Chapter 15

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My heart pounded faster against my chest. I knew who it was so I didn't turn around. My body froze as I heard the door lock. The next thing I felt was a hand on my shoulder. He leaned in so his mouth was by my ear.

"I told you that I'd get you back, didn't I?" I could feel him smirk as he sat in front of me. I stood up and put my hair behind my ears and totally ignored him. I walked towards the door and managed to unlock it before he grabbed me and threw me on the bed.

"YAH! What are you doing?!"

"Doing what I have been wanting to do for a long time."

He walked towards me at a slow pace whilst I sat paralysed. I was starting to regret everything. Letting Hoseok take me to the High school, moving out of my dads house. It was all a mistake.

He sat next to me and caressed my face with his hand. I slapped it away and instantly my face turned angry. I gave him a death glare and quickly went to stand up to walk towards the door when he pulled me down back onto the bed. He gripped onto my wrist tight which made me wince in pain.


"Never, my little princess. Looks like someone is playing hard to get."

My blood was boiling and I could feel myself getting angrier by every second that passed. However how angry I was though, fear was present too. It made me turn weak, motionless and vulnerable.

Jeonghyun moved in closer so our faces were inches apart. I tried with all my strength to struggle myself out from his grip, but it didn't work. I moved my head back, trying to keep a distance between us, however he kept on moving forward.

I didn't like it. I wanted him far away from me. I didn't like what he was doing. I couldn't say anything. My mouth was sown shut. Our faces were so close, I couldn't speak, let alone breathe.

"Just let me go, Jeonghyun!" I could feel a tear run down my cheek as I was thinking about what could happen. He ignored me. He gave me a smirk and was about to kiss me when the door opened.

"Hyemi, um I-... WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!"

His eyes darted straight towards Jeonghyun, who moved away from me. I watched as Jaesong rushed over to him and grabbed him.

"You promised you wouldn't touch her! How could you?! We agreed that we wouldn't do anything to her and we just use her to get revenge! You bastard! You are never to touch her again! Here me, Jeonghyun? From now on, she is going to be looked after by me. You just stay away from her, you playboy." His voice echoed throughout the room.

Jeonghyun shrugged him off and stomped out of the room and slammed the door. Jaesong stood still and took a deep breath and closed his eyes, before looking at me with a calm expression.

"I'm sorry, Hyemi. I honestly didn't know. I'll make sure he doesn't touch you again. Actually, I am sorry about everything. I shouldn't have used you for revenge. I promise that tomorrow I will take you back to your brother. I would take you today, but firstly I think you need some sleep, and secondly your brother lives a while away. I think it'd be best if you lock the door tonight to be safe. Do you want anything to eat at all?"

I shook my head. He nodded and smiled before leaving the room. Out of nowhere, a smile was finally able to appear on my face. I'm going home! I felt like I could trust him now, even though he did take me away from Hoseok. I felt a warm comfort to know I would see my friends again. Even though it was only 3:00 in the afternoon, I decided that I was tired and that I definitely needed some rest. I remembered Jaesong's reminder, and locked the door, before I tucked myself under the quilts and drifted off into a floating dream.


I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes.

'I must've slept all night long'

I sat up and stretched then yawned. I removed the quilts and slowly gathered my stuff together. I walked out the door and down the stairs. Thankfully Jeonghyun was not to be seen, which made me glad, because I would've killed him by now. In the kitchen, Jaesong sat eating breakfast, and gestured for me to have some. I agreed and sat down and helped myself to cereal. Silence filled the air.

"We are going to be leaving straight away, so nothing happens to stop me from doing so. Jeonghyun has gone out somewhere, so he won't bother you from now on. Are you ready to leave?"

I finished the remainders of my cereal and nodded. We both stood up and walked towards the door. We got in his black car and drove off. I distracted myself from the awkward atmosphere by looking out the window. After a few minutes of winding round different streets, he stopped the car. He turned towards me.

"I'm sorry, Hyemi. Please tell Jimin that I forgive him. It was my fault coming to think of it, everything was my fault. Guess I'll see you around then? Goodbye."

I gave him a smile and got out the car. I heard the car drive away behind me as I stood in front of Hoseok's house.

'Should I go in? Thinking about it now, I don't think I'm ready for it. To be reminded of things I do not remember at all. Hyemi, just do it.'

I took in a deep breath and walked towards the front door. I lifted my fist up, about to knock, but the door flung open before I could do so. Next thing that happened was a pair of arms wrapped around me and hugged me tightly. I stood there, suffocating to death. He let go of me and looked into my eyes.

"Hyemi, you're safe. Are you ok? What happened? Did they do anything to you?" He pulled me in for another gentle hug, before letting go. He then grabbed my wrist and brought me through the house.

In the lounge, all the boys sat the with glum faces and their heads down. Hoseok shouted that I was here, and all the boys shot up and ran towards me. They all hugged me tightly and told me how much they missed me, and asked whether I was ok. Tae waited for a chance to hug me on my own. Once all the boys let go of me, he gave me a smile and hugged me. I hugged him back, glad to see him again. He finished the hug and looked at me, checking for any signs of anything.

"I am so sorry Hyemi. I have been such a bad friend. I should have been there for you. I am sorry. I can understand if you don't want to talk to me or anything. I just want you to know that it was all my fault." I looked at him then cleared my throat.

"It was my fault. You shouldn't be sorry, I should. I'm sorry that I took you for granted, and that I always make a mess of people's lives. I have only been in this house for like 2 days and I have already been beaten up, nearly kidnapped one time, then I did get kidnapped," I sighed, "It was my fault. Don't blame yourself."

He looked at me with sad eyes.

"From now on I will dedicate my life to protect you. This is a promise I will not break, and I promise that. I will look after you and cherish you like you are priceless. I will make sure you never have any bad days, and if you do, I will make them better. I will be your best friend, and your protector."

I smiled. He then leant in and unexpectedly kissed my cheek. I stood frozen. I don't think he was planning it either because his eyes were widened also. I could here the boys in the background teasing him, but I just ignored it, so did he. We were lost in each others gaze. His eyes twinkled like stars, they were beautiful. Suddenly, like a flicker of light, I remembered.

"Kim Taehyung?"

I gasped.

"I remember."

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