that's best we go now, my dad's probably wondering where I am."

We both stood up and walked back to mine to get my stuff, before heading to Seoul in Hoseok's car.


Hoseok's POV

"This should be where dad-"

I turned my head to look over at Hyemi, and saw her fast asleep. Strands of hair covered her face. I removed these strands and studied her face. I could feel a warm tear run down my cheek.

'I've missed you so much.'

Ever since she forgot, I was lonely, I realised that I took her for granted, I needed her. I always used to stay at my dad's house for a lot of my life, which ended up with me never seeing her. I was so stupid. I wiped the tear from my cheek and poked her gently to try and wake her up.

"Wakey, wakey. Wake up, it's time to go now."

She woke up and looked around to remember where she was. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Urghh, can I just have another minute?"

I shook my head and chuckled. She pouted and got out the car. I opened my car door and helped her with her bags.

Hyemi POV

I looked at my dad's house. It was small, it was actually unbelievable. I stood there, observing the state I was going to live in for the next 6 months. I sighed deeply as I pulled my suitcase up to the door. My father lived in a terraced house on the outskirts of Seoul. His house was made out of red bricks, and he had a unpolished brown door. You could basically say that my dad looked like he was living in poor conditions. Whenever I used to visit, he always said that there is no point in buying a lovely house, when your out all of the time.

As a stared at this place, I was starting to consider living with Hoseok, but I felt a bit of doubt about him. Even though all that doubt was building up, I also felt like I could trust him, and that he might just be my brother.

I suddenly felt a warm hand touch my shoulder. I turned to see Hoseok stood beside me, with a reassuring smile. I smiled back, and knocked confidently on the front door. It swung open, and stood there was a man dressed in a suit. His hair was all nice and neat, and he had a smile plastered across his face.

"Welcome, Hyemi." He turned to face Hoseok who was stood beside me, and his face turned neutral.

"And hello to you, Hoseok." His tone of voice was quite stern, and I didn't like it. He gestured me to come inside, but Hoseok pulled me away, and asked whether he could talk to me. I quickly said sorry to my father, and walked towards Hoseok, who was walking towards the gate entrance.

"What do you want?"

"Well, I just wanted to remind you that if you want to move in to one of my spare rooms at mine, you are more than welcome. Also, here's my number, just in case you want to meet up or talk." He passed me a small white sheet of paper and smiled.

"Oh yeah, and are you up for tomorrow to meet your old friends?" He gave me a questioning look and waited for my reply.

"I would love too. Would it be OK if you can pick me up at 11:00?"

He nodded happily and gave me one of his 'sun' smiles. We both said goodbye to each other, and he left in his car. I turned round to the door and walked in. To my suprise I saw my dad making dinner. He never makes anything, it's normally me making all the food. I smiled.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV to the news channel. My eyes widened in shock and my jaw dropped. Tears were forming in my eyes. I called my dad over, and he was shocked also.

"I'm so sorry, Hyemi. I really am."

He pulled me in for a hug. I didn't hug back, I just stood there paralysed in shock. I dug my head deep into his shoulder and cried.

'Eomma's dead'

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