"I'm home!" I yelled as I kicked off my shoes. It was now the middle of September. It had been 2 months since I had left the X-Factor.
"Hey sweetie. Make sure you get started on that homework!" My mom called from the living room. Ever since I started my sophomore year I had twice as much homework. I was taking all honors classes and I was a year ahead in math. I walked up to my room and changed my clothes. I did this everyday I got home. I changed into a pair of black pajama shorts and an oversized t shirt. I opened up my math book and smiled. I was weird I loved doing math homework. I pulled out my calculator and started on my functions book. As I worked I played one direction. Their music always seemed to help me focus more. Just as I was finishing the last 2 problems my mom came running up to room.
"Alice! Simon Cowell is sitting in our living room and wants to talk to you." She said I felt my whole body freeze.
"You're a liar mom." I said turning back to my math book.
"Alice I'm being dead serious." She said looking me in the eye.
"Let's go sweetie get up!" She said snapping her fingers in my face. I stood up and threw my text book against the wall hearing a loud thump. I tried to calm my self down as I walked through the house.
"Hi Mr. Cowell." I said walking in.
"Hi Alice. So I wanted to come talk to you about an opportunity for you." He said looking at me. I nodded my head to tell him to keep going. "Now since I wanted you so badly to continue on I have decided to sign you to my record label. Now I don't do this for everyone but there is something about you that is very promising." He said smiling at me.
"No way this is amazing! Of course I would love to sign with you!" I said smiling there was no way this was happening.
"Wonderful. Now Alice how would you feel about being the opening act for One Direction's tour. 5 Seconds of Summer had to back out of the tour due to complicated scheduling." He asked that's when I froze in my spot. This must be a joke.
"Are you joking?" I asked trying not to scream.
"Alice this is very serious I don't joke about business. Now would you like to open for them or not?" He asked.
"Yes of course I would!" I said smiling that's when I heard my mom clear her throat.
"Simon I'm still in shock but Alice is only a sophomore. She is still working to graduate high school. What is suppose to happen with her school work?" My mom asked of course she would worry about school.
"Ms. Doran I was planing on hiring a tutor for Alice. She will work one on one with her in all the subjects." Simon said talking to my mom.
"How long is this tour and where does it go?" She asked.
"It last about 7 months. We travel through the United States first then move on to Europe, Australia, and a few other small countries. We do take breaks in between locations so she won't be over worked." He said.
"I don't know I mean Alice is only 15. She's going to be away for home for such a long time, and with 5 crazed teenage boys. I'm just not sure." My mom said.
"Ms. Doran Alice will have her own bus separate from the boys, we will make sure she is well taken care of, also of she gets home sick we can fly you out to us." He said putting his hand on my mom's knee.
"Mom please this can be life changing for me. I have been dreaming of this since I was 8! Please mom!" I said begging her with pleading eyes.
"I suppose. But I want to know exactly happens on the tour busses. I don't want any of those boys taking advantage of her Simon." She said.

15 and Famous- One Direction fanfic
FanfictionI'm Alice Doran and I'm 15. My dream is to one day become famous and sell out Madison Square Garden and top the charts. So I do the only thing I can think of. I audition for X-Factor to hope and become famous. But nothing seems to go as I planned an...