Chapter 17

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I choked on my sylava and sat up straight.

"Mwo? Is this some kind of joke? I don't understand."

"Please, Hyemi. You see her parents like really like me, and they want me to get back with her, like for forever... but I really don't like her, at all. Please. I need you right now. Pretty please..." He begged at me whilst revealing his puppy eyes. I sat and thought about it, then looked over at Tae who was waiting for my answer.

"Urgh, fine. Because you are my friend I will. One thing though, no physical contact or anything like that."

"Contact? Could I just hold your hand at least, or something like that? Her parents won't believe me if we don't." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Ok, that's fine. What about what I am wearing though? I look like a zombie."

He flashed a smile and reached his spare hand, whilst driving, behind himself, in the spare seats. He brought out a bag.

"I picked out a dress for you. I think it would suit you. I didn't really know your size, so, um, I kind of went to your wardrobe and checked... sorry about that. Anyway it should hopefully fit you."

He passed the bag over to me and smiled.

'He has no idea of the word privacy, does he?"

I grabbed the bag.

"How am I gonna get changed into this?"

"That's why we have come here."

He stopped the car. I looked through the window to see the town centre. Not far away, we're some bathrooms. I quickly hopped out the car and walked towards the toilets.

When I got in, I went in a cubicle. I got out the dress, and it looked really nice. It was royal blue, and it was nice and wavy at the bottom. He also provided me with a white laced cardigan, which really went well, and he also bought some white flats. I never knew that he was good with picking out clothes.

I put on the dress and realised that it was quite short on me. The length was probably in the middle of my hip and my knees. I tried pulling it down to make it the tiniest bit longer, but it wouldn't work. I was just going to have to make sure I didn't bend down or anything whilst I am at their house. I put on my shoes and the cardigan, and then put my old clothes in the bag and left the toilets.

Tae was sat in the car waiting for me. I opened the back seat door and threw the bag of clothes in, then went to go and sit in the passenger's seat. I tried, without him realising, pulling the dress down a bit, so it didn't show much of my legs. It didn't really work at all, so I just left it.

Tae sat still, not even turning the engine on. I looked over at him and realised that he was scanning me, head to toe. I looked at him and told him to stop, and to just turn the car on and go. However he decided to start talking... again.

"I am very good with picking out clothes. You look really pretty in that. Blue suits you, you know. I feel so proud of myself right now." He took in a deep breath of joy and started the engine, then took one last look at me.

"Are you ready to be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him then shyly looked down.

"Just for today, then yes... I think."


We stopped at a house, which was very posh. It was absolutely massive. It was bigger than Hoseok's and had an amazing exterior. It looked the same as Hoseok's place. It was pure white and had carvings on the walls.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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