Chapter 11

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Tae told me to stay in the room, whilst he went to tell the other boys what happened. A thought then sprang to my mind.

'How comes Tae and all the other boys are here all the time? Wait. Do they live here also?!'

I realised without anyone telling me that Tae did live here. It was quite obvious due to what the room I was sat in looked like. It had a few posters and a lot of picture books. I chuckled at how he still reads picture books. I turned around and looked behind me to see his bedside cabinet. There, on the cabinet, was a cute stuffed lion. I crawled over to it and picked it up. It smelled alot like Tae. That's kind of weird to say. I do not go around smelling people, that's just messed up. Due to the amount of times I've been around him, I've been able to smell his beautiful cologne.

The door clicked and I turned around to see Tae stood there with a gentle smile. As soon as he saw his lion in my hands, he rushed over to it and grabbed it off of me.

"Where did you find this?" He asked, embarrassed.

"Bedside cabinet. You never told me that you sleep with stuffed toys." I giggled. He pouted and put the lion back on the bedside cabinet, and smiled at me cheekily.

"Your brother said that you should get some rest tonight. We are planning on taking you out tomorrow, so your going to need some sleep to be ready for it. Are you ok now? Did he hurt you before?" He sat on the bed, next to me, and scanned me making sure I was ok. I poked his forehead.

"Yah! Stop looking at me." I chuckled. "I'm fine, honestly. I'm just a little bit startled still, but I'm ok." I gave him a reassuring smile as he smiled back. My eyes started to get heavy and I could feel my whole weight pulling me down.

"You look quite tired Hyemi. Let me carry you to your bed."

"No, no. I'm fine. I'll go myself."

I slowly got out of the bed and walked towards the door, with my legs following behind me. I yawned.

I was about to open the door and walk out when suddenly someone grabbed my waist and the back of my legs and lifted me up. I looked up slowly to see Tae carrying me.

"Tae, I said I could take myself up to my own bed. Put me down." I spoke with a tired voice, and I could feel myself falling asleep whilst he was carrying me. The last thing I knew, I was asleep in his arms.

Kim Taehyung's POV

I carried Hyemi through the different hallways towards her new room. She was really light, but she seemed heavy, because I was starting to feel tired too, and my energy was running out. I looked down to see her fast asleep. I smiled to myself.

'How can she look so beautiful whilst sleeping?'

Ever since I met Hyemi, I've liked her. I tried keeping it to myself in High school, because I didn't want everyone knowing, but every single day seeing her not with me made me more upset. She was always so happy and funny, and she knew how to make me smile. When we became friends, I decided that it was going to stay that way. I didn't want to ruin our strong friendship that would last forever, for something that could change everything. Love is amazing, but it doesn't last for long until it breaks. I didn't want that to happen to me and Hyemi, so I kept it that we stay good friends.

I stopped thinking when I came to Hyemi's door. I opened it and carefully walked to her bed and placed her gently on it. I wrapped her in her covers and sat on the end of the bed and looked at her. She looked so peaceful. Her face was perfect. My eyes, too, were starting to get heavy. I looked at the door then back at the bed. My room was a bit of a walk away from hers.

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