Chapter 12

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"Hoseok, this was my maths class! I can remember it now! I sat there, Jimin sat there and Tae sat there!" I pointed at the different seats.

Hoseok rushed over to me with wide eyes, and he put his hands on my shoulders.

"You're starting to remember! Yay! Can you remember anything else?"

I shook my head. I could only remember that. He sighed and brought me to a chair to sit in. All of us were seated in a circle so we could all see each other. I waited for someone to speak.

"Are we going to start story time yet?" We all turned to Jungkook, who turned quiet instantly. Hoseok then looked at me.

"Hyemi, we are going to tell you about what happened in high school. We are only going to tell the important bits because we don't want to be here forever. So I'll just go through some of the things that you should know about my friends.

You and Tae, as you already know, we're really good friends. Honestly you guys couldn't be split apart."

I looked over at Tae who had a massive rectangular smile across his face. I smiled back and then looked back at Hoseok who carried on speaking.

"Um, you didn't know Jungkook, so there's nothing really to talk about him. Sorry, Kookie, you're not going to be in this story." His smile turned into a pout to hear that he wasn't going to be in the story.

"You and Jimin... um. I'm just going to tell you now before I say anything, Jimin has changed. He's nothing like what he was before, so don't think differently of him, please. Well, Jimin was your biggest bully. There were two other boys who helped him in bullying you, one of them you've already met. That guy you saw, he was the aggressive one towards you, still is to be honest."

I shivered at the thought of him.

"Um, there was another one, and he used to be the one who used to do things mostly to you outside of school. Um... you see, I never knew about them bullying you, because you never told anyone. Jimin and everyone would normally do it to you away from me. I'm sorry I never found out. One day, though, Jimin felt bad for what he did, and he told me everything. I then took action and the two boys got kicked out of school. They said they'd get payback one day, so we have to be careful."

I nodded, a bit confused, but I understood it enough. I looked over at Jimin who had his head down, and he was playing with his blue jumper.

"I understand. You don't have to feel bad Jimin, as soon as I remember, I will forget it straight away for you." I gave him a gentle smile as he looked at me with happy eyes.

"Thanks, Hyemi."

We all turned back to Hoseok, who was waiting for us to finish our little conversation.

"I'm just trying to think, is there anything else we could tell her?" Everybody, except from me and Jungkook, rubbed their chins as if they were thinking. Tae shot his hand up, like we were in a class.

"I know! I know!"

Hoseok rolled his eyes and nodded at him. Tae smiled and sat in a more comfortable position before starting.

"Well, there was this time when you nearly..." He was paused when Hoseok kicked his leg. I sat there, a bit puzzled. Hoseok ruffled the back of his hair and looked at me.

"As Tae was saying, um, y-you tried to commit suicide, Hyemi. Tae stopped you though."

I gasped.

'Me? Commit suicide? What? I would never do that?!'

I sat with my eyes widened, shocked and a bit taken aback at what he just said.

"Hyemi, I'm sorry for saying that, b-but it is true. Tae was following you that night, to make sure those bullies didn't do anything to you. He was there to protect you, but he realised that you turned a different direction then you normally turned, and he got a bit confused. I was at an after school club that night, so I wasn't there to walk with you. You didn't know he was there. Y-you went to a building and yeah... Tae stopped you from doing it. He changed your mind. He made you see the better things in life. After that day, you guys became the inseparable friends ever."

I held my head low, still a bit shocked about my trying to commit suicide. I decided to speak after a while of just sitting there.

"Um, how did I loose my memory?"

"I don't actually know what happened, only our mum knew, you might remember what happened though, when you get your memory back."

I nodded. I needed to pee.

"Hoseok, can I go to the bathroom?"

"Uh, yeah. Tae will lead you to the toilets, whilst us guys will head out and get some food to eat for lunch." I smiled and stood up. Tae stood behind me as I opened the door. I watched as Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok left, leaving me and Tae together.

"The toilets are this way."

We walked down the many different hallways, just chatting, until we reached the main hallway. I saw the girls bathroom and rushed to it. I did my business and stood in front of the mirror. My phone vibrated. I picked it up and read the message.

From Unknown:

Hey, it is Tae. Your brother gave me your number. I have just quickly gone to the toilet also. I may take a while because the boys toilet in the main hallway are out of use, I have gone all the way down to the bottom of the school. Wait for me. :)


To Tae:

That's fine. I will wait for you. Don't take too long

I smiled at my phone and put it back into my pocket. I opened the bathroom door and walked out. I waited outside of it with my back against the wall. I turned on my phone and played a few games, until the wind brushed against my face. I looked up to see a man walk by, towards the entrance of the school, which was far away. At first, I thought it was Tae, but then I realised it wasn't.

I scrutinised my eyes and slowly walked towards this man.

'Who is he?'

Suddenly my mouth did something I did not agree with.


He turned around to reveal his face. He had black hair and sparkling brown eyes. He cracked a smirk across his face.

"Hyemi, long time, no see."

(A/N Note~ Hope you've enjoyed it so far. Please comment whether you think I'm doing good with this story so far, or whether it needs improving. I'm really worried people are reading it and thinking it's boring. PLEASE COMMENT!! Saranghae! !! <3)

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