Chapter 10

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Kim Taehyung POV

Jimin came rushing into the room as I was relaxing on my bed. He was breathing in heavily, trying to gain back his breath. I ignored him and put my head on my pillow and started to close my eyes.

"Listen, listen. I heard Hyemi speaking on her phone, to her friend, and she talked about her mum passing away."

I sat up and choked on my sylava with my eyes widened.

"Mwo? Jinja?"

My mind was everywhere.

'Why didn't she tell me? Is she ok?'

All that could be heard after that was a sound of footsteps outside of our room.

It was Hyemi's.

We both looked at each other wide eyed as we both quickly rushed out room. We followed the sound of the footsteps, which led us to the lounge. We saw Hoseok and Jin watching TV.

"Did you by any chance see anyone running past? Maybe Hyemi..." I spoke with a concerned voice. They shook their heads as Jin started heading towards the kitchen. He stopped.

"Well, to be honest, I think I might have seen Hyemi run out the door... yeah. She did."

My heart skipped a beat. Me and Jimin quickly ran out the front door in search of her. We couldn't find her anywhere. Until we heard screaming.

Hyemi POV

My heart was pounding against my chest as I saw this person stood in front of me. I was able to see his facial features more clearly now, even though it was dark outside. He had brown hair and brown eyes, and looked around my age. He somehow had a recognisable face, probably from the amount of K-Drama's I've been watching.

"Nice to meet you." His cold voice echoed throughout my mind. He smirked.

I was frozen. My legs were shaking. Something about this guy made me feel uneasy. I wanted to run, but I couldn't. I gulped as he took a step closer to me, making us a metre apart.

"I-I've got t-to be g-going now."

I turned around and started to walk at a quick pace. I didn't want to run, because it would seem weird. I then heard a set of footsteps behind me. I quickly looked around to see the man following me. I started to loose my breath because I was that scared.

A hand grabbed onto my wrist. I knew it was his. I don't know where it came from, but I screamed. Louder than ever.

"L-let go of me!" I tried to get out of his tight grasp. It failed.

He pulled me towards a dark alleyway.


I could feel my heart pounding more faster against my chest. My mind was confused and scared. I didn't know what to do. There was nothing I could do. I screamed again.

Next thing I knew, my back was slammed against a wall as a hand cupped my mouth.

"Don't worry, Princess, I'm not gonna do anything to you. Well maybe if you don't behave, I will. Just relax." He took his hand away from my mouth, still holding onto my wrist.

"W-what do you want?"

"You." He smirked.

"I'm gonna take you with me, and your gonna do everything I say. OK? If you don't, you'll be in big trouble."

I stood with my eyes widened. I couldn't reply back, I was too scared. I breathed in heavily.

"I-I want t-to go home." I could feel a tear run down my cheek. I thinking about everything now. Hoseok, Tae, my dad. I'll never be able to see them again.

"You ain't going anywhere. I'll look after you." He chuckled and brought his face closer to mine. I tried to wriggle out of his grip, so he wouldn't be so close to me, but he tightened it, making me wince in pain.

"You won't need anyone else."

He brought me out of the alleyway, still holding onto my wrist. He lead me to a black car, that was parked outside of a mini shop. I wriggled and tried to get out of his grasp. It worked.

He accidentally let go, and he cursed under his breath. This was my time to run. I turned around and pelted back where I came from. I turned around the different streets. I could hear him shouting, shouting for me to come back. I ran faster. I was afraid, afraid that he would catch me up. I kept my head up until I recognised two similar faces. My legs rushed over to them. I could tell they were looking for me, because they had sweat amongst their foreheads.

I ran over to Tae and embraced him in a tight hug. He hugged me back as tears were running down my cheeks. I heard Tae's low voice.

"Are you ok? What happened? I heard you scream." I quickly looked behind my shoulder to see nobody there. He was gone.

I looked up to Tae, unable to speak. I could feel Jimin's arm wrap around my waist.

"Let's get you home." I nodded. I needed to go home.


Tae sat me on the couch as Jungkook went to get me a glass of water. He handed me the glass, as I sipped it, before putting it on the coffee table. All 7 boys were sat in the lounge. They all looked at me with worried faces, eager to find out what happened. Tae sat next to me, and wrapped his arm around my waist. I liked it when he did that, but right now I wasn't thinking about that. I was thinking about the man who tried to kidnap me, but in in a different way.

'What was he going to do with me? Why was me and Tae hiding from him at the start?'

My thoughts were disturb when Tae spoke.

"Hyemi, are you ok? Are you going to tell us what happened?"

Hoseok then stood up and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'm not a good brother at all." I held my head low, not being able to say anything.

"I-is it o-ok if I tell T-Tae first, then he can tell you guys if he wants to?"

Everybody nodded, happy that I finally spoke. Tae grabbed onto my wrist and led me to the room where I saw him... well yeah. He sat me on the bed and he sat in front of me, so we were facing each other.

"Tell me..." I started to fiddle with my fingers. I looked up to see him with a worried and 'I want to know' face.

"W-well remember that g-guy we hid from before..." His eyes widened as he nodded slowly.

"Well he found me, and he took me down this alleyway a-and said something about him looking after me and I have to do everything he says. After he talked about all that, h-he led me to his car. He was about to take me with him, until he accidentally loosened his grip, and I ran. Then I found you." I spoke really fast, probably because I was replaying that moment in my head and I was scared as hell. I looked up to see Tae sat with his head down. He looked up and pulled me in for a big hug. I hugged back as tears flowed down my cheeks. I may not know him, but I missed him and I feel safe with him.

"I'm sorry I let you go. I should've been there for you, always. I will look after you. I will stay by your side. Forever."

He broke the hug and smiled at me warmly.

"W-who was he Tae?" He gulped.

"I think we all need to tell you something, about your past. T-that guy was you High School bully, and so was someone else. He's in this house right now." My eyes widened. I had an idea of who it might have been.


(A/N~ Hope you have enjoyed it so far. I'm sorry for the lateness of this chapter... I'm on holiday, so I am trying my best right now. Anyways, THANKS FOR READING!!)

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