Liam's P.O.V
"Lads you ready to go to the dock?" Zayn asked walking into our hotel suite. We were now I'm Australia, and it had been a month since we left Europe. This was out last month of tour and we wanted to end it big. We had all been able to see our families which was amazing.
"Yeah do we need to go get Alice?" Harry asked.
"No she called me this morning she is going back to London." Louis said.
"Wait what?!" I asked. I had no idea why Alice left for London.
"Yeah she said she had to go to a meeting and that she'd be back in two days. She refused to tell me what it was about though." Louis said.
"Why didn't she tell me!" I yelled as I started to pace. Alice was like my little sister. I hadn't let her leave my side in the past month in fear that something bad might happen to her.
"Calm down Liam she's with uncle Simon. She'll be back in two days." Harry said rolling his eyes at me.
"Whatever lets just get to the dock." Niall said walking through the room. Alice and Niall still haven't made up and they seem to always be avoiding each other.
"Yeah let's go." Zayn said breaking the silence.
Once we pulled up to the docks we could already see paparazzi waiting to rent boats of their own. We couldn't even get a relaxing day with out them being there.
"This is stupid." Louis said looking at all the people.
"Just relax and smile. We are almost to the boat and we can relax." Harry said as our boat finally came into view. We each walked up the plank to the boat and put our stuff down in the living room.
"I'm gonna lay on the deck and get sun." Zayn said taking the steps to the top deck.
"I wanna try fishing again. Liam you up for it?" Harry asked me with a cheeky smile on his face.
"Yeah of course." I said as Harry and I headed towards the side deck where they kept the fishing poles. This should be interesting.
Alice's P.O.V
~2 days later~
As I walked off the jet Paul was already there waiting for me.
"Hello Alice. How was London?" He asked taking my duffle bag from my hand.
"Cold and wet." I mumbled as I climbed in the passenger seat of the escalade.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I think the boys want to take you on the boat tomorrow. Maybe that'll cheer you up." Paul said pulling out of the private parking lot. I just nodded my head and grabbed my headphones from my pocket. I hadn't slept in 3 days I doubt I'll be able to get up for a boat trip tomorrow.
"You call me up. Its like a broken record. You tell me that your heart hurts..." One of my favorite songs by 5 Seconds of Summer started playing. I slowly felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier as the song went on. I guess I should go to sleep for this 3 hour long car ride.
"Alice wake up." Paul said generally shaking me awake. I sat up and yawned. Paul helped me out of the car so I didn't fall and handed me my bag.
"You are in suite 1005 next to the boys in the 24 floor. I'll see you tomorrow before you go on the boat trip. Why don't you go get some more sleep." Paul said handing me a plastic card and gave me a small hug before getting back into the car. I turned towards the large building. I guess I should go see the boys first and explain why I had an emergency meeting with Simon.
I stepped off the elevator and found room 1004 and knocked. the door opened to reveal a sleepy looking Zayn.
"Alice!" He yelled pulling me in for a hug.
"Hi Zayn." I said. When he let me go he started laughing.
"What?" I asked.
"You got a little dried drool on your cheek." Zayn said laughing. I wiped me cheek as we walked farther into the suite.
"So why did you go to London?" He asked.
"That's why I'm here where are the other boys?" I asked.
"Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam! Come here!" Zayn yelled and soon I heard footsteps coming from different directions.
"Alice!" Liam yelled pulling me into a tight hug.
"Hi." I said kissing his cheek.
"Why'd you leave?" He asked letting me go.
"I'll tell you. Let's sit." I said walking towards the living room and catching my reflection in a mirror. My purple plaid pajama pants were hanging loose around my hips, my shirt was falling off one shoulder, my hair was all over the place, and I had dark circles under my eyes.
"So I got some news the other day and I had to go talk to Simon about my finances." I said looking down at my hands.
"What's wrong with your finances you're 16." Louis said.
"Well I needed to transfer a lot of money from my account to another account. Actually it was my mom's account." I said trying to fight the tears.
"Why does your mom need your money?" I heard Harry asked.
"She just found out that she has cancer. They think they might have found it too late. They said that if she could get the money for a lot of chemo then she might have a chance. So I had to transfer all that money over to account to try and save her." I said as a few tears fell from my eyes. I looked up and saw all the guys had shocked faces. I think I even saw a few tears fall from their eyes.
"I-is she going to be alright?" Niall asked looking at me concerned. I think this is the first time he's showed an emotion towards me that wasn't hatred in months.
"I-I don't know and I'm really scared. I don't want to loose her." I said finally letting myself crack. I had tried so hard not to break down crying but now I lost it. I brought my knees up to my chest and sobbed into them. I felt 5 hands fall to my back as they tried to reassure me that everything would be fine but I knew that it might not be. I just couldn't handle this.

15 and Famous- One Direction fanfic
FanficI'm Alice Doran and I'm 15. My dream is to one day become famous and sell out Madison Square Garden and top the charts. So I do the only thing I can think of. I audition for X-Factor to hope and become famous. But nothing seems to go as I planned an...