Chapter 16

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I bounced up and down.

"I remember Kim Taehyung!"

My mind was filled with all the memories of my previous life. High school, home, friends, everything. I smiled widely and excitedly hugged Tae. He layed his head on my shoulder and I could feel him smile.

"You're back. You are such a cheeky pabo for forgetting me. Aish! You don't even realise how much I missed you. I am glad you're back Hyemi." He looked at me and smiled before poking my forehead playfully.

My eyes scurried through all the different figures stood in front of me. Then me eyes fell upon my almost crying brother. I could also, myself, feel tears forming in my eyes as I ran and hugged him.

"I love you Hopey. I am sorry I forgot you. You are an amazing brother. Thanks for finding me in the end."

We released the hug and smiled at each other. As thoughts and memories were still collecting up in my head, my eyes turned to Jimin who didn't seem as happy. I slowly walked over to him, and his eyes lifted up from the floor and into my eyes.

"You know even though I remember, I still forgive you. I promised it, and secondly the fact that you told me in the end, not caring whether you would get judged, is why also." He smiled at me warmly.

"I still am sorry. I will make it up to you somehow. I promise."

I nodded and smiled and turned to everyone else and gave them a smile and bowed. Yoongi rubbed the back of his head.

"Wouldn't you think it's best if we had your number, just in case, you know, something happens again." Everyone nodded in agreement. I ran over to my bag and then realised that I didn't have my phone with me. I remembered that Jeonghyun took the battery, and that I left the phone itself at Jaesong's place.

I turned around awkwardly and gave a fake smile.

"Um, I don't have my phone, I must've left it at the High School or something. It's gone." I lied. They all took it and sighed then Tae jumped in excitement.

"Lets go to the mall and get you a new one then!"

Hoseok looked over to Tae.

"She isn't going out. She blimmin just got kidnapped you weirdo, and you expect her to face the world again?" Jin being the 'mum' of the friends, stepped in.

"Hoseok, why doesn't Tae go out with her to the mall whilst I will bake a cake for her remembering everything? Tae will look after her, he won't let anyone touch her. This is his time to redeem himself. Just let him go." Hoseok rubbed his forehead and let out a deep breath.

"Fine. Don't let anyone touch her. Got it? And come straight back after, ok?"

Tae nodded, still eager to set out. He jumped around and got the keys to set off in the car with. I looked down at what I was wearing and realised that I was still in the clothes Jeonghyun gave me last night.

"Um, Tae, I think I am gonna get changed first." I turned to head up the stairs when he grabbed me and pulled me out the door.

"You look fine just like that. Come on, let's go, stop being such a diva. I want to shop." I rolled my eyes and hurried to the car.

Since I remembered everything, I still have mixed feelings towards him. We were really good friends, but somehow I feel further apart from him. I sighed and shrugged off the feeling before getting into the car.

Tae turned on the engine and chuckled.

"To the mall we go!"


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